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1、2018年12月英语四级阅读练习题:女儿和妈妈衰老过程相似 2018年12月大学英语四级阅读200篇汇总 Most Women End Up Looking Like Their Mothers There may be some truth to the saying that all women will eventually turn into their mothers, with a US study finding daughters age and wrinkle like their mothers. Plastic surgeons used facial imaging a

2、nd 3D computer modeling to study the aging process and found that daughter faces tend to follow their mothers in terms of sagging and volume loss, particularly around the corners of their eyes and lower eyelids. Studies of facial aging up to the present have largely been observational and subjective

3、, the team from Loma Linda University Medical Center in California said in a report published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). This study applies state-of-the-art facial imaging and three-dimensional computer modeling to measure changes in the aging female face. The study, present

4、ed at an ASPS conference in Seattle on the weekend, was based on examining 10 sets of similar looking mother-daughter pairs aged from 15 to 90 to measure changes in the aging female face. Mothers and daughters have the same skeletal and cellular make up. Researchers Matthew Camp, Zachary Filip, Wend

5、y Wong and Subhas Gupta, all plastic surgeons in California, found that volume loss in the lower eyelid began when women were aged in their mid-30s and continued to progress steadily through life. They said these findings may act as a further guideline for cosmetic rejuvenation of the eye region. Ey

6、elid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic procedures, used to get rid of crows feet around the eyes and sagging to make the face appear younger. ASPS figures show that it was the fourth most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States in 2008. 女儿和妈妈衰老过程相似 女人最终都像自己的妈妈,这一说法也许有些道理。美国

7、一项研究表明,女人衰老和长皱纹的过程和自己的母亲差不多。 开展该研究的整形外科医生使用面部成像技术和三维电脑模型研究衰老进程,结果发现,女性面部的皮肤松弛和容积萎缩和她们的母亲相类似,尤其是眼角周围和眼袋部位。 加州洛玛连达大学医学中心的研究小组在由美国整形外科学会发表的研究报告中称:“迄今有关面部衰老的研究大多是观察性的和主观的。” 报告称:“研究应用了最先进的面部成像技术和三维电脑模型,来测算女性面部的衰老过程。” 该研究成果于上周末在西雅图召开的美国整形外科学会研讨会上公布。研究对10对容貌相似,年龄在15岁至90岁之间的母女进行了调查,以测算女性面部的衰老过程。 母亲和女儿拥有相同的骨

8、锵和细胞结构。 研究人员发现,女性自三十五六岁开始,下眼险开始出现萎缩,并将一直持续下去。参与该研究的马修坎普、扎克瑞菲利普、Wendy Wong和苏巴斯吉普塔都是加州的整形外科医生。 他们称,这些研究发现或许可以为眼酬嘘容修复提供进一步指导。 眼险整容术是最为常见的整形手术之一,用于消除眼部的鱼尾纹和皮肤松弛,使脸部看上去更加年轻。 美国整形外科学会公布的数据显示,眼部整容是2008年美国第四大最流行的整形外科手术。 句型讲解: 1. Plastic surgeons used facial imaging and 3D computer modeling to study the agin

9、g process and found that daughter faces tend to follow their mothers in terms of sagging and volume loss, particularly around the corners of their eyes and lower eyelids. 本句是一个复合句,主句是由and连接的两个并列谓语的句子,即: Plastic surgeons used facial imaging and 3D computer modeling .and found that。 to study the aging

10、 process不定式短语作目的状语。第二个谓语之后是that引导宾语从句,作found的宾语。 语法重点:不定时短语作状语,宾语从句 2. The study, presented at an ASPS conference in Seattle on the weekend, was based on examining 10 sets of similar looking mother-daughter pairs aged from 15 to 90 to measure changes in the aging female face. 本句是一个简单句,句子主干是The study

11、 was based on examining 10 sets of similar looking mother-daughter pairs。 presented at.weekend过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰the study, aged from 15 to 90过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰pairs,to measure.face不定式短语作目的状语。 语法重点:分词短语作定语,不定时短语作状语 3. Eyelid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic procedures, used to get rid of crows feet

12、 around the eyes and sagging to make the face appear younger. 本句是一个简单句,句子主干是eyelid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic procedures。used to.younger过去分词短语作目的状语。 语法重点:分词短语作状语 2018年12月大学英语四级阅读200篇汇总 精品文档资料,适用于企业管理从业者,供大家参考,提高大家的办公效率。精品文档资料,适用于企业管理从业者,供大家参考,提高大家的办公效率。 精品文档资料,适用于企业管理从业者,供大家参考,提高大家的办公效率。精品文档资料,适用于企业管理从业者,供大家参考,提高大家的办公效率。


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