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1、精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第一学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planWhat time does your school start? 教学设计21 小 谢春红Teaching projects:New words: time, school, start , late, pastSentences: What times.?at ha If past.Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:1 .Can listen , spea

2、k and read these new words.clock.2 .Can ask the school time with sentence: What time does your school start?3 . Can answer the question with s .at h“alift past . o Capacity aim:Could be better to ask and describe something happens at school.Feeling aim:Precious your time!Key aim: Learn the new words

3、 、 sentences and text.Difficult aim: How to use “ do”and “ does ” correctly at present tense.Teaching tools : PPT 、 Word cards、 MultimediaStep 1 WarmerGreetings and chat :Let s talk a bout our School life.T :What time do you get up ?S1:I get up at .S2.S3 T : How do you go to school? Ss : By bus/On f

4、oot.T : Do you do exercises every morning? Ss : Yes, I do.Step 2 PresentationT: Lets learn Amy s school life and please find out what differences between Amys scho ol life with yours.1. Listen to the tape the first time and underline the new words and phrases.2. Teach the new words.3. Practice the n

5、ew words in different ways.4. Teach the new phrases and sentences. What time do/does at half past nine 、 get up, do exercise, skip, go to bed5. Listen to the tape again and answer these questions.Q1 : What time does Amy s school start? Q2 : What time does she get up? Q3 : Does she walk to school? Q4

6、 : Do they do exercises every morning? Q5 : what do they do in the playground?6. Listen to the tape and follow it.Step 3 PracticePlay a role育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planJnWtmg: Whvt Lmo cRmhs your3口?My 酬iwHi Larin 1 rwn oclack In thaLFffJ/nSr. Wtiiart dfa yAu yn!) up/ 白*? I qW 版

7、 al ruftW poaE wr.Fl| u0 #1 half fhb4 cwm/an Di ?3 *k 0 -gi 节*e* .I 3 Ourf hctajw ift -r* ri-Hiir llw SCJhCKklF3 1 H pl a 91 ground 7e*. I do JflWI. PMUJAPKtarow4 LmFh 1-nkfl rrry ,lppH*bQi ropStep 4 ExtensionWork in fourto talk about our school life. Then ask somestudents show their work.Step 5 HomeworkWrite something about your school life.育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰


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