小学英语 1A Unit 5 Fruit教案 牛津版.doc

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1、Unit 5 Fruit1、 Teaching aims: ss can pronounce words properly, master words of some common fruits. ss can use the sentence pattern : “Whats this/that?” freely.2、 Teaching aids: tape recorder3、 Teaching methods: visual method4、 language focus: use modeled phrases to communicate5、 Teaching period: 61T

2、eachers activitySs activityremarksPre-task1. Free talk: ask students some easy daily questions, and ask them to ask some questions too.2. play the cassette tape for the four pictures and do the actions. Ask the class to look and listen.3.play the cassette tape again and ask the class to follow your

3、actionsWhile-task1. Play the tape Ask some Ss to act it and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong.2. take out some fruits, and ask students to guess what is it through: smell/ touch/taste3. Open the Ss book to page 24 and read the commands for the class to follow, or play the cassette tape.

4、Ask the Ss to point to the relevant pictures with their fingers.4. give commands and ask individual Ss to repeat and act them.Post-task1. Give commands “smell the ./ touch your.”2. Repeat the commands and ask Ss to act them.3. Divide the Ss into pairs. One student give commands and the other student

5、 act them. Then let them change roles.4. Divide the whole class into two teams, ask individual Ss to give commands and to see which team is better. Vary the game by letting Ss to give commands to their own team or the opposite. Students communicate with the teacherSs listen and lookSs follow the tap

6、eIndividual Ss carry out the commands The whole class judge right or wrongSs guessSs follow the tape and point to the relevant picture.Individual Ss repeat and actSs carry out the commandsSs repeatSs do pair work Ss change their rolesSs compete between the two teams.以文号的方式开始每天的新课,可以激发学生兴趣,消除学生的紧张。从听

7、、看入手,逐步过度到跟读,说、做。循序渐进,符合学生认知规律。让学生在听的同时,指出相应的图片,使学生建立起音、形之间的联系。通过游戏,使学生巩固所学,避免了枯燥。blackboard design:smell picturestouch picturestaste pictures2Teachers activitySs activityremarksPre-task1. wrap up a real or plastic fruit with a cloth: dont hide its shape. ask “Whats this ?” if students respond with

8、a one-word answer, re-state it this way,” yes, it is a/an.”2. continue the game with other fruit so that students can practice saying the expression more.3. Let students try and wrap the fruit when they are familiar with the game.4. play the cassette tape to listen to and then say the expression pro

9、perly.5. use the cassette tape to revise pronunciation.6. put some fruit on a tray. cover the tray with a cloth, have individual students touch something under the cloth and guess what it is. They must say it in English.While-task1. put up the wall chart on the board do that the Ss can see it.2. pla

10、y the cassette tape for page25 and Ss listen and repeat.3. Ss prepare the dialogue in groups of four.4. select groups to act the dialogue for the class. Provide them the character masks.ConsolidationPut a tick in the correct box.Ss watch and guessSs continue the gameSs try itSs listen and repeatSs l

11、isten and repeat the sentencesSs look at the boardSs listen to the storySs listen and repeatSs work in groups of fourIndividual groups act for the classSs do the exercises利用实物引出整个对话,让学生了解对话的发音和意思,比较生动有趣。通过反复练习,使每个学生都有练习的机会,并且在练习中熟练。利用挂图做图意描述,使学习比较直观,符合低年级学生的特点blackboard design:this - thatWhats this/

12、 that?Its a/an3Teachers activitySs activityremarksPre-task1. Ask Ss “ what can you see in the basket?” put some fruit in the basket2. introduce the vocabulary by carefully pronouncing the words and let Ss repeat several times.3. Ask individual Ss “Whats this/that?” Prompt the Ss to hold up their per

13、sonal stationary and repeat the wordsWhile-task1. play the cassette tape. Ask the Ss to point to the relevant pictures and repeat.2. put the vocabulary objects on your desk. Say “a pear” “a melon”, etc. Invite a student to come up and pick out the right object.3. Say “a pear”. Ask the class to tell

14、which picture and repeat “a pear”. Practice until the Ss can respond quickly.4. put up the picture card for “pear” on the board, and put the word card next to it. Read the word several times and ask the Ss to repeat.5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with the other new words.Post-task1. one the left side of th

15、e board put up the word cards for all the new words and on the right their picture cards but in a different order. Point to one word and the picture opposite and ask “ Is this right?” Have Ss come up and change the order.2. after the words and pictures are correctly matched, practice reading the wor

16、ds again.3. ask individual Ss to come up and put away the pictures and cards as you tell them.Ss: I can seeSs pronounce the words carefully after the teacher.Individual Ss respond the questionSs listen to the tape and point to relevant pictures.Individual Ss come up and pick The whole class listen a

17、nd actSs look at the boardSs come up and change the order.Ss read the words againIndividual Ss come up and put away the word card联系实际,引出问句,为下面的教学做铺垫让学生建立起单词音、形、义之间的联系。通过各种不同的游戏来操练巩固所学的单词,使学生乐学、好学。blackboard design:an apple/orangea pear/melon/lemon/ peachThis/that is.4Teachers activitySs activityrema

18、rksPre-task1. hold up the six vocabulary objects or picture cards and ask what they are. Remind Ss to put up their hands instead of simply calling out the answer. Also call on Ss who do not raise their hands. At times you may wish the whole class to respond, saying “ the whole class” and move your h

19、ands to give them a hint.2. put up the picture cards for the new words on the board. Ask individual Ss to come up and choose a certain card. Then put up the corresponding word card next to it and read the word.3. say “ today we are going to learn a very interesting storyWhile-task1. discuss with Ss

20、what is happening in the picture and then read the verse to them.2. play the cassette tape for this verse. The Ss look at the picture in their books, listen and repeat3. play the cassette again and encourage the Ss to join in and practice several times.4. invite pairs of Ss to try to retell the stor

21、y.5. the whole class retell the story together6. ask individual students to retell the story before the classPost-task1. ask each student to draw a picture of some fruit. Divide the class into pairs and let them compose another verse by substituting the fruit name. Help the less able Ss while you wa

22、lk around the classroom2. ask individual pairs to act out this new story.3. play the cassette tape for the whole story while Ss look at the pictures in their Ss book and repeat.Ss read the words according to the pictures.Individual Ss come up and choose the certain card and read themSs tell the teac

23、her what is happening in the pictureSs look at the pictures and listen and repeatSs practice the rhymeIndividual pairs retellSs take out a pen and draw picturesSs look at the book and listen to the tape again通过复习昨天所学的生词来开始今天的新课,以旧带新,符合认知规律。先让学生观察图片,讨论图中发生的事,可以让学生对即将要学的故事有一个自己的认识和猜测,为下面的学习做了一个很好的铺垫。对

24、故事进行拓展,可以复习运用更过所学词汇。blackboard designIs this/that a/an。?Yes, it is/ No, it isnt.5Teachers activitySs activityremarksPre-task1. do daily free talk2. Have a basket of real fruit, including an apple, a lemon and etc. pick up the apple and ask “Is this an apple?” repeat the question in English immediate

25、ly. say” yes, it is.” again repeat the answer in English.3. hold up the lemon and ask “ is this a banana?” repeat in English. Answer “No, it is not!” in students mother tongue first, then in English.4. open the students book to page 26. Discuss with students what they can see in each picture.While-t

26、ask1. use the pictures to let students practice the target language. get two students come up to the front. one is to ask” is this a/an?” and the other is to say “yes, it is “ or “No, it is not” 2. choose more able students to ask questions to elicit the answer “No, it is not”Post-taskWorkbook19Ss g

27、reet to the teacherSs answerSs answerSs discuss with the teacherSs practice More able students ask questions以问候方式开始本课,激发学生兴趣,消除紧张感blackboard designIs this/that?Yes, it is/ No, it is not.6Teachers activitySs activityremarksFinish workbook1. page 16: put a cross on the one which is not a fruit.2. page

28、 16: listen and draw the fruit on the plate.3. page 17: circle the fruit and color it.4. page 17: draw a line to match the words with its picturesRevision of Unit 11. play the game: teacher verses students2. using pictures to ask students questions “Whats this/that?”. After the student respond to th

29、e sentence, he can ask his friend the question3. show the Ss the word cards and ask them to judge. If what the teacher said is correspond to the picture, Ss repeat. Otherwise, dont.4. Game: response quickly. Teacher goes first, ask one student a question, using “Is this/that a/an?”, and the student

30、has to response quickly. And then he can go on the chains to ask others. The team that can ask more questions is the winner5. ask Ss to retell the storySs finish the workbookSs play the game : Ss ask and answerSs judge and repeat the right wordSs play the game and practice in the gameSs retell the story通过完成练习册,巩固学生听和认读的技巧借由各种各样的游戏,来复习本单元所学的所有的知识点,真正做到寓教于乐。blackboard design:word cards Is this/ that? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. It is. 教学后记:学生能在创设的情境中自如地运用所学的词汇和句型。但是,学生在认读单词方面,有个别同学存在困难,他们当听到中文或看到图片时,能够准确说出英文单词,但当单独看到英文单词时却读不出,以后要多加强单词的认读训练。10专心 爱心 用心


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