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1、四年级下册Unit1PartA1 、Listen and follow.What do you often do every week?每个星期你经常做什么?On Monday we raise our national flag.周一我们升国旗。We have a class meeting on Tuesday.周二我们开班会。We dance in the playground on Wednesday.周三我们在操场上跳舞。2、milk牛奶monkey猴子mouth嘴巴swim游泳PartB1 、Listen and follow.What do you often do on Thu

2、rsday?周四你经常做什么?We have sports in the playground.我们在操场上运动。We clean our classroom on Friday.周五我们打扫我们的教室。What do you often do on Saturday and Sunday?你在周六和周日经常做什么?I play the violin on Saturday.周六我拉小提琴。I play football on Sunday.星期日我踢足球。pen钢笔run跑步noodles面条nine九四年级下册Unit2PartA1 、Listen and follow.It is Fri

3、day.Lets clean our classroom.这是星期五。让我们打扫我们的教室。Yang Ming is standing on a chair.杨明站在一张椅子上。He is cleaning the blackboard.他是清洁黑板。Lily is cleaning the desk.莉莉正在擦桌子。Julia is cleaning the chairs.朱莉亚正在擦椅子。Sally is cleaning the window.莎莉亚正在擦窗户。Wang Tao is cleaning the door.王涛正在擦门。2、hhen母鸡hand手horse 马house房子

4、PartB1 、Listen and follow.Well done,boys and girls!做得好,同学们。Our classroom is clean and bright now.我们的教室打扫得很明亮。Please close the windows.请关上窗户。Yes,Miss Gao.是的,高老师。Pliase turn off the lights and fans.请关上灯和风扇。All right.好的。Pliase close the door.请关上门。Ok.Lets go home.好的。咱们一起回家。2、jjacket夹克衫jump跳juice果汁四年级下册U

5、nit3PartA1 、Listen and follow.What day is today,Sally?今天是星期几,莎莉?Its Wednesday.星期三。We have a math class this morning.今天早上我们有数学课。Thats right.I like math.那个科好,我喜欢数学。We have an English class.too.我们也上英语课。I like it .But Im not good at it .我喜欢它,但我不擅长它。Dont worry .I can help you.不要担心。我会帮助你。2、math数学music 音乐C

6、hinese语文art美术3、wwindow窗户we我们winner获胜者PartB1 、Listen and follow.Do you have a science class this morning?你今天早上有科学课吗?No,I dont.不。May I use your science book?我能借你的科学课本吗?Sure .Here you are.当然,给你。I like science class.我喜欢科学课。Me ,too.Its very interesting.我也是,它非常有趣。And our teacher Ms.Lin is very interesting

7、,too.我们的林老师很有趣。Yes,I like her class.是的,我喜欢她的课。2、yyellow黄色you你们year年四年级下册Unit4PartA1 、Listen and follow.How do you go to school,Sally?你怎么去学校,莎莉?By car.乘汽车。How do you go to school?你怎么去学校?By school bus.乘校车。How does Kate go to school?凯特怎么去学校?She goes to school on foot.她步行去学校。How does your mother go to w

8、ork?你的妈妈怎么去上班?She goes to work by bike.她骑自行车上班。2、by car乘汽车by school bus乘校车on foot步行by bike骑自行车3、ygodbye 再见fy a kite 放风筝my dog我的狗PartB1 、Listen and follow.Whos she ?她是谁?Shes my aunt.她是我的姨姨。Shes from Taiwan.她是来自台湾。Does she go to Taiwan by plane?她乘飞机去台湾吗?No,she doesnt.不,她不是。She goes by ship.她坐船去。Taiwan

9、 is a beautiful place.台湾是一个美丽的地方。Yes,it is .是的。2、by ship坐船by train坐火车by plane坐飞机3、yhappy快乐Sally莎莉story故事library图书馆四年级下册Unit5PartA1 、Listen and follow.Sallys mother is in the kitchen.莎莉的母亲是在厨房里。She is making a shopping list.她正在购物。I need some chicken, some fruits,tea and orange juice.我需要一些鸡肉,一些水果,茶和橙汁

10、。Hi ,kids ,Im going to the supermarket.您好,孩子。我要去超市。Do you want to come with me ?你们想要跟我来吗?Sure .当然。Can we buy some toys?我们能买些玩具吗?Yeah!是。2、supermarket超市fruits水果juice橙汁chicken鸡肉3、sbooks书籍grapes葡萄desks桌子bikes自行车PartB1 、Listen and follow.I like this Teddy Bear,Mom.妈妈,我喜欢这个玩具熊。How much is it?多少钱?Its seven

11、ty yuan.70元。I like this toy train,Mom.妈妈,我喜欢这个玩具火车。How much is it?多少钱?Its hundred yuan.100元。These tomatoes are very good.这些西红柿很好。Lets get some.买回家。How much is it?多少钱?Its two hundred yuan.200元。Heres the money.这里的钱。Thank you .谢谢你。2、sixty60seventy70eighty 80ninety90a hundred1003、tsskirts裙子shirts衬衫rabbi

12、ts兔子robots机器人四年级下册Unit6PartA1 、Listen and follow.Hi ,Sally,Im in Beijing now.嗨,莎莉,我现在在北京。Hi,Dad.How is the weather in Beijing?嗨,爸爸,北京天气怎么样?Its snowing.Its very cold.现在下雨,很冷。Do you wear a coat?你穿一件外套吗?Yes ,I do.是的。How is the weather in Fuzhou?福州的天气怎么样?Its raining,but its warm.现在下雨,很暖和。What do you wea

13、r?你穿什么?I wear a sweater.我穿一件毛衣。2、Its snowing下雪啦Its raining下雨啦3、sgirls女孩dogs狗pens钢笔apple苹果PartB1 、Listen and follow.How is the weather today?今天天气怎么样?Its sunny.晴朗Take an umbrella with you .It may rain in the afternoon.随身带一把雨伞,下午可能会下雨。Yes ,Mom.好的,妈妈。Look.Its cloudy.看,它是多云的。Its windy,too.它是多风的。Oh no,my

14、umbrella.哦,不,我的雨伞。It is raining cats dogs.下雨了猫狗。2、sunny晴朗cloudy多云windy多风3、dshands手birds鸟kids儿童cards卡片四年级下册Unit7PartA1 、Listen and follow.Whats your favorite season,Lily?你最喜欢的季节是什么,莉莉?Spring.春天。Why ?为什么?Its warm in spring.Trees are green.We can go to see flower.它是温暖的春天,树是绿色。我们能去赏花。Whats your favorite

15、 season?你最喜欢的季节是什么?summer夏天。Why ?Its hot in summer.为什么?夏天很热。We can go swimming.And wehave a long vacation.我们可以去游泳,还可以入一个长假。2、sbananas香蕉eyes眼睛trees树cows奶牛PartB1 、Listen and follow.2、scars汽车chairs椅子flowers花boys男孩们Unit8PartA1 、Listen and follow.Summer vacation is coming.What will you do in summer?暑假即将来

16、临,在夏天你会做什么?I will go to see my grandma and grandpa.They live in the UK.我会去看望我的爷爷和奶奶。他们住在英国。I will go by plane.我乘飞机去。Thats cool!那很凉爽。What will you do in London?在伦敦你会做什么?I will visit Big Ben.我参加大本钟。Thats great!好极了。2、shorses马houses房子oranges桔子PartB1 、Listen and follow.Hi ,Wang Tao.What will you do in summer?嗨,王涛,在夏天你会做什么?Ill go to Beijing.我去北京。will you go to see the Great Wall?你会去看长城吗?Yes ,I will.是的What will you do in summer?在夏天你会做什么?Ill play the violin and do my homework.我拉小提琴和做我的家庭作业。will you play basketball?你会打篮球吗?Yes ,I will.是的。2、esbuses公共汽车Pencil-boxes铅笔盒classes级别


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