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1、邀请信的格式尊敬的 先生/女士:您好!我们很荣幸地邀请您参加将于5月15-16日在北京21世纪饭店举办的“第28届联合国粮食及农业组织亚太地区大会非政府组织磋商会议”。本次会议的主题是:从议程到行动继“非政府组织粮食主权论坛”之后。此次磋商会议由联合国粮农组织(fao)和国际粮食主权计划委员会亚洲分会(ipc-asia)主办,中国国际民间组织合作促进会协办。届时,来自亚太地区80多个民间组织的100余名代表将参加会议。本次会议宣言将在5月17-21日召开的27届联合国粮食及农业组织亚太地区大会上宣读。本次会议的主要议题包括:1亚太地区粮食和农业领域的非政府组织如何在地区和国家层面执行“全球行动

2、议程/公民社会战略”。2亚太地区粮食和农业领域的非政府组织如何根据目前形势确定今后行动的参与者。3参会机构起草非政府组织建议书提交给第27届联合国粮食及农业组织亚太地区会议,继续呼吁维护农民的利益。真诚地期待着您的积极支持与参与!国际计划委员会亚洲分会代表 中国xxxxxxx英文格式的邀请函:july 29, XXxxx, ceoxxx, vp salesxxxxxxxx corporation(address)its our great honor to invite you to visit xxx company located at (address) in august, XX. t

3、his visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail.xxx company, as one of your distributors in china, has been great progressing in promoting and selling your products. we believe this vis

4、it will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation.please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china.we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.yours truly,xxxvice president salesxxx company 下一页是*公司产品新品订

5、货会邀请函范文建交函范文1dear sir or madam,nice to contact you !we are glad to know your name and address on the internet . here writing you with expectation of establishing business relationship . now we take this opportunity to introduce our company.our company was founded in xx(year). we have a very large in

6、ternational business with lots of countries.we are mainly produce all kinds of (product).if something is attracting ,please let us know, then we should send you the price sheet. after you confirm the price ,the samples also can be dispathed to you for the purpose of examining the quality.hope our pr

7、oducts meet your market. so that we can start our bbusiness relationship for mutual benefit.thanking you in advance and looking forward to having your kind views on our business cooperation proposal.your prompt reply would be highly appreciated waiting for your kindly reply.询价函的一般格式主要包括:标题、主送单位、正文、落

8、款与时间。标题 函的标题是全要素标题,即包括发文单位、事由及文种。其中事由应是对正文主要内容的标准而精炼的概括。正文 函的正文是文件的主要部分。强调就事论事,应直陈其事。第一部分是叙述事项,第二部分说明希望和要求。去函的正文先写商洽、请求、询问或告知的事项,然后提出希望、请求或要求。最后明确提出“以上意见可否,请函复”,“敬请函复”,“特此函告”等。“事项”部分基本是叙述和说明的写法,是什么就写什么,应简单扼要,又要交待清楚。“要求”部分可多可少,如果事项很简单,而且没有过多要求就同事项写在一起,一气呵成;如果事项复杂些,或要求多些可以单列一段来写,甚至分条列项来写,而且无论是哪一种内容,也不

9、论是对哪一级,要求的口气都是谦和的。复函正文的一般结构是:先引述来函,可引来函的文件名称、发文字号、主要内容。如“贵厂字号文悉”这样的格式,也可以直接写“电悉”“函悉”,然后写答复的主要事项,所答复的内容要围绕来函,要准确表达本机关的意见,态度要鲜明。复函的结尾一般可写上“此复”“特此函复”等话语。在复函中要针对来函中提出的问题予以答复:同意或不同意,同意将怎么办;不同意是什么原因或应该怎么办,不应该怎么办等。文中用语应言简意赅。落款与日期 函的正文写完之后,最后要有签署和日期,并要加盖公章。例子xxxxxxxxx电站重建变压器采购询价函致供应商:xxxxx根据杭州市青山水库除险加固工程电站重

10、建需要,拟采购主变和厂用变压器,特向贵单位发询价函,望贵单位给予复函。一、规格型号、技术要求及数量:主变压器,型号scb10-1600/10,数量2台;厂用变压器,型号sc10-125/10,数量1台。主变压器及厂用变压器技术参数和性能要求见附件。二、报价时间及地址:请贵单位就以上设备在XX年9月21日 下午4:00 之前向我处传真报价。本报价一经我处认可,即为签订合同的最终依据。三、供应商复函须知:1、报价函应由贵单位加盖公章。复函报价应包含:辅助设计、技术协调会、变压器制造、备品备件、运输、协助安装和调试、检验、技术培训及售后服务、税金等费用。2、供应商在报价函中应就以下条款给予说明:(1


12、的15%,剩余5%作为质量保证金,质保期一年。五、联系方法:单位:杭州市青山水库管理处地址:杭州市临安青山湖街道本项目联系人: xxxx电话: xxxxx传真: xxxxx邮箱:xxxxx邮编:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXX年9月16日传真收悉确认函致:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx贵处发出的变压器采购询价函已收悉,共4张,字迹清晰,内容明确,特此复函。单位(公章):XX年9月16日英文邀请函abc inc.66 88street xx city xxprovincep r china 123456tel:( xxx)711111 fax: (xxx)99999june 11, XXto

13、whom it may concern,this is to state that we approve of the sales manager mrs./mr xx(annual income of 200,000 rmb), a full-time employee of the abc inc., taking her vacation to attend her/his sons convocation ceremony (or whatever)from 00/01/XX-01/02/XX in canada.we will retain her/his position and

14、continue to employ her when she/he returns to china.yours sincerely,xxx general manager(seal)邀请函re: letter in support of an application for a vistors visaname: type name of family memberpassport no: type their passport number herei am writing to invite my monther named above to come visit me in the

15、uk/canada during my course called ( write name of course) at (name of school)they wish to visit during the month of (date ) and they will stay with me at my address above. i have enclosed proof that i am studying in the uk and that i have permission to be in the uk as a student.yours sincerelysign h

16、ereprint your name here-样本2march xx, XXyour nameyour addyour teldear sir/madam,i, xxx, registered at the university of ottawa as a full-time student in the bachelor of xxx, would like to invite my mother mrs. xxx, born xx xx xxxx, to visit me in canada from july, XX.the purpose of the visit is socia

17、l as well as tourism within canada. during her visit, she will stay with me at the above address. i will make sure that my mother will leave canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. your help in issuing a temporary resident visa for my mother would be greatly appreciated.please do not he

18、sitate to contact me via telephone or email if you have any further questions.best regards,your name样本3to whom it may concern:i am writing this letter to invite our/my parents (name and brith days) to visit us in canada this coming may for a period of 3 months.it goes without saying that we will cov

19、er all expenses during their visit in canada, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accmodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses.your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. if you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me/us at the address above.sincerely,


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