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1、雅思7+提分选择 http:/雅思阅读高频同义词替换V.导致,引发lead to, bring about, trigger, contribute to, result in, breed, induceV. 阻碍,阻止deter, hinder, inhibit,prohibit, prevent, stop, impede, blockN.障碍物barrier ,obstacle, impediment, hindrance, hurdle, obstruction, blockV. 消除,摆脱掉eliminate ,remove, get rid of ,strip of ,dispe

2、nse with, dispose ofv.保存,保留preserve ,hold ,keep,maintain, store, reserve, retain, conserve, sustain v.减少reduce (reduction),minimize,decrease, diminish, decline,dwindle, lessen, dropn激励,刺激stimulation, incentive, stimulus, motive, motivationv.提升,增加enhance ,increase, raise, rise, grow, go up, ascendV.

3、评 估,测 量assess, evaluate, appraise, gauge, calibrate V. 破坏damage, wreck, demolish, devastate, ruin, spoil, destruct,disrupt adj充足的enough, sufficient, abundant, adequate, ampleadj客观的,公正的objective, unbiased, unprejudiced, impartial,Adj. 公平的fair, equitable, equalv.改变change, alter, shift, convert, transf

4、orm, modify (n. modification), revise (n.revision)adj.不同的different,distinct, varying, diverse, disparate, separate v.资助finance, fund, financially support,sponsor ,subsidize N. 发展progress, improvement,development, promotion, evolution,advance v.雇佣Recruit, employ, hire.Adj. 不变的Rigid, stiff, unchanged,

5、 little change, constantAdv. 几乎Nearly, virtually, almostN. 子孙Offspring, children, descendantAdv. 以前地Previously, in the past, beforetime, formerlyAdj. 国内的Domestic, localV.产生,制造Generate, produce, make, createV. 复制Copy, reproduce, replicate, duplicate, recreateV. 发生Radiate, send out, emit, releaseN. 影响

6、Influence, effect, impact, implicationN. 建筑Building, construction, architectureN.污染Contamination, pollutionV.扔掉Discard, reject, cast off, dispose of, scrap, throw away, abandon, give upV.同意Agree with, conform to, subscribe to, approve of, accord withV.繁荣,发展Boom, flourish, develop, prosper, thrive, e

7、xpand, explodeV. 上升Improve, develop, increase,maximize, promote, raise, rise, enhance, ascendV.例证Demonstrate, illustrate, exemplifyV. 表明Clarify, manifest, indicate, displayV.暗示Hint, suggest, imply V.揭示,揭开Uncover, unravel, unmask, unveil, disclose, reveal - revelationV. 声称,主张Claim, assert, maintainN.

8、 原因Factor, element, cause, reason, explanationAdv. 只有Exclusively, only, merelyAdj.本土的Local, native, indigenous, aboriginalN. 居民Resident, inhabitant, dweller, occupant.分离Independent of, separate fromV.持有Harbour, holdAdj.错误的Wrong, mistaken, erroneous, inaccurate, false, mis-(前缀)V.结合Incorporate into, c

9、ombine with, integrate into, merge, mix, mingle, blendAdj.主要的Dominant, predominant, major, overwhelming, prevalent, widespreadAdj.巨大的Enormous, gigantic, huge, tremendous, giant, immense, massive, big, great, largeAdj. 出乎意料的Unexpected, surprising, unforeseen, accidentalAdj.不寻常的,稀少的Uncommon, unusual,r

10、areV.追踪Track,followV. 回溯到Trace back to, go back toV. 吃惊、惊人Amaze, astound, astonish, startle, surprise, take backV.分类Classify, categorize, group, sortV. 鉴别、识别Identify, recognizeV.区分Distinguish from, discriminate from, tell from, differentiateAdj. 巨大的Enormous, immense, tremendous, vast, massive, gigan

11、tic, huge, giant, great考虑到Considering, given, in view ofAdj. 繁荣的Prosperous, thriving, booming, flourishingAdj.致命的Deadly, fatal, lethal, mortalAdj.有毒的Poisonous, toxicV.强调Emphasize, stress, highlight, focus on, concentrate同情的,赞同/理解(be) sympathetic, understand, appreciateV.译解(密码),解释Decode, decipher最近的/

12、现代的/当今的/现在Recent, current, nowadays, presentAdj. 基础的Basic, fundamentalV. 获得Get, obtain, acquire, gain, derive attainAdj. 富裕的Rich, wealthy, affluentAdj.贫穷的Poor, impoverished, disadvantaged, poverty (n.)相似Look like, be similar to, resemble, resemblance(n.),likeness, similarity由于Due to, as a result of

13、, owing to, thanks to, because, as, for, since, result from因此As a result, as a consequence, therefore, thus, consequentlyN.结果Result, consequence, outcome被称作Be known as, be called, be named, be referred to asV.斥责Denounce, reprimand, reproach, scoldN.成功Success, achievement, featV.检查Inspect, examine, c

14、heck, analyse, scrutinise与.有联系Be associated with, be involved with, be linked to, be related toN.技巧,方法Way, method, trick, technique, means, approach, strategy, how to do N. 技能Skill, expertiseV.革新,创新Innovate, create, inventN.独创性Ingenuity, creativity, originalityV.感觉,感知Feel, perceive, senseV.想象Imagine

15、, envision, envisage conceiveN. 优点,长处,美德Advantage, merit, virtue, strengthN. 缺点,不足之处Defect, flaw, failing, disadvantage, drawback, shortcoming, weaknessV. 孤立,隔绝Isolate, alienate, insulate, segregateN.环境,背景Setting, surroundings, environment, context, background, circumstancesV.限制Limit, confine, restr

16、ain, restrictV.购买Purchase, buyAdj.道德的Moral, ethicalAdj.神圣的Divine, heavenly, holy, sacredN.理解,知识Insight, knowledge, learning, understandingN.健康Fitness,health, well-beingN. 疾病Illness sickness, ailment,diseaseN. 药物(治疗)Medicine, drug, pharmaceuticals, treatmentAdj. 复杂的Complicated, complex, intricate, so

17、phisticatedN. 能力Capability, capacity, ability, competenceN.比例,比率Percentage, proportion, rationAdj。重要的Important, significant, vital, essential, criticalN.可能性Likelihood, chance, possibility, probabilityAdj。有名的,杰出的Famous, outstanding, eminent, distinguished, brilliant, prominentV.旋转Rotate, spin, revolv

18、e.N.观点Viewpoint, view, opinion, perspective, outlook, standpointN. 地区Area, district, region, zoneN.领域Area, field, domain, sphere, realmAdj.静止的Still, static, motionless, stationaryN.数据(库),资料Databank, database, data, information在.之前Before, beforehand, prior to, ahead ofAdj.要求高的Demanding, difficult, no

19、t easy, requiringV. 吸引Attract, appeal to, fascinate, draw ones attentionV.预料Anticipate, predict, expectV. 夸张,夸大Exaggerate, overstate, magnifyV.培养Nurture, foster, cultivate, cultureV. 解决Solve, resolve, tackle, work out, addressV.累计,聚集Accumulate, build up, pile up, mount up, collect, gather, amassV.创造Coin, create, invent, deviseV.伪装Disguise, camouflage, pretendV. 加剧,恶化Make things worse/make it worse, to make matters/things worse, aggravate, exacerbate, compound, deteriorate, worsenV. 利用Make use of, utilise, captitalise on, draw on


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