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1、ThemeGalleryPowerTemplate,上海市电梯行业协会SHANGHAI ELEVATOR TRADE ASSOCIATION,,目录 Contents,简介 INTRODUCTION,上海市电梯协会成立于1988年8月。 2003年3月正式更名为上海市电梯行业协会(英文 SHANGHAI ELEVATOR TRADE ASSOCIATION.缩写为SETA)。上海市电梯行业协会会员有来自电梯制造、安装、维保公司及大专院校、建筑设计、房地产业、物业管理、政府部门等单位组成,共有会员单位288家。Established in Aug 1988, Shanghai El

2、evator Association has been formally renamed to Shanghai Elevator Trade Association (SETA) in March, 2003. SETAs members are more than 288 which are from elevator manufacture, installation, repair & maintenance companies, universities, colleges, architectural design, real estate industry, property a

3、dministration and government departments and so on. 上海市电梯行业协会是以认真贯彻政府法规、法令,维护本行业的利益,推动本行业的技术发展,提升本行业的协作水平。奉行以服务为宗旨,克守公正、公平、公开的原则,以求实的态度为服务工作的理念。团结全体会员单位,做好政府和行业之间、会员与会员之间的桥梁和纽带作用。 SETA aims at implementing the government rules and regulations, statues earnestly, promoting the development of industry

4、 technology, enhancing the industry synergy. Association is always in consistent pursuit of good service, principle of just, fair, public and practical service philosophy. We are trying every effort to solidify the member companies and to be the bridge between government and elevator industry, and b

5、etween association members.,政府与电梯行业、企业之间的钢铁桥梁 Bridge between Government, Industry and Companies,组织机构 ORGANIZATION,会员代表大会 MEMBER CONGRESS,理事会 COUNCIL,秘书处 SECRETARIAT,办公室 OFFICE,培训部 TRAINING,传媒部 MEDIA,会员 MEMBERS,电梯安装维保企业 Elevator installation, repair & maintenance companies 53%,电梯配件企业 Elevator compone

6、nts companies 24%,其他 Others11%,288会员 MEMBERS,电梯安装企业 Elevator manufacturing companies 12%,部门职责 DEPARTMENT DUTIES,传媒部MEDIA,培训部TRAINING,办公室OFFICE,会员单位的发展与管理; Development & administration of members 企业政府及相关部门的桥梁; Link between enterprises and government and relative departments 拓展会员单位的超值服务 Added value se

7、rvice for members 各地协会、商会的联席互动 Connection and events between relative associations and Chamber of Commerce.,上海电梯 Shanghai Elevator (magazine) 上海埃略凡特文化传播广告 Shanghai Elevator DM (magazine) 上海电梯网 Website,举办电梯新技术、新产品、新工艺的讲座; Training of elevator new technology, products and crafts 对从事电梯安装、维保、监理人员进行资质培训;

8、 Training of elevator installation, repair & maintenance. supervision qualifications 不断探索培训的新思路、新方法; Implement joint training and explore the new methods and approaches,理念 ORGANIZATION CULTURE,激情 自信Passionate Confident,创新 协作Innovative Cooperative,韧劲 向上Persistent Upbeat,服务第一,开创未来 BEST SERVICE, BRIGHT

9、 FUTURE,SERVICE,秘书处功能 FUNCTION,2009 Annual Meeting of Elevator Components, Installation, Repair & Maintenance Committees,Symposium on Elevators and Shanghai Municipal Economic Residence Building,No.4 Annual Member Meeting of Shanghai Elevator Trade Association,Pact of Cooperation between Elevator As

10、sociations in Yangtze River Delta Region,世博系列活动 World Expo Series Events,上海市电梯行业协会统计:34家会员单位向世博会提供电梯设备682台,电梯441台,241台自动扶梯,需要配置人员299人、车辆14台。世博园周边上万台,整个上海12.5万台。 According to SETA statistics, there are 34 SETA members provide elevator&escalators for world expo with 682 in total among which 441 elevat

11、ors and 241 escalators 世博对我们电梯行业提出了新的挑战:在安保、环境、形象、反应速度等的要求都是前所未有的。 The requirements of world expo for elevator industry this time is unprecedented challenging in terms of security, environment,image and responding speed and so on. 15分钟应急响应机制和日检周保制度,加强日常巡视,确保世博期间电梯安全“零”故障运行。 15 minutes reponding spee

12、d and daily checkup, weekly inspection ensure the “0”breakdown during the world expo,世博电梯保驾护航的重要性 Importance of Safeguard of Elevators for World Expo,1,2,3,4,参加世博保驾的各企业拟定在世博期间“迎世博、服务世 博”的方案. Elevator companies do the plan for world expo,协会于2月底前拟定“迎世博、服务世博”系列活动倡议书SETA draft the suggestions of “world

13、expo” series events by the end of Februry,3月形成各企业组织的应急预案,以规范指导整个世 博期间的电梯保驾和日常维护保养 Form the emergency scheme in March,4月份组织各企业参保人员的日常保养、应急 处理、世博园区行为规范的培训 Organize relative persons training in April,世博系列活动World Expo Series Events,5,组织各相关企业利用各种形式和方法,定期或不定期检查日常电梯设备运行情况和维修保养状况 Organize the checkup of ele

14、vator regularly or irregularly,6,8,9,定期召开沟通协调会议,进行系列评比活动,表彰先进,广泛宣传,鼓舞士气 Hold the routine coordination meeting and competition,年底前,协会会同相关政府部门对19家参与世博电梯保驾护航的电梯企业的服务表现开展评比,对优胜者给予鼓励 Organize the competition and encourage the winners,举办“迎世博,城市让生活更美好、企业风采”摄影艺术邀请赛,拍精彩照片,赢世博门票 Hold the photograph competitio

15、n with the world expo tickets as awards,7,利用协会的杂志、网站等媒体在行业内外广泛宣传“迎世博,服务世博”系列活动各方面情况 Use the magazine and website to broadcast events,世博系列活动World Expo Series Events,增值服务 ADDED VALUE SERVICE,至今投保人数6496余人,投保额约1527395万元,投保的企业58家 Covers 58 companies for 6496 persons,with total amount of 1527395 yuan RMB,

16、团购保险,集体收益,安全有保障 Group purchase insurance in order to help companies to realize the maximum security guarantee with minimum cost,保险 INSURANCE,编制电梯主要部件判废地方标准Compose Elevator Main Components Obsoleting Standard,为确保电梯安全、稳定运行,强化对在用电梯监督管理,将特种设备安全监察条例中的“无改造、维修价值”的原则性结论进行量化,上海市电梯行业协会邀请了本市电梯界的多位专家已着手编制电梯主要部件

17、判废地方标准。 In order to ensuring the elevator security and operation and improving the administration,SETA has invited experts to compose the Elevator Main Components Obsoleting Standard,媒体平台 MEDIA,三大媒体打造全方位的服务平台 Combination of three media outlets is the broadcast platform to strengthen our service,网站We

18、bsite,上海埃略凡特文化传播广告DM,上海电梯Shanghai Elevator,服务流程 SERVICE FLOW,提升服务,为会员创造更多商机 Enhance Service Create More Business Opportunities for Our Members,统计反馈改进Feedback Improvements,了解需求 量身定制方案Communication Customized Solution,跟踪服务Evaluation Analysis,广告设计 文章撰写 Planning Marketing,杂志 MAGAZINE,配件企业 Components com

19、panies,整梯企业 Elevator companies,安装维保企业Installation ,repair &maintenance companies,房地产公司 Real estate companies,物业公司 Property administration,国际知名公司及其他 Top brands and others,0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%,12%,6%,46%,27%,5%,4%,杂志遍及各领域,发行量达15000册 Magazine is popular in all relative fields, which amounts to 15000

20、 issues,杂志 MAGAZINE,1988,1998,2009,Future,550,1000,15000,网站 WEBSITE(Chinese),,网站 WEBSITE(English),,电梯配件目录 COMPONENT DIRECTORY,培训 TRAINING,电梯工程监理Elevator engineering supervision 电梯质量监督人员Elevator quality supervisor 电梯安装维修Elevator installation & repair qualification,培训TRAINING,江苏省建湖

21、第二职业高级中学联合办学 Joint training with Jiangsu Jianhu No.2 Vocational Secondary School 寻求更多教育培训合作项目 Seek more cooperation in education and training,电梯实验塔Elevator Experiment Tower,开拓海外市场 EXPLORE OVERSEAS,配件企业 COMPONENTS COMPANIES,新梯销售ELEVATOR,维修保养REPAIR& MAINENANCE,旧梯改造 旧楼加装MODERNIZATION,旧梯改造市场潜力巨大 Huge Po

22、tential Market for Modernization,教育培训TRAINING,发掘更多商机 MORE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES,市场定位 MARKET POSITIONING,海外开拓渠道 EXPLORE OVERSEAS,国外有关协会商会合作交流 Cooperate with association and chamber of commerce,国内国外的有关媒体合作 Cooperate with overseas magazine and media,国内外的电梯专业贸易平台合作 Cooperate with overseas trading platf

23、orm,国外电梯企业保持沟通,探求国外市场需求 Contact with overseas companies to seek their needs,联合海外代理商 Cooperate with overseas agents,海外市场 拓展渠道 OVERSEAS EXPLORATION,走向海外 GO OVERSEAS,为我们会员开拓更多的商机 Go overseas to explore the business opportunity for our members,杂志Magazine: 英文版English Version 日文版Japanese Version,安排与国外电梯行业

24、互动交流访问活动,组织会员参加国际展览会 Exchange with overseas associations and organize members to participate International Elevator & Escalator Exhibition,展望未来 VISION,和国外电梯协会交流合作 Establish the cooperation with elevator association nationwide and worldwide,共同推进行业发展,帮助企业发掘更多商机 Jointly develop industry and help compan

25、ies to achieve maximum commercial benefits,拓宽杂志发行领域,国际接轨Broaden the magazines reader nationwide and worldwide,联系我们 CONTACT US,蒋颖MS.ANNIE JIANG 海外开拓经理OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Tel: +86 21 56950344 Fax: +86 21 56950344 Mobile: +86 13817508680 Email: jiangysh-,支锡凤 MS. XIFENG ZHI 秘书长 SECRETARY-GENERA

26、L Tel: +86 21 56951274 Fax: +86 21 56951451 Mobile: +86 13801943325 Email: zhixfsh-,冯乐鸣 MR.LEMING FENG 传媒部总监MEDIA DIRECTOR Tel: +86 21 66251820 Fax: +86 21 66251820 Mobile: +86 13701721133 Email: fenglmsh-,WELCOME TO SHANGHAI WORLD EXPO 欢迎各位同仁莅临上海世博会,WORLD EXPO ELEVATOR,SPECIAL ISSUE FOR WORLD EXPO,Thank You!,


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