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1、情景对话Jennifer外企求职记 来来来,我给大家预备一点不一样的情景对话,接下来,我给大家预备了情景对话Jennifer外企求职记,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 情景对话Jennifer外企求职记 Jennifer has just finished work and is meeting her friend Anton for a drink. Jennifer刚刚完成工作,在与她的伴侣Anton喝东西。 Anton: So how is everything? Anton:最近怎么样? Jennifer: Oh God! Work is a nightmare1; its really ge

2、tting me down. Jennifer:天啊!工作简直就是一场噩梦,让我绝望透顶。 Anton: Whats the problem? Anton:碰到什么问题了吗? Jennifer: Everything, its just so boring. Worst of all is my boss. He smokes all the time so the office always stinks2 and yesterday he asked me out for dinner. Jennifer:什么都不对劲,这份工作太无趣了。最糟糕的是我的老板。他不断地抽烟,弄得办公室都是难闻

3、的味道。昨天他竟然还邀请我共进晚餐。 Anton: So what? Hes just being friendly. Anton:那又怎么样?他只是出于友好。 Jennifer: Too friendly, if you know what I mean. Jennifer:过于友好了, 你知道我指的是什么。 Anton: Sounds like you need to find a new job. I suppose you have to update your CV. Come round and tomorrow and Ill help. Anton:这么说来你需要找一份新的工作

4、。我想你需要更新一下你的简历。明天来我家吧,我会关心你。 Next day Jennifer arrives at Antons flat. 其次天,Jennifer来到Anton的住处。 Jennifer: Thanks for offering to help. Jennifer:感谢你主动帮忙。 Anton: No worries. Well soon knock your CV into shape. Anton:别担忧,我们马上就能让你的简历初具雏形。 Jennifer: Cheers, I dont even know where to start. Jennifer:太好了,我都

5、不知道该怎么开头。 Anton: Its not difficult. You just have to lay out all your work experience and education in chronological3 order.then go online and start checking out vacancies4. Anton:这并不难。你只需要按规律列举出你全部的工作经受和受过的(训练),然后上网查询有那些岗位空缺就行了。 After completing her CV Jennifer went home to surf the net. She posted

6、 over 30 emails enquiring5 about jobs. One week later she is resting at home when Anton calls. 做完简历后,Jennifer回到家上网(冲浪)。她发出了30封求职的邮件。一个星期后,当她在家中休息的时候,Anton打来电话。 Anton: Any luck with the applications? Anton:发出的申请表有回应吗? Jennifer: Hi there, none at all. All rejections6 so far. Still waiting for a few to

7、 get back to me. Anything particularly interesting? Jennifer:还没有。不过说都被拒绝了还为时过早。我还在等一些公司的答复。有什么有意思的工作吗? Anton: Yeah, job with Siemens as PR Specialist but it looks like they arent interested in me. Anton:是呀,Siemens公关专员的工作还不错,可是似乎他们对我不太感(爱好)。 Next day Jennifer receives a phone call 又过了一天,Jennifer接到了一个

8、电话。 Jennifer: Hello Jennifer:你好! Siemens HR secretary: Hello, I am calling from Siemens, is that Jennifer? Siemens人力资源部秘书:你好,这里是Siemens公司,你是Jennifer吗? Jennifer: Yes, Jennifer:是。 Secretary: Hello there! We would like to ask you to come for an interview, we liked your CV and would like to find out mor

9、e. 秘书:你好!我们盼望你来能公司(面试),我们喜爱你的简历并且想更多地了解你。 Jennifer: Oh! Of course, when is it and where should I go? Jennifer:噢,好的。能告诉我时间和地点吗? Secretary: Just report to the reception of Siemens Head Office just to the east of the railway station at 10 am next Tuesday. 秘书:下星期四上午10点,你可以挺直去公司总部的接待处。我们公司就在火车站的东边。 J: Ma

10、y I ask who the interview will be with please? Jennifer:我还想请问一下谁将面试我。 Secretary: Yes, with the head of the HR department. 秘书:是我们的人力资源部的经理。 Jennifer calls Anton. Jennifer给Anton打电话。 Jennifer: You wont believe it! Siemens want to interview me. Jennifer:你不会信任的! Siemens公司要面试我! Anton: Brilliant! When? Ant

11、on:太好了,什么时候? Jennifer: Next week. Jennifer:下个星期。 Anton: Right youve gotta practice. Im coming round right now. Anton:好的,那么你还需要练习。我现在就过来。 Shortly1. Jennifer and Anton do a practice interview 过了一会儿,Jennifer和Anton正在模拟面试。 Anton: Sit down there and then imagine I am Siemens HR Chief. Dont be nervous, its

12、 just practice! Anton:坐下来,想象我就是西门子的人力资源部经理。没关系张,这只是一个练习。 Jennifer: Yeah, yeah, yeah Jennifer:好的,好的,没问题。 Anton: So why are you interested in this job? Anton:你为什么对这份工作感爱好呢? Jennifer: I hate my old job, I hate my boss and the money is awful. Jennifer:我厌烦现在的工作,我不喜爱我的老板,而且待遇也不好。 Anton: What do you think

13、you can bring to this job? Anton:你觉得你对于这份工作有什么优势? Jennifer: I always got top grades at school and I get on with everyone. I promise to work hard! Jennifer:我在读书的时候经常得到最高分并且和每个人都相处得很好。还有我保证会努力工作。 Anton: What do you do outside work? Anton:除了工作,你还有别的(爱好)吗? Jennifer: If I like my job then I think about i

14、t all the time. I want my job to be my hobby too. Jennifer:一旦我喜爱我的工作,我会总想着它。我盼望把工作同时也当作一种乐趣。 Anton: Lets stop a minute Jennifer. Have you ever had an interview before? Anton:我们暂停一下,Jennifer。你以前参与过面试吗? Jennifer: No, my uncle got me my last job. Jennifer:没有,我上份工作是我舅舅介绍的。 Anton: You have to make your r

15、esponses more relevant2 to the job you are after. Dont say you hate your old job, always be positive. Say what it is that appeals to you about the new job. Say how you are suited to it. Finally, they wont hire if they think you are a loser who just wants to think about work all the time. Anton:你需要使你的回答与你所面试的职位有紧密的关联。不要说你厌烦以前的工作,你必需表现得更主动。你可以说新的工作更加吸引你,而且你有多么适合新的工作。最终,他们不会雇佣那种成天只会工作的人,他们觉得那种人是失败者。 Jennifer: what else do I need to know? Jennifer:那么我还要知道些什么? Anton: Hmm? Wear a conservative3 suit, dark colors you know. Oh and dont be late! Anton:让我想想,还有面试时要穿着正式的西装,深色的那种。对了,千万别迟到!


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