OgilvyOne and ADP, Inc.ppt

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《OgilvyOne and ADP, Inc.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《OgilvyOne and ADP, Inc.ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、OgilvyOneandADP, Inc.,In the beginning. . .,Fiscal Year 1995,FY95: The Leadership Campaign,Highlights In FY95, ADP launched the “Leadership” campaign with the objective of increasing awareness of the ADP brand name among payroll service prospects and to raise consideration when they were thinking ab

2、out selecting a particular service, such as payroll. The new advertising accomplished this by identifying key business issues among prospects and providing ADP solutions that corresponded to them.,FY95: The Leadership Campaign,Creative Review “It Pays to Hire Us” Vinnies Pizza Major Accounts; Nation

3、al Accounts; Electronic Services Division) that as a whole deliver comprehensive business solutions. As such, communications must now address the larger brand proposition that ADP has to offer as a premier provider of outsourced solutions. In FY97, the communications focus shifted to support this, a

4、nd 5 print executions resulted to launch a new ad campaign.,FY97: The Faces Campaign,Creative “Focus On What Matters”,Umbrella,CSS HRizon,FY97: The Faces Campaign,Creative “Focus On What Matters”,HR Perspective,Payroll Enhanced,FY97: The Faces Campaign,Creative “Focus On What Matters”,Accountants,Ma

5、rket Research,Spring 1994: In FY94, focus groups were conducted with 100 companies to identify key issues facing small business AND to explore the groups understanding of ADP services In FY94 as well, additional groups were conducted to test creative. The Leadership Campaign was born for FY95,Market

6、 Research,Spring 1996: In FY96, with the shift in focus to target 250 businesses, groups were conducted to determine marketplace awareness of ADPs HRMS capability In FY96 as well, additional groups were conducted to test creative . . .The Faces Campaign was born for FY97,Market Research,In FY97, gro

7、ups were conducted to determine 100 business receptivity to ADPs offering of ESD products Detailed findings and video tapes are available for all of the market research conducted,Brand Stewardship Initiative,FY97: Brand Stewardship,As we move into the future, the challenge is for ADP to develop a co

8、mmunications platform that will enable the individual business units to contribute meaningfully to the overall brand proposition. In order to explore what the larger brand equity truly is, we must first: Understand which elements of the current brand equity ADP finds value in preserving over time; I

9、dentify new equities that should be built into the brand,Benefits of a Strong Brand for ADP,Sets the stage for expanded relationship with current customers. Increases receptivity to ADP products among new customers. Creates foundation for more stable share and sales. Fosters great loyalty and resist

10、ance to competitive activity.,Image of ADP Image of competitors Emotional factors in relationship with ADP Emotional significance of ADP products Triggers/Symbolsof Brand Self-Image relativeto ADP,Key Areas to be Probed,Rational,Emotional,+,Reasons for Brand selection Strengths/Weaknessesof ADP Stre

11、ngths/Weaknessesof competitors Elasticity of ADP Brand,BrandPrint Implementation,Provides a guide with which the Agency and ADP can develop and assess all marketing communications programs Helps provide consistency of communication over time Provides a reference point for any action taken by or on behalf of the Brand Provides strategic direction on how to evolve the Brand,FY98: Brand Stewardship,ADP has embarked on the first stage of this exploratory via the Agencys Brand Audit Research.,


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