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1、7B Unit4 Integrated skills班级_ 姓名_【学习目标】1能从听力材料中获取信息。2能听懂指令并画出路线图,培养精听技能。3能谈论如何到达指定地点。【课前准备】翻译词组 1. 步行路过_ 2. 在交通信号灯处_ 3. 第一个十字左拐_ 4. 过桥_5. 一个英语角_ 6. 第二个转弯处右拐_ 7. 在小河旁边_ 8. 沿着小路步行_ 9. 在街道的拐角_ 10. 本周六下午_【课堂学习】一、语言知识词汇:past treasure traffic should corner turning crossing短语:walk past the house an English

2、 Corner at the traffic lights at the corner of the street 句型:Take the second turning on the right. Would you like to come? Yes, Id love to. Turn left at the first crossing.二、要点点拨1. walk past the house 走过这座房子。 这里past是介词,意思是“经过(一边,一侧)”。注意区分: walk past the post office 路过邮局。 walk to the post office 朝邮局走

3、。2. How do I get there? 我去那儿的路怎么走? 常用的问路表达方法还有: Can you tell me the way to ? Can you tell me how to get to ? Excuse me, which is the way to? Excuse me, Where is ? Can you tell me where is?三、课堂检测A词汇。1. If you want to learn English well, come to the English C_ at Sunny Garden.2. You must wait when the

4、 traffic l _ are red.3. Cross the road at the zebra c _.4. Mum walks _ (pass) the park to her school every day.5. Its easy _ (find) the _ (宝藏).6. There is a small bridge _ the river.7. The lady walks _ (朝向) me with a smile on her face.8. Take the first t_ on the left and you _ (find) the post office

5、.9. There is less t_ in Zhenjiang than in Nanjing.B. 单选。1. -How does Emily get to school? - She _ the bus. A. takes B. by C. gets D. on2. There are three bridges _ the big river. A. on B. over C. in D. above3. Look! He is _ the river. A. swim across B. swiming across C. swimming across D. swimming t

6、hrough4. I like walking _ the river after supper every day. A. along B. on C. at D. through5. -When can we_ the road? -When the traffic lights are green, dear son.A. get B. cross C. turn D. go6. The train is leaving _ five minutes.A. after B. at C. in D. for7. -My son seldom has _ breakfast. -It is

7、_ unhealthy habit. You must ask him to change it.A. / ; an B. the ; anC. / ; a D. the ; a8. If you are asking the way, which one cant you use?A. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the park? B. Tell me the way to the park.C. Excuse me, which is the way to the park?D. Excuse me, how can I get to th

8、e park? 9. _ girl riding a bike is _ university student.A. A ; an B. A ; the C. The ; a D. The ; an 10. Our bus goes _ the Great Hall of the People.A. pass B. passes C. pasts D. pastC.句子。1. Pass the little red house and you will see the river. (改为同义句) _ _ the little red house and you will see the ri

9、ver.2. 沿着这条小路走,在你的右边你将发现一家商店。 _ _ the _, you will find a shop _ _ _.3. 在交通灯处我该走哪条路? Which way _ _ _ _ the traffic lights?4. 动物园离我们学校约五英里。 The zoo_ _ _ _ _ _ our school.5. Cross the bridge and you will see the school on your left.(改为同义句)_ _ the bridge and you will see the school on your left.6. Pleas

10、e turn left at the third crossing. (改为同义句)Take the third_ on the _.7. Walk straight on. (改为否定句) _ walk straight on.D. 首字母填空。Here is the route to my home. I live in Dragon Garden. Get o_1_ the bus in front of the shopping mall. Youll see a park on your r_2_. Go through the park and turn l_3_ into Hon

11、gyuan Street. Walk a_4_ Hongyuan Street until you get to the t_5_ lights. C _6_ the street and go s _7_ on. Then take the first t_8_ on your left, there will be a supermarket on your right. Walk t_9_ the supermarket. Dragon Garden is n_10_ to the supermarket. I live in 1202, Building 3. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _


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