陕西省延长县中学高中英语 Module 2 Traffic Jam-Period 1导学案 外研版必修4.doc

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1、陕西省延长县中学高一英语导学案:Module 2 Traffic Jam-Period 1(外研版必修4) 学习目标:1. 识记自主学习部分的重点单词和短语,掌握他们的音、形、意,扫清阅读中的词汇障碍。2. 阅读课文,了解文章细节,归纳各种交通工具的优点。提高学生的归纳能力。 学习过程:一、自主学习学法指导:. 预习Introduction 和Reading,在文中划出下列单词和短语,然后查P113-114的单词表和资料书,完成单词、短语的翻译并背诵、记忆。1、单词:(1).suburb_(2)display_ (3).destination_;(4).upstairs_(5).alterna

2、tive_(6).human-pedalled_2、短语:(1). be connected to /with _(2). be stuck in _(3).get around _;_(4).in no time_(5).air-conditioned_(6).impressive routes_(7).under construction_(8). 举起手 _ 索要发票 _ 交通高峰期_ 2.快速阅读课文,然后根据课文内容,判断下列句子正误。1) Taxis are on the streets 24 hours a day. ( )2) Most underground is open

3、from 5:00am to midnight .( )3)If you get on a double-decker bus, make sure you sit downstairs. Youll have a good view of the changing city. ( )4)Buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel within the suburbs. Higher numbers have destinations in the city centre. ( )5)Tricycles are worth using if yo

4、u want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing. ( )二、合作探究1、学法指导:快速阅读课文后用查读法完成下列表格。means of transporttimeadvantagesAdvice/warningstaxisbuses and trolleybusesminibusesundergroundpedicabs2、学法指导:根据合作探究1中的各种交通工具的优点及建议,设想你正在北京旅行,小组讨论你将选用什么样的交通工具并告诉为什么?eg: I would like to take a pedicab.Because I am in

5、terested in the narrow alleys of Beijing._三、课堂检测1、阅读理解:找出最佳答案。The big red American car was much too wide for an English country road.When Jack saw it coming toward him .he stopped his own car at the side of the road to make room for it to past .The American car went slowly past ,so close that he cou

6、ld see the drivers face quite clearly.Where have I seen that face before he thoughtWait a minute! I remember now .It was in the newspaper!He took out the newspaper from his bag, turned quickly to the middle page .There was a picture of the face in it.Yes, it had a large mouth and small ears, and his

7、 eyes were behind dark glasses. Wanted by the police, read by Jack. The City Bank will give a lot of money to anyone who helps the police to catch this man.Call the police at once ,he said to himself .But a few minutes later, he was sad.This man was caught this morning, answered the police.66In whic

8、h country did the story happenA.It happened in America.B.It happened in Australia. C.It happened in England. D.The story didnt tell us. 67.Why did Jack stop his car?A.He wanted to see who the driver was. B.He didnt want to pass by first. C.The road was too narrow for the two cars to pass at the same

9、 time.D.Because it was good for an Englishman to stop to let other go. 68.Who was wanted by the police in this passage ?A.Jack B.The driver in the American carC.Either Jack or the driver D.Neither Jack nor the American driver69.What did Jack do when he had read the newspaper again?A.He drove to the

10、City Bank B.He drove to the police C.He made a telephone callD.He stopped the American car70.Who caught the man with a large mouth and small ears?A.the police B.Jack C.nobody D.the American driver2、单词拼写:1) _(迷住)by her beauty, he stood still.2).Its the first time the painting has been_(展示) to the public.3).When you pay the bill,you should ask the shop for a_(收条)。4).On arriveing at our_(目的地),we set out to work.5).The trucker was driving on a_ (郊区的)road。- 3 -用心 爱心 专心


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