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1、春季八年级英语单元检测题谷城县教研室编制Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains一、词汇(18分)A.根据首字母填单词。(6分)1. The gift r me of my best friend.2. One finger cant lift a small s.3. He is w in English. We should help him.4. The sun is shining b.5. In w countries, Christmas is very popular.6. She is b to fight bad people

2、.8. 翻译词组(6分)2.从前4.不要紧6.代替做1 .有点儿3.拿走,带走5.对感兴趣C.用所给单词的准确形式填空。(6分)1. -1 dont know when he will come tomorrow.一I (call) you as soon as he (come).2. When I passed the classroom last night, I (hear) someone (read).3. His dog three days ago. Its makes him sad. (die )4. Liu Qian is a, but he has many show.

3、 (magic)5. Journey to west is an book. The Monkey King me.I am about something to fight bad people when reading. (excite)6. In groups, we often copy instead of homework . (do) 二、军项选择。(10分)()1. English is important. Dont .A. find it out B. turn it off C. give it up D. turn it on()2.fine day! Lets go

4、for a walk.A. What B. What aC. HowD. How a)3.1 invited Tom and Mike to my party, but of them could come.A. bothB. allC. neitherD. none)4.1 spent a afternoon the rooms.D. both; cleaningD. calledD. any moreA. whole; to clean B. all; to clean C. whole; cleaning )5.1 know the boy Bob.A. is calling B. ca

5、llsC. to call)6. Sorry, I have time to help you with your lessons.A. no more B. not more C. anymore)7. Tom asked me.A. where does he come from B. where he conies fromC. where did he come fromD. where he came from)8.is possible if you work hard.A. anythingB. nothingC. something D. some thing)9. Theyr

6、e singing and dancing the moonlight.A. at B. in C. on D. with()10. He found a good way his problem.A. solveB. solvedC. solves D. to solve三、句型转换。(10分)1. Both of them are students.(改为否定句) them are students.2. It doesiVt seem possible to move a mountain.(同义句)It to move a mountain.3. Their stepmother pl

7、anned to kill them.(变一般疑问句) their stepmother to them.4. Long, long ago, there was an emperor.(同义句) , there was an emperor.5. Nobody wanted to sound stupid.(同义句) wanted to sound stupid.6. He no more comes here.(同义句) He come here.四、根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)1如果美猴王不能把尾巴藏起来,他就不能把自己变成。(turn) he can hide his tail,

8、he cant.2这个人一说完,愚公就说,他死后他的家人将继续移山。(continue) As soon as the man , Yu Gong said that his family could after he die.3他们如此之大,以至于花了很长时间走到另一边。(take)They were that.4 .看!那只鸟正把他们引向那座由面包、蛋糕和糖果做成的美妙小屋。(lead) Look! That bird the wonderful house, cake and candy.5 .王子爱上了这个女孩,并且他们很快就结婚了。(初The prince , and soon th

9、ey.五、从框内A-G七个选项中选权五个合适的选项将对话补充完整。(10分)A. I think its a little bit silly.B. Neither of you are right.C. What do you think about the story of Yu Gong?D. I still dont agree with you.E. But what could Yu Gong do instead of moving a mountain?F. Did you read the story of Yu Gong?G Neither of you are wrong

10、.Teacher:Wang Ming:I think its really interesting. Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem.Claudia :Really? 2 It doesnt seem possible to move a mountain.Wang Ming:But Yu Gong kept trying and didnt give up.Claudia:3 I think we should try to find other ways to solve a problem.Wang Ming:4Claudia:

11、 Well, there are many other ways. For example, he could build a road.Teacher: You have different opinions about the story. 5 There are many sides to a story and many ways to understand it.六、完形填空。(10分)Once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them to fill it with water from a

12、well (水井).After they their work, he left them, saying, When the sun is down, I will come and see your work。At last one of them said, Whats the use of doing this foolish (愚蠢的)work? We can2 fill the basket a 3 man answered, That is none of your business o ” The first man said. You may do as you like,

13、but I am not going to work at 4 so foolish。、He5 his bucket(水桶)and went away. The other man said no word, and kept on carrying 6, At last the well was almost oAs he poured the last bucket of water into the basket, he saw a bright thing in it. He picked it up. It was a beautiful gold ring. Just then t

14、he king came. 8 he saw the ring, heknew that he had found the kind of man he wanted. He told him to keep the ring for himself. You _9 so well in this little thing,“ he said. 10 now I know I can believe youwith many things “()1. A. finishedB. didC. beganD. had()2. A. everB. neverC. easilyD. no()3. A.

15、 The otherB. AnotherC. OneD. A second()4. A. anythingB.somethingC. nothingD. everything()5. A. picked upB. put awayC. took awayD. threw away()6. A.waterB. basketC.wellD. work()7. A.fullB. emptyC.filledD. clean()8. A. WhileB. As soon as C. BeforeD. Since()9. A.have doneB. will doC. doD. are doing()10

16、. A. whatB. whyC. whenD. that七、阅读理解。根据短文内容选择准确答案。(10分)(A)Once upon a time, a rich man and a poor tailor (裁缝)happened to live in the same house. The rich man lived upstairs and the poor man lived downstairs.The tailor liked to sing while he worked. He sang one song after another. But the rich man lik

17、ed to sleep and the singing bothered him.One day the rich man said, Tailor, I will give you a bag full of money every day if you stop singing.”“Fine, said the poor tailor. And so the tailor stopped singing and he became richer and richer. But the more money he got from the rich man. the more unhappy

18、 he became, because he wanted very much to sing again.Finally he brouglit all his money back to the rich man. “Here. he said, take all your money, I cannot be happy if I cannot sing.”He gave the money back to the rich man and went sway singing. He sang and sang and he was happy again.()1.The rich ma

19、n and the poor tailor lived in.A. the same townB. the same houseC. the same villageD. the same room()2. The tailofs singing made the rich man.A. happy B. worried C. smile D. pleasant()3.The rich man gave the poor tailor a lot of money, because.A. he liked to listen to the singing B. he hated the sin

20、gingC. he wanted to stop the tailors singing D. he lived upstairs()4.At first the tailor the money.A. gave B. borrowed C. took D. lent()5.Why did the poor tailor return all the money to the rich man?Because.A. when he couldn*t sing, he became very unhappyB. he didnt like itC. he had to do soD. he sh

21、ould do so(B)Once there lived an old man. He liked gold better than anything else in the world. He often said, “If I have enough gold, I will be the happiest man in the world. ”One day when he was traveling in the desert(沙漠),the old man lost his way. He was very hungry and thirsty, but there were on

22、ly rocks and sand around him. Just then, he found a bag lying on the sand. He hoped he would find water and food in it. He took up the bag and opened it. He saw that the bag was full of gold. He was so sad that he threw away the bag and began crying.Now. the old man knew that there was something bet

23、ter than gold in the world.()6. The old man liked best before he traveled in the desert.A. foodB. bagsC. gold()7. When he lost his way, he wanted to get.A. some food and water B. some rocks and sand C. bags full of gold ()8. What did he do with the bag?.A. He didnt take it up B. He brought it home C

24、. He threw it away ()9. The old man did not become the happiest man when he got the bag of goldbecause.A. the bag was too small B. the gold wasnt his C. he was very hungry and tliirsty ()10. In the end, the old man knew that gold was in the world.A. the best thingB. not the best thing C. better than

25、 anything八、综合填空。(10)、Once upon a time, there was an emperor. He loved buying and 1 at clothes. Oneday, two brothers came to the city. They t the emperor they could make beautiful clothes for them, but he must give them silk and g. The brothers were bad people. They kept all the silk and gold t. They

26、 told the emperor the clothes they made were special because only c people could see them. When the emperor p onthe clotlies, all he could see was his undenvear. But he didnt want people to think he was s, so he said the clothes were b. Then he walked around the city in his new clothes u one boy sho

27、uted: the enq)eror isnt w any clothes!1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.九、书面表达。(12分)喜羊羊与灰太狼Pleasant Goat and Big Big是著名卡通编剧黄健的作品该片以羊和狼两大族群间妙趣横生的争斗为主线,剧情的轻松诙谐风格,情节爆笑,对 白幽默,深受人们喜爱。你一定看过这部影片吧.请根据下而的提示写一篇80词的短 文。提示:1这是一部什么样的影片?你认为它怎么样?2 它主要谈论什么?3你最喜欢哪个角色或情节?为什么?喜羊羊 Pleasant Goat;美羊羊 Pretty Goat; 懒羊羊 Lazy Goat;沸羊羊 Force Goat; 暧羊羊 Warm Goat;慢羊羊 Slow Goat;软绵绵 Soft Goat;灰太狼 Big Big Wolf;红太狼 RedWolf;小灰灰 Little Grey


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