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1、You are welcome to Sunshine English Training Center!洋光英语培训中心欢迎您!剑桥少儿英语预备级(上)Unit 1 Greetings交际用语1 Good morning!/Morning!2 Say hello to Teddy Bear!3 Hello!/Hi!重点朗读词汇1 Hello helu, helu int.喂,哈罗2 morning m:ni n. 早晨,上午 3 monkey mki n. 猴子4 munchy 5 panda pnd n. 熊猫 6 Pandy pndi 7 dog dg n. 狗, 8 Doffy 9 ca

2、t kt n. 猫, 10Catty kti 11 Teddy tedi n. 泰迪(熊) 12 bear be(r) n. 熊Unit 2 Beginning sounds.交际用语1 An apple please!2 some cake? No! No!重点朗读词汇1 Amy eimi 艾米(女名) 2 apple pl n. 苹果 3 banana bn:n n. 香蕉 4 bamboo .bmbu: n. 竹 5 cake keik n. 蛋糕6 cat kt n. 猫7 Cathy ki n. 凯茜 8 candy kndi n. 糖果Unit 3 Dog, elephant, f

3、ish and giraffe.交际用语1 Look! Its a frog .Yes it is.2 Welcome! Have fun!3 I will.重点朗读词汇1 duckdk鸭 2 dog dg n. 狗 3 eel i:l n. 鳗鱼4 elephant elifnt n. 大象 5 fish fi n. 鱼6 frog frg n. 蛙 7 girl g:l n. 女孩8 giraffe dir:f n. 长颈鹿Unit 4 Find the hidden Letters.交际用语1 Its the letter “k”.2 Look at my kite.重点朗读词汇1 ho

4、use haus n. 房子2 horse h:s n. 马3 hen hen n. 母鸡5 ice cream .aiskri:m n. 冰淇淋 6 jacket dkit n.茄克衫 7 kite kait n. 风筝 8 tree tri: n. 树Unit 5 The falling letters.交际用语1 This is the letter L.2 please read after me.3 Look! Wow!重点朗读词汇1 lemon lemn n. 柠檬 2 lamp lmp n. 灯3 mango mgu n. 芒果 4 nose nuz n. 鼻子5 apple p

5、l n. 苹果 6 banana bn:n n. 香蕉7 orange rind a. 橙色的n. 橘子 8 pineapple painpl n. 菠萝9 watermelon w:tmeln n. 西瓜.Unit 6 Fun with letters交际用语1.Lets make an O.2. Stand up! Sit down!3. Come here! Go back!4. Run to the window.5. Hop to the door.重点朗读词汇1. orange rind a. 橙色的n. 橘子2. pineapple. painpl菠萝3.queen kwi:n

6、n女王4.balloon blu:n n. 气球5. plane plein 飞机6.pen pen n. 钢笔7. table teibl n. 桌子, Unit7.Animal fun交际用语1 .what are they? They are rabbits.2 .What are they doing?3 .They are making the letter “R”.4 .Go forward 1space. Go back 2 spaces .重点朗读词汇1 rabbit rbit n. 兔子 t. 2 snake. sneik . 蛇3 turtle t:tl n. 海龟 4 r

7、uler ru:l n. 尺子n. 统治者 5 make meik v. 做,制造,使Unit 8 play and score.交际用语1 Aa is for apple.2 Whats behind the clouds?3 The rabbit is behind the clouds.重点朗读词汇1 umbrella mbrel n. 伞 2 vest vest n. 背心3 window windu n. 窗户 4 watermelon w:tmeln n. 西瓜5. ant nt n. 蚂蚁 6 juice du:s n. 果汁.Unit9.Write and colour the

8、 letters.交际用语1 Colour it blue.2 Can you read one letter?3 Of course, I can.4 Thats great.重点朗读词汇1 fox f:ks n. 狐狸2 pencil pensl n. 铅笔3 yo-yo ju.ju n. 溜溜球4 paint peint v. 油漆,绘画 5 brush br n. 刷子,画笔6 eraser ireiz n. 橡皮擦 7 ruler ru:l n. 尺子8 zebra zi:br, zebr n. 斑马.Unit 10 Lets learn the alphabet交际用语1 Lets

9、 play a game 2 please find “A”.3 This is Aa .4 Aa is for an apple.重点朗读词汇1 apple pl n. 苹果 2 ant nt n. 蚂蚁 3 arm :m n. 手臂4 animal niml n. 动物 5 bike baik n. 脚踏车 6 book buk n. 书7 bus bs n. 公共汽车 8 bird b:d n. 鸟9 car k: n. 小汽车10 cap kp n. 帽子11 cat kt n. 猫12 cow kau n. 母牛。13duck dk n. 鸭子14desk desk n. 书桌 15

10、 dog dg n. 狗16 door d:, d n. 门Unit 11 Meeting new friends.交际用语1 Hello! Hi!.2 Glad to meet you!3 Good morning Good afternoon! Good evening!4 What is Bill doing? He is singing.重点朗读词汇1 Bill bil 比尔(男名) 2 Tom tm 汤姆(男名)3 Nick nik 尼克(男名) 4 Sam sm 山姆(男名) 5 Pat pt 帕特6 Sue sju:, su: 7 Kim kim 金姆(人名)8 May mei,

11、 me n. 五月.梅(女名)Unit 12 What is red and what is black?交际用语1 What is red? The car is red.2 Please show me something red.重点朗读词汇1 red red a. 红色的n. 红色2 black blk a. 黑色的n黑色3 orange rind a. 橙色的n. 橘子 4 yellow jelu a. 黄色的n. 黄色 5 green gri:n a. 绿色的n. 绿色 6 grey grei a. 灰色的n. 灰色(的) 7 white (h)wait a. 白色的n. 白色8

12、flower flau n. 花v. 开花 9 dog dg n. 狗, 10 banana bn:n n. 香蕉 11 juice du:s n. 果汁 12 bus bs n. 公共汽车 13 sheep i:p n. 羊,绵羊 14 kite. kait n. 风筝Unit 13 Which and where.交际用语1 Which is school?2 This is school.3 Where is the bookshop?4 Lts here.5 Where are you going?6 Im going to the park.7 Lets go together.8

13、Thats great.重点朗读词汇1 which (h)wit 哪个pron. 哪一个 2 where (h)w ad. 在哪里3 classroom kl:srum n. 教室 4 school sku:l n. 学校 5 kindergarten kindg:tn n. 幼儿园 6 beach bi:t n. 海滩7 sea si: n. 海,海洋 8 swimming swimi n. 游泳 9 pool pu:l n. 池,水塘,撞球 10 bookshop bukp n. 书店 11garden g:dn n. 花园,果园12 park p:k n. 公园13 street str

14、i:t n. 街道 14 farm f:m n. 农场15 bus-station 公交车站16 zoo zu: n. 动物园 17 shop p n. 商店Unit 14 How many交际用语1 How many lions can you see?2 I can see two.3 How many pandas are there?4 There are ten.重点朗读词汇1. cat猫 2 sheep i:p n. 羊,绵羊 3. lion狮子 4. crocodile鳄鱼5. monkey猴子 6. giraffes长颈鹿 7 panda熊猫8 goat gut n. 山羊 9

15、 fish fi n. 鱼v.钓鱼 10 one wn n. 一11. two tu: a.12.three ri: num. 三13.four f: num. 四14. five faiv num. 五15. six siks a. 六,六个16. seven sevn 七 17 six siks a. 六,六个 18. seven sevn 七 19. eight eit num. 20 nine nain num.&n. 九.21 ten ten a. 十Unit 15 “Word cheer” game. 交际用语1 Give me a p!2 Give me another E!3

16、What have you got?4 Who can rhyme the word Bill?重点朗读词汇1. give giv 2 another n pron.&prep. 另一个3 Peter pi:t 彼得(人名).4 rhyme raim n.韵文.Unit 16 happy new year!交际用语1 Happy new year!2 What does Kim want for a new year present?3 She wants a doll.4 What has she got then ?5 Shes got a mirror.6 What do you like to do on New Years Day?7 I like to go bike riding.重点朗读词汇1 go bike-riding去骑自行车 2 go swimming swimi n. 游泳 3 go skating去滑冰,去溜冰4 watch TV看电视5 play computer games玩电脑游戏.6 play hide-and-seek捉迷藏.7 play football踢足球.7Try yourself. You are the best!相信自己,你是最棒的!


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