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1、进了外企再学英语1. The numbers can speak for themselves.数字会说话。2. Let me give you a little tour.让我带你四处看看。3. Praise people first,criticize them second.先表扬,再批评。4. Its corny.这太沉腔滥调了。5. Theres no point.没什么道理。6. You deserve it.你应得的。7. We have pretty much come to a consensus.我们几乎达成共识。8. youre a Monday morning quar

2、terback.你是个马后炮的人。9. were cautiously optimistic.我们审慎乐观。10. Let me clarify it right now.现在让我来澄清一下。11. How come you drank so much?你怎么能喝这么多啊?12. Smile for the camera!look here.对着这边的镜头笑一笑。13. Lets get a drink.我们去喝一杯吧。14. What time do you get off work?你什么时候下班?15. Im starving!我饿坏了。16. When are we going out

3、 for dinner?我们什么时候出去吃晚饭?17. Time for a toast!是时候干杯了!18. Cheers to that!敬那个!19. We must have a toast.我们必须干杯。20. Another round.再来一轮。21. This is a lot of fun.有趣极了。22. Its a tasty.真是美味。23. Im feeling pretty good.我感觉很好。24. Sometimes you have to be tough;sometimes you have to be as sweet as pie.有时你必须态度强硬,

4、有时你必须甜言蜜语。25. If you wanna sell something well,you gonna learn as much about the buyer before you meet them.如果你想做好销售,在你见买主之前,应该尽量多了解他们。26. Youll never be successful selling a product that you dont like and dont believe in.销售。27. You cant be successful without passion.if you dont love what youre doin

5、g,if you dont have passion for it,forget it.如果你对它没有热情,那就放弃吧。28. Keeping people positive is the most important thing.使人们保持正面思考是最重要的事。29. You can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it.如果你用心,绝对可以完成任何事情。30. I wanna have some praise and some constructive criticism.我想要有些赞扬及建设性的批评。31. Dont take of

6、fense.不要动怒。32. Youve just learned a big lesson.你从教训中学了一课。33. Im very disappointed in you guys.我对你们很失望。34. Youve coming a little close to crossing the line.你们差点就越过界线了。35. Obviously ,there are some areas we could have improved upon.显然,有些地方我们是有机会改善的。36. I dont get how it happened.我不了解它是如何发生的。37. Busine

7、ss is business.在商言商。38. Even though it didnt pay off ,I think you learned your lesson.尽管没有成功,但我认为你从教训中学了一课。39. You have to prioritize whats important.你总得区分哪些是重要的。40. I hope you take advantage of it .我希望你好好把握这次机会。41. You always have one excuse after another.你总是借口一个接着一个。42. Good seeing you .很高兴见到你。43.

8、 It was a pleasure meeting you .很荣幸与你见面。44. Its very nice to meet you all .见到你们真好。45. On behalf of Mr.Smith ,I welcome you to the ABC Club .So please come in .我代表史密斯先生,欢迎各位到ABC俱乐部,请进。46. Have a seat. / Please take a seat.请坐。47. Sit down and make yourself at home.请坐,当成自己的家/别客气。48. After you .你先走。49.

9、How (are )you doing today?今天好吗?口语中are经常被省略。50. Hows it going?怎么样?51. How did it go?事情进展得如何?52. Here we go.走吧/开始吧/换我们了。外国人的口头禅,看使用场合,可以解释成不同的意思。53. There you go.好了/就这样了。口头禅,看使用场合,可以解释成不同的意思。54. Best of luck.祝你好运。55. We wish you the best of luck.我们祝你好运。56. Good luck to you .祝你好运。57. Please get in touc

10、h with us .请和我们保持联系。58. Sorry about that.抱歉。59. Sorry to bother you .很抱歉打扰你。60. Ill be right back. / Ill be back shortly.我马上就回来。61. Well see you in a little while.我们待会儿见。62. What time are you leaving tomorrow?63. Are you all set?你们都准备好了吗?64. Isnt it unbelievable?难以置信吧?65. Dont have a heart attack.不要

11、担心。66. Im not gonna laugh at you .我不会笑你的。67. Thats impressive.令人印象深刻。68. Wow !that was so classy.哇!那真是高级。69. I cant believe this!我真不敢相信!70. Everything looks fabulous.一切看起来都棒极了。71. Something like that.差不多是这样。72. I hope so .希望是。73. No cheating.不要骗人。意思是我认为你在骗人。74. Are you kidding me?你在开玩笑吗?75. Dont cou

12、nt on them.别指望他们。76. Im tring to get a hold of her.我正试着联系她。77. Hes never lined up on the line with me .他从没和我站在同一阵线。78. If I screw this one up ,Im gonna get canned.如果我搞砸了,就得滚蛋了。79. From the financial standpoint,its gonna be great.从财务的确观点看,它将会很好。80. I just want to get this off my chest.我只是不吐不快。81. It

13、depend on who youre dealing with.这取决于你和谁交易。82. Im sort of getting used to this .我有点习惯这个了。83. It helped us break the ice.它帮助我们打破沉默。84. Weve lost four times in a row.我们连续失败了四次。85. I choose to put one step forward.我选择挺身而出。86. It would be a win-win situation for us.这对我们将是双赢。87. Its a load off my shoulde

14、r.这让我如释重负。88. You kind of put all of your eggs in one basket.你像是孤注一掷。89. I heard it through the grapevine.我从小道消息听说了。90. Sooner or later,its gonna happen. 早晚会发生的。91. She just totally dropped the ball.她把事情完全搞砸了。92. Were working on it.我们正在进行。93. No later than 10:30 .不要晚于10点30分。94. I was in charge of it

15、 .我负责这个。95. He was making a mountain out of a molehill.他在小题大做。96. Settle down.搞定。97. He asked me to call and tell you to meet him tomorrow morning at this office.他让我打电话告诉你,明天早上到他的办公室和他见面。98. Could you speak up?你可以大声一点吗?99. Yes ,Well be right there.是的,我们马上就到。100. Well come to you .我们去你那里。101. Hold on

16、 one second.稍候/不要挂电话。102. Ill call you and give you an update in about half an hour.大约半小时后,我会打电话告诉你最新情况。103. Do you have a pen handy?你手边有笔吗?104. Hell be around at 4:00 .他大约4点会到。105. Ill call you right back.我马上回你电话。106. Talk to you later.一会儿再聊。107. What was that call about?那通电话说些什么?108. Any other business?(AOB)还有其他事情吗?109. Thank you for participating today.谢谢你们今天的参与。110. Well ,I just wanna thank everybody for coming here.嗯,我只是想感谢来这里的每一个人。111. Lets see what happens.看看会发生什么事。112.


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