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1、2018年秋初二英语期中试题第一部分 选择题(55分)、听力部分。(20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题(10分)本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。aredo?()1. Whatthey going to()2. When will the woman arrive?1。月2同星期五ABC)4. WhtdoMBman choose to buy?C)5.What does the girl tell Wilson to do ?A. To be quietB. To make a noiseC. To clean thebedroom)6. How many peopl

2、e are going to play basketball?A.FourB. FiveC. Six)7. Hows the weather tomorrow?A. Its rainy.B. Its cloudy.C. Its sunny.)8. Where was Mary just now?A. In the library.B. In the club.C.Intherestaurant.)9. What is Jane going to do?A. She will clean the room.B. She doesnt know what to do.C. She will do

3、her homework.)10.How much is the ticket for the students?A. Ten yuan.B. Fifteen yuan.C. 0 yuan.第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(10分)听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。)11. Why will the man go to Beijing?A. For holidays.B. To have a meeting.C. To visit friendsthere.()12. How long will he stay there?A. For 3 days.B. For 4 days.C. For 5

4、days.听一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。9:00 a.m.Meet at 1314Bus leaves10:00a.m.Arrive at South Hill School10:30 a.m.1511:45 a.m.Presentation of cup and medals1:15 p.m.Get on the bus in front of the restaurantB. the cinema gate()13. A. the school gateC. Wildliferestaurant()14. A. 9:15 a.m .B. 9:20 a.m.C. 9:25.a.m.()1

5、5. A. Bus leaves from the cinema B. Get off the busC. The matchstarts听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。()16. My family lived in before I was 12 years old.A. the cityB. townC. the mountainsA. half an hourB. one hourC. one and a half hours()17. I spent walking to school every morning.()18. I could meet on the way to

6、school .A. my friends B. my parentsC. nobody()19. There were students in my class.A. 6B. 20C. 12()20. I could see there.A. the seaB. many high buildings C. many kinds of flowers、单项选择。(15分)( )21.John isexcellent runner. He often comes first in the race.D. an; /A. an; theB. the; theC. a; /()22. Lily a

7、lways does the best in different exams in our class because she is agirl.A.politeB. helpfulC. hard workingD. generous()23. You look quite tired. You d better a good rest.A. to stop to have B. stop having C. stop to haveD. to stophaving()24. I don t know how to use the washing machine. Don t worry, j

8、ust follow the .A. informationB. instructions C. messagesD. advices()25. I don t think the boy with a pair of glasses finishes his work his cousin.A. more careful than B. as careful as C. as more carefully as D. as carefully as()26. What about going to the World Park tomorrow? . I will be free the w

9、hole day.A. Sounds good B. I m afraid not C. I don t think so D. You re right()27. The social worker helped the old man a light in his bedroom anda picture on the wall.A. put in, put on B. put up, put on C. put in, put up D. put on, put up()28. If you want to make a fruit salad, you should choose fr

10、uit and neverleave it in the air for , or it ll turn brown quickly.A. in a season, some timeB. in season, sometimesC. in a season, some timesD. in season, some time()29. your English teacher ? She is friendly and patient.A. What does, like B. How does, look like C. What s, likeD. How s,look()30. The

11、 radio says there will be muchnext week and maybe we will haveoff.A. rainier, two days B. rain, two days C. rainier, two days D. rain, two days()31. Thank you for me funny jokes. I never feel with you.A. telling, bored B. telling, boring C. saying, boredD. saying,boring()32. How much time do you spe

12、nd your homework every night? About an hour. So I always have half an hour my hobbies.A. for, forB. on, onC. for, onD. on, for()33. What do you think of the singer?I think she sings and I never hear voice.A. beautiful, a betterB. beautiful, the bestC. beautifully, a betterD. beautifully, the best()3

13、4. Now there a number of good students in Jichuan Middle School andthey often learn some subjects after class.A. is, to themselvesB. is, by themselvesC. are, to themselvesD. are, by themselves()35.Dont ride your e-bike on the motor way ( 机动车道).Its dangerous.A. Yes, I will B. Sorry, I won t C. Thanks

14、, I will D. No, I don t三、完形填空。(15分)Jack was a young man from a very poor family. He worked in a small companyand made 36 money every month. He always felt awful. One day he stood with an old priest( 牧师)in a church. He said, God is really 37 . Do you know John? He is my best classmate. He was the wor

15、st student at school. He 38 did his homework after school. But now he is a successful writer. ”The priest answered, Now he is quite 39. He always keeps on 40 hisnovels far into the night ”Jack interrupted(打断)his words., Justin is my classmates, too. His body was very weak at school. He was usually i

16、n hospital because of his sick legs. He couldn t have 41 lessons at all. But now he has become a popular sports star. ”Oh, I hear in the past he always spent all his time 42 and ”Now, Jack interrupted him again, Paul has a big restaurant. At school he hadno money to eat beef or chicken. This time th

17、e priest didn t answer 43. But Jackwas impatient, “ 44 dont you say a word? Is Good fair or unfair? ”r think God is fair. Success is a ladder( 梯子).If you always put your two 45 in the pockets and stop struggling( 奋斗),you cant arrive at the top of success forever. ”()36. A. manyB. fewC. littleD. much

18、C. unfairD. unfriendlyC. usuallyD. oftenC. hardD.B. speaking C. writing D.()37. A. uselessB. helpless()38. A. neverB. always()39. A. cheerfulB. patienthard-working( ) 40. A. reading()41. A. English()42. A. exercising()43. A.carefully()44. A.How()45. A.eyes四、阅读理解。(20分)B. DIYC. PED. ChinesehearingB. s

19、wimming C. playing D. designingB. quickly C. slowlyD. happilyB. WhenC. WhichD. WhyB. handsC. armsD. legsA. )Learning How to Learn $ 22Children who read this book show great interest in study. Many pictures will help them understand it easily and quickly.Basic Study Guidebook $ 36Read this book and l

20、earn:What the three barriers ( 障碍)to study are and what to do about them.What to do if you are tired of a subject.Children read it to improve the ability to study.How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children $ 35Read this book and learn:How to look up words in a dictionary.What the different ma

21、rks in a dictionary mean.How to use a dictionary to pronounce words correctly.Buy this book and help children unlock their education. What s more, you ll just pay 60% fo门t before December 20.()46.Which book can tell you what to do if you are tired of a subject?A. Study Skills for lifeC. Basic Study

22、GuidebookB. Learning How to LearnD. How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book forChildren() 47.Many pictures in the book“Learning how to learn ” can .A. make children read slowlyB. make children understand the book easilyC. make the book boringD. make the children draw beautifully() 48.According to the a

23、ds, the three books are for .A. the oldB. parents C. children D. men() 49.If you buy the three books on December 2, you will just pay _ for them.A. 93 B. 71C. 80D. 79() 50.The purpose (目的) of the three ads is to .A. sell these books to childrenB. help children use a dictionary topronounce correctlyC

24、. help children learn EnglishD. help children learn about nature(B)Jack is in Grade Three now. He is a polite boy and studies hard. He is good at his lessons and can answer all the questions in class. His teachers and classmates likehim except (除了) Henry. They re deskmates, but Henry likes playing a

25、nd often fails in the exams. His father has a dental clinic (牙科诊所) and gets a lot of money. The boy thinks he lives in the richest family in the town. So he looks down upon (看不起) others and often laughs at them. Of course he has few friendsJack is busy all the time. His father is a shoe-maker. The m

26、an has to work hard buthe can t buy enough food for family. He tells Jack to help him after school. So the boy has to do all his homework at school. Hes ready to do so.One summer afternoon, on his way home, Jack met his sister Lily.The girl carried a heavy box in her arms without wearing shoes. Jack

27、 carried it forher. Henry saw her and said, “Your father is a shoe-maker, but your sister has no shoes! ”“I don t think it s strange, ” Jack answered.“Your father is a dentist (牙医), but yoursister has no teeth when she was born! ”() 51.Which of the sentences can t describe( 描述 ) Jack, A. He does wel

28、l in his lessons B. He s polite to everybodyC. His teachers like himD. Hes a bad boy()52.Henry thinks, so he looks down upon any other child.A. he plays wellB. his father is ashoe-makerC. he s very cleverD. his family is the richest( )53.Henry has few friends because.A. he is weak in his lessonsB. h

29、e often laughs at othersC. he doesn t study hardD. he always stays at home()54.One day, Henry laughed at Jack because.A. Jacks sister didn t wear shoesB. Jacks sister had to workD. Jack had to help his father. D. Jacks father was a shoe-maker.( )55.We can know from the passage that.A. Jack didnt hel

30、p his father do housework B. Jack was helpful to his familyC. Henry did well in all his lessons D. Jacks family was very rich.第二部分非选择题(45分)五、词汇。(10分)A.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,每空一词1. This mountain is 5540 meters in( 高度).2. I spelt the word wrong, can you lend me an( 橡皮)?场考试 考3. It is important to look(从头至尾)the

31、 questions before you answer them.4. I was fat in senior high, so my teacher( 建议)me to exercise more.5. Chang e 4 will send wonderful pictures back to us when it 创达)the moon in the year 2018.B.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空6. Running for ten minutes around the playground is our(day) exercise.7. Everybody agreed

32、that John s jokes were(funny) of all.8. Can we help the little girl, Mum? She seems so(help).9. Sandy(stick) some paper roses on his exercise book and put the book in his bag.10. Most of us feel (terrible) cold because of the strong wind.六、阅读表达。 (5 分)Almost every day, we discuss the topic( 话题 ) of h

33、ealth, especially( 尤其是 ) for kids. But what is health?“Health ” means eating well, getting enough exercise, and having ahealthy weight. Here is some advice that can help you keep healthy. Eat different kinds of foods, especially fruit and vegetables. We all know that eating fruit and vegetables can

34、help us stay healthy, but many of us only eat our favorite foods. Remember that we can only eat different kinds of food to get the nutrition( 营养 ). Drink water and milk most often. Everyone knows that water is important. Besides( 除了 ) that, kids need plenty of calcium( 钙) to grow strong bones, and m

35、ilk has a lot of it. Every day, you should drink at least three cups of milk when you are 9 years old or older. You should also try to have less sugary drinks, like soda and cola, because they have no important nutrition. Listen to your body. When you are eating, notice how your body feels. When you

36、r stomach feels comfortably full, stop eating. If you eat too much too often, it can make you feel unhealthy and fat. Limit(限制)screen time. What s screen time? It s the amount ( 数量)of time you spend watching TV, movies, and playing computer games. The more time you spend on these sitting-down activi

37、ties, the less time you will spend playing sports, like basketball, and doing other activities like bike riding and swimming. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time.回答下面 5 个问题,每题答案不超过8 个词。1. How can you get the nutrition?2. Why should we try to have less sugary drinks?3. How will it

38、make you feel if you eat too much too often?4. What will happen if we spend more time on these sitting-down activities?5. What is the passage mainly about?七、任务型阅读。(10分)s how to getStarting a book club is easy- all you need is to love reading. Here yours off to a flying start.When you set up your clu

39、b, the first thing is to get members for your club. They could be friends, family or those you know through kinds of activities, but they should all love to read. A small group of seven to ten people is usually an ideal size for a book club. Too many people make the discussions difficult.Once you ha

40、ve a group, agree on how often you want to meetusually club members meet monthly. Pick a date and stick with it. That way, members can plan for it. Send out emails a week before the meeting to remind( 提醒)them of the meeting time. Set meeting time length. An hour is a good start. Two hours usually do

41、es the trick.Then, you need a good place. Libraries, parks and restaurants- all the public( 公 共的)placesmake good meeting places. For many clubs, meeting at home works best because you dont座位号have to get dressed up, and homes are quiet. If members bring a plate of food or a bottle, it can help start

42、conversation(谈话).Please don t forget the most important thing- the book!Think about the books your club will enjoy. Your club can decide on books in different ways. Anyway, make sure to keep it light and fun.After you decide all this, your book club is ready. Now, it s time to hold the firstmeeting.

43、 Enjoy your reading.How to1a club2membersYou can choose those people who3to read.deal4 for a book club: Seven to ten peopleare enoughfor discussions.Setting the timeSet a 5 time. Send everyone an email toremind themof the6_ meeting .Decide on how long the meeting will be.Deciding7 tomeetYou can meet

44、 in8places, like libraries, parks,andrestaurants.For many clubs, meeting at home works9.ChoosingthebooksThink about the books your club will enjoy.Decide on the10of choosing books.1.2.3. 4. 9._10. 八、缺词填空。(10分)China is a country with a rich c 1 in handwriting. Even though( 即使)thecomputer is

45、often used today, Chinese people should not forget the s 2 of writingwith hands, “ said a Chinese government official( 官员).Now the computer becomes a very useful t 3 to help people to write. As people use computers more often than before, many people forget how to write Chinese characters( 字).People

46、 often make a lot of m 4 in writing.Now China is trying to help students and teachers to improve( 提高)their writing skill with the help of information technology. With the technology, we hope that teachers can write their questions on the blackboard and students can answer by w 5, too.handwritingThe Chinese character test shows that now many college students has become w_6 than before. Many college students do not know how to compose (组成)words or sentences in Chinese characte


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