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1、if引导的条件状语从句1 . If winter comes, can spring be far behind?(条件 if winter comes, 结果 spring can t be far behind)2 .如果。只要。If we don t lose heart, we will find a way out.If we keep trying, we will succeed.条件状语从句 连词:if, unless, in case , as long as例如 These skills will be useless unless you carry them out.例

2、如 You d better take your umbrella in case it rains.例如 as long as you work hard enough, an iron rod can be ground into a needle.伤收:if teacher comes, I will wake you up.(主将从现)If teacher comes, you can t sleep any more.(主情从现)例如:if you don t go with me, I will go alone.例如: Miss me or Hate me , Both are

3、in my favor. If you miss me, I will always be in your heart If you hate me, I will always be in your mind.用法例句主句为一股将来时态,if从句用一股 现在时态(即主将从现)。We will stay at home if it rains tomorrow.如果明天下雨,我将要呆在家。主句中含有情态动词,if从句用一般现在时 态。(主情从现)If you finish your homework, you can go home now.如果你做完了作业,你现在可以回家主句为祈使句,if从

4、句用一般现在时态。Dont jump into the river if you feel very hot.如果 你感到很热,不要跳入河里。主句为过去将来时,if从句用一般过去时态 (如果涉及到be动词,一律都用were) o 此时,表达的是和现实相反的推测,用虚 拟语气。If I were you, I wouldnt do it like that.如果我是你,我就不会那么做的。If you gave me some money, I would be very happy.如果你给我一些钱,我就会很高兴的。一.单项选择(15分)()1.If you to the party, youl

5、l have a great time A. will go B. went C. go D.going()2. It will be a long time Peter his work.A. since, has finished B. after, finishes C. when, will finish D. before, finishes.()3. What will father us from Japan? A. take B. bring C. carry D. make()4. Weifang is famous kitesA. for B. to C. on D. wi

6、th()5. I her the answer if she me.A. can tell, will ask B. will tell, will ask C. would tell, ask D. will All, asks()6.- What are you going to do tomorrow? -Well go to the library tomorrow if it.A. isnt rain B. rain C. wont rain D. doesnt rain()7.Do you know when he will come back tomorrow?-Sorry, I

7、 dont know. When he back, III tell you.A. comes B. will come C. come D. may come()8. What will you do if you to the old folks home visit?A. go B. went C.going D. will go()9. If I eat food, III be very fat. A. too many B. many too C. too much D.much too () 10. HI give the book to him if he here next

8、Sunday.A. will come B. comes C. is coming D. came()11. There an English film in our school tomorrow.A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D. has()12. Could you tell us where?A. will the next Olympic Games held B. the next Olympic Games will be heldC. would the next Olympic Games be held

9、 D. the next Olympic Games would be held()13. When my mother returned last night, I a book.A. read B. am reading C. was reading D. am going to read()14.What you when it began to rain? A. do, do B. were, doing C. are, doingDdid, do15. HI wake you up when he back. A. will B. is going to come C. comes

10、D.come二、用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题3分)l.If you(feel) tired, you(have) to have a rest.2. Where he(see) the film if he(have) time?3. If there(be) fewer trees, there( be) more pollution.4. He(dress) more casually if he( not work) on weekends.5. If Marcia(live) alone, she( keep) a pet parrot.6. Lana buy) a new dres

11、s if the old one(be) out of style.7. The twins(fight) if they(argue).1 .1(have) a bake sale if I(need) money for education.9 . Peter( send) me a beautiful souvenir if he(tour) Spain.10 . If Mr Green (say) I am hard- working, my parents(feel) glad.11 .1(go) to the beach if it( not rain) this week.12

12、.they( have) a match if the P.E. teacher _(be) busy?13 .He(write) a letter to his grandparents if he(get) his report card this week.14 . If she(get) up late, she( not catch) the early bus.15 . Peter(major) in English if he(pass) the exams in Peking University. 三完成句子(每小题4分)1 .如果他到的晚了会发生什么事情? What if

13、he late?2 .如果努力学习,你就会取得好成绩。If you, you good.3 .他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。If he TV too much, his parents unhappy.4 .如果我们为他组织生日聚会,大家都会来的。Everyone if we a birthday party him.5 .如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。If it tomorrow, I go to the park you.6 .如果她睡过头了,就会旅游迟到的。hethe trip if she7 .如果他有空,他会帮助你的。If he,he you.8 .如果Tom考试不及

14、格,他就没有机会上高中了。Tom have the to go to the high school if he the exams.9 .你如果抄同学的作业就不能学好各门功课。You good at all the subjects if you the other students7homework.10 .如果你上课睡觉,老师会生气。If you in class,your teacher you.【边学边做】用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1. What will you buy if you (have) a lot of money?2. If it (not snow) tomor

15、row, we will feel unhappy.3. You mustn, t go to school if you (be) still in bed.4. If he (be) at home at that time, he would know it.5. Please show me the way if you (know) it.6. You will hurt your teeth if you (eat) too much candy.7. If you gave me a toy car, I (be) very happy.8. I would get the pr

16、ize if I (work) hard.反意疑问句的自我介绍Hi,大家好!我是你们的新朋友一反意疑问句。相信大家中已经认识我了吧?那么, 我都有哪些用法呢?其实很简单,跟我来,四步搞定!Step One构成形式我的构成形式为“一个陈述句加上一个简短的疑问句”,遵循“前肯后否,前否后肯” 的原则。明白吗?来看例句:She likes playing tennis, doesnt she?她喜欢打网球,不是吗?Judy isnt from Australia, is she?朱迪不是来自于澳大利亚,是吗?Step Two一反意疑问句的主语。除了 There be句型外,我的主语总是使用代词,这个

17、代词要和陈述句的主语保持一致。 明白吗?来看例句:There are some apples in die basket, aren-t there?篮子里有一些苹果,对吗?Mary saw you yesterday, didnt she?玛丽昨天看见你 了,不是吗?This is a blue pencil, isnt it?这是一支蓝色的钢笔,不是吗?Tony has already finished his homework. hasnt he?汤尼已经写完作业 了,不是吗?Step Three一反意疑问句的助动词我-反意疑问句是由助动词和代词构成的。那么,使用助动词时要注意:一般使用

18、陈述句 中的助动词或连系动词be:如果陈述句中没有助动词,则要根据陈述句的时态添加与时态 一致的助动词do, does或did等等。如:They will come here this evening, wont they?他们今天晚上将要来这儿,不是吗?She left here early this morning, didnt she?她今天早晨早早地就离开了,不是吗?Step Four一回答方式会用反意疑问句,但还要注意回答时用yes或no:但此时一定要按照英美国家的生活 习惯,而不要和汉语的思维方式相混淆。只要事实是肯定的用yes,反之用n。比如想表达 “她是从中国来的”,请注意回答

19、方式:A) 一She comes from China. doesnt she?她是从中国来的,不是吗?Yes, she does.是的,她是从中国来的。B) -She doesn t come from China, does she?她不是从中国来的,是吗?Yes, she does.不,她是从中国来的。怎么样,说了这么多,你们对我了解了多少呢?要不,我来出几道小题,试一试?反意疑问句练习答案1. Youd rather watch TV this evening,?a. isnt it b. hadnl you c. wouldnl you d. wont you2. I suppose

20、 youYe not going today,?a. are you b. do you c. dont you d. arenl you3. I wish to shake hands with you,?a. shall b. may I c. do I d. will I4. Three hours ought to be enough time,?a. oughtnt three hours b. didnt they c. shouldnt it d. shouldnl three hours5. They have to study a lot,?a. don*t they b.

21、havent they c. did they d. hadnt theyb. When the car crashed, your brother escaped being hurt,?a. didnt he b. did he c. did it d. didnt it7. Im sure dirty,?a. am I b. isnt I c. arent I d. am not I8. You seem to be dissatisfied with your present post. I dont think you judged your ability objectively

22、when you applied for it,you?a. do b. did c. dont d. didnt9. Thafs the sort of the book you want,?a. is it d. isnt that c. is that d. isnt it10. All these dictionaries are a great help to you,?a. are theyb. arent theyc. are all these dictionaries d. aren*t all these dictionaries11 .The movie that we

23、saw last week was quite interesting,?a. wasnt it b. was it c. didnt we d. werent we12 .Tom has been writing letters all afternoon, but he should have finished them by now,a. hasnt he b. has he c. shouldnl he d. didnt you 13.David told me that you would take a trip to America,?a. would you b. wouldnt

24、 you c. did you d. didnt you 14.There appeared to be no better way,?a. was there b. were there c. did there d. didnl there15 . You has some trouble finding where I live,?a. didnt you b. hadnt you c. do I d. dont I16 .He has his hair cut every month,?a. has he b. hasnt he c. does he d. doesnt he 17.Y

25、our friend needs to come earlier,?a. does he b. doesnt he c. need he d. neednt he 18.The little boy dare not go to church,?a. dare he b. darent he c. does he d. doesnt he19. Susank have worked abroad if shed had the chance,? a. has she b. hadnt she c. would she d. wouldnt she 20. Everyone*s having a

26、 good time,?a. is he b. isnt everyone c. does he d. arenl they21 .Any one can join the club,?a. can any one b. cant any one c. cant they d. can they 22.Tell me how to operate the electronic computer,?a. will you b. shanl you c. do you d. donl you 23.Magaret scarcely comes to visit you on Christmas D

27、ay,? a. doesnt she b. does she c. do you d. dont you 24. Lets listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned, a. do we b. dont we c. shall we d. shant we 25.You think youre funny,?a. didnt you b. are you c. dont you d. do you 26.Janet used to take part in labor in that village,?a. used she b

28、. did she c. didnt she d. should she 27.What beautiful weather,?a. is it b. isnt it c. wont it d. doesnl it28. He ought to go to Kwangchow by plane,?a. should he b. shouldnt he c. would he d. wouldnl he 29. We never dared to ask him a question,?a. did we b. didnl we c. dared we d. darent we30. Nobod

29、y will believe how difficult his work has been a. will he b. wont nobody c. will they d. wont they 31 .You must have made the mistake,?a. mustnl you b. havent you c. didnt you d. hadnt you32 .Learning how to repair computers takes a long time,?a. isnt it b. arent they c. doesnt it d. donJt they33 .J

30、ack has coffee with breakfast,?a. hasnt Jack b. hasnt he c. doesnt Jack d. doesnt he34 .They must have stayed at hotel last night,?a. mustnt they b. havent they c. didnt they d. hadnl they35 .There isnt anything wrong with the radio,?a. is there b. is it c. does it d. does there36 .You must be hungr

31、y,?a. must you b. mustnt you c. are you d. arent you37 .Lets do the exercises by ourselves,?a. shall we b. shant we c. will you d. will we38 .Her daughter had the carpets and curtains cleaned,?a. had she b. hadnl she c. didnt she d. didnt her daughter39 .The teacher had a talk with you,?a. has you b

32、. hadnt she c. did she d. didnt she40.Something1l have to be done about the air pollution,?a. wont it b. will it c. has it d. does it41. Linda ate nothing this morning,?A. didnt she B. was she C. did she D. wasnt she42. Theres hardly milk in the bottle,there?A. no, isnt B. some, is C. little, isnt D

33、. any, is43. He has never ridden a horse before,?A. does he B. has he C. hasnt he D. doesnl he44. He seldom came here,? Yes sir.A. didnt he B. does he C. doesnt he D. did he45. Everything seems all right,?A. does it B. dont they C. wont it D. doesnl it46. Nobody was absent from the meeting,?A. was i

34、t B. were they C. wasnt he D. werenft they47. One cant be too modest, can? A. one B. he C. it D. we48. No one failed in the exam,? A. was he B. did one C. did they D. didnt he 9. Tm a little late for class,I? A. amnt B. am not C. isnt D. aint50. Neither you nor I am a artist,? A. am I B. arent we C.

35、 are we D. aint I51. He cant be her father,he? A. is B. isnt C. can D. cant【跟踪小练习】将下列句子接上反意疑问句。L She goes to school on foot every day,?2. He is working in the field.?3. They didn t go to the cinema yesterday,?4. Tommy will drive his car to Beijing,?5. Kate hasnt bought the new skirt,?6. My pencil isnt as long as yours,?7. Your father stayed at home last Sunday,8. There is a monkey in the tree,?


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