高三英语 限时纠错自主练习(四)牛津版.doc

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1、2011届仪征中学高三年级英语限时纠错自主练习(四) 第一节 单项选择1. He always did well at school having to do part-time jobs.A. in spite of B. regardless of C. on account of D. in case of2. John is the only one of the students in our class that never _ a mistake even when it is pointed out to him. A. admit making B. admits makin

2、g C. admit to make D. admits to make3. Because of the earthquake,some parts of the countryside are only by helicopter.A. available B. appropriate C. accessible D. achievable4. Having walked in the desert for several days, we felt exhausted, but we had to find a pool before the water we had A. ran ou

3、t of B. ran away C. ran out D. ran off5. that he has no special knowledge in business management, Mike plans to gain the necessary skills by taking a part-time course. A. Concerning B. Concerned C. Been concerned D. To concern6.-Why didnt you go to help her?-I , but I seriously ill.A. would have; wo

4、uld be B. would; were C. would have; was D. would; had7. -People should stop using their cars and start using public transport.- . The roads are too crowded as it is.A. All right B. Exactly C. Go ahead D. Fine8. In our university six thousand dollars gains success in science and technology every two

5、 years.A. are given to anyone who B. gives to whomeverC. give to everyone D. is given to whoever9. Do you know the tower _ in the heart of the city? Do you mean the one _ to the north of the city library? A. locating; lay B. located; lying C. being located; lying D. located; lay10. _ visited the Sha

6、nghai World Expo is sure to tell you the place is worthy _ twice. You can say that again.A. Those who have; visiting B. Whoever has; visitingC. Those who have; to be visited D. Whoever has; to be visited11. No one can answer the question _ we can complete the task in time, do you know? Yes, and this

7、 is because we dont know the way _ the scientist used last time.A. whether; which B. if; which C. whether; in which D. if; in which12. Two hundred of the tourists were saved from danger in Taiwan, but the rest _ still missing. If only the travel agency _ more measures to prevent such accidents.A. is

8、; has takenB. are; had takenC. is; tookD. are; would take13. 一When shall we start the restoration of the historic buildings?一Not until our plan_ by the committee. A. will be approved B. approves C. is to approve D. has been approved14. The man should be excused because he caused the damage _. A. del

9、iberately B. unintentionally C. meaningfully D. determinedly 15. Chinese Premier Wen put great pressure on the Japanese side, otherwise the boat captain _. As the saying goes, he who hasnt seen the coffin (棺材) wont cry.A wouldnt be released B. hadnt been releasedC wouldnt have been released D should

10、 have been released16. Whom do you want to have_ the living conditions of migrant workers?A. improve B. to improve C. improving D. improved 17. Of all the subjects, I like _ physics best because it gives us _ useful knowledge of things in science. And I long to turn _ scientist in the future.A. the

11、; a ; a B. / ; an ; / C./ ; a ; / D. the ; / ; /18. Only when _ possible to settle the problem.A. does the editor come will it be B. the editor comes will it be C. has the editor come it will be D. the editor comes it will be19. _there is enough sunshine and rain that the crops grow well?A. Where is

12、 it B. Is that where C. Is it where D. Is it the place20.Mr. Wang is a man of few words, but quick in mind. , you know.A. A single flower does not make a spring B. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds C. A still tongue makes a wise head D. A great talker is a great liar21.

13、-I didnt take notes at yesterdays meeting because I had left my pen at home. -You _ mine. I _ it. A. must have borrowed; wasnt using B. may have borrowed; wasnt usingC. should have borrowed; hadnt used D. could have borrowed; wasnt using 22. Canada is a country _ many different nationalities as well

14、 as one with foreign immigrants _ the majority of its population. A. making up of; occupied with B. consisting of; making up C. made up of; consisting of D. consisted of; taking up第二节:完形填空Life is filled with challenges, and as we get older we come to 23 that those challenges are the very things that

15、 24 us and make us who we are. It is 25 the challenges that come with friendship.When we are 26 with a challenge, we usually have two 27 . We can try to resolve it,or we can decide that the thing presenting the challenge isnt 28 the trouble and quit it. 29 there are certainly times when quitting is

16、the right thing to do,in most 30 all that is needed is commitment and communication.When we are committed to something it means that no matter how painful or how 31 something is, we will always 32 to face it and work it through 33 run away from it. 34 is making a space for discussion and talking abo

17、ut how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong, if you can say to a friend,“I got my feelings hurt,”rather than,“You hurt my feelings,” you are going to be able to resolve the problem much 35 .In dealing with the many challenges that friendship will present to you,try to s

18、ee them for 36_ are small hurdles(跨栏) you need to 37 on your way through life. Nothing is so big that it is impossible to get 38 ,and hurt only 39 to make us stronger. It is all 40 of growing up, it happens to everyone,and some day you will 41 all of this and say, “Hard 42 it was,it made me who I am

19、 today. And that is a good thing.”23 A. realize B. form C. meet D. aware24. A. trouble B. hurt C. shape D. disappoint25. A. the same as B. different from C. opposite to D. the same with26. A. connected B. faced C. full D. familiar27. A. problems B. questions C. cases D. choices28. A. worthy B. worth

20、while C. worth D. valuable29. A. Although B. Despite C. Because D. However30. A. areas B. cases C. condition D. position31. A. comfortable B. convenient C. uncomfortable D enjoyable32. A. avoid B. choose C. escape D. fail33. A. other than B. more than C. or rather D. rather than34. A. Communication

21、B. Commitment C. Contribution D. Challenge35. A. slower B. farther C. faster D. more slowly36. A. which B. that C. it D. what37. A. jump B. climb C. race D. rush38. A. away B. over C. out D. off39. A. seems B. contributes C. serves D. develops40. A. more B. because C. most D. part41. A. look forward

22、 to B. look back on C. look down on D. look up to42. A. since B. although C. while D. as第三节 阅读理解A Against the assumption that forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia warm the climate, scientists have discovered that cooling may occur in areas where burnt trees allow more snow to mirror more sunli

23、ght into space.This finding suggests that taking steps to prevent northern forest fires to limit the release of greenhouse gases may warm the climate in northern regions. Usually large fires destroyed forests in these areas over the past decade. Scientists predict that with climate warming, fires ma

24、y occur more frequently over next several centuries as a result of a longer fire season. Sunlight taken in by the earth tends to cause warming, while heat mirrored back into space tends to cause cooling.This is the first study to analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climate. Earlier s

25、tudies by other scientists have suggested that fire in northern regions speed up climate warming because greenhouse gases from burning trees and plants are released into the atmosphere and thus trap heat.Scientists found that right after the fire, large amounts of greenhouse gases entered the atmosp

26、here and caused warming. Ozone(臭氧)levels increased, and ash from the fire fell on far-off sea ice, darkening the surface and causing more radiation from the sun to be taken in. The following spring, however, the land within the area of the fire was brighter than before the fire, because fewer trees

27、covered the ground. Snow on the ground mirrored more sunlight back into space, leading to cooling.“We need to find out all possible ways to reduce the growth of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.” Scientists tracked the change in amount of radiation entering and leaving the climate system as a resu

28、lt of the fire, and found a measurement closely related to the global air temperature. Typically, fire in northern regions occurs in the same area every 80 to 150 years. Scientists, however, found that when fire occurs more frequently, more radiation is lost from the earth and cooling results. Speci

29、fically, they determined when fire returns 20 years earlier than predicated, 0.5 watts per square meter of area burned are soaked up by the earth from greenhouse gases, but 0.9 watts per square meter will be sent back into space. The net effect is cooling. Watts are used to measure the rate at which

30、 energy is gained or lost from the earth.43. According to the new findings, taking steps to prevent northern forest fires may _. A. result in a warming climate B. cause the forest fires to occur more frequently C. lead to a longer fire season D. protect the forests and the environment there44. Earli

31、er studies about northern forest fires _. A. analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climate B. indicate that forest fires will pollute the atmosphere C. suggest that people should take measures to protect environment D. suggest that the fires will speed up climate warming45. The underli

32、ned phrase “soaked up” in the last paragraph most probably means _.A. releasedB. absorbed C. created D. disturbed46. From the text we can draw a conclusion that forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia may _.A. warm the climate as the assumption goesB. allow more snow to reflect more sunlight into

33、 space and thus cool the climateC. destroy large areas of forests and pollute the far-off sea iceD. help to gain more energy rather than release more energyBA chip inserted in a young quadriplegics (四肢麻痹患者) brain is already improving his quality of life. Soon the benefits may be more widespread. A 2

34、5-year-old man unable to move from the neck down recently did what many assumed impossible. After a knife attack that had left him paralyzed, all he could move was his head, which he used to push a switch and call for a nurse. And he could turn his wheelchair by blowing into a straw near his face. T

35、hat was it. Then last June, a Foxborough (Mass.) company called Cyber Kinetics opened the mans skull and inserted a special chip no larger than a baby aspirin. That insert has given him a few additional and precious abilities. When connected to a special computer via a cable, the chip translates the

36、 young mans thoughts into commands that let him move a cursor across a PC screen and open e-mail. He can draw a circle with a computer painting program. And he can use a robotic hook(钩) to perform simple tasks like picking up a candy and sliding it across a table.All he has to do is to think. Severa

37、l new studies have begun or been completed in the past year. In fact, more than half of the scientific papers in this field, called brain-to-computer interaction (BCI), have been published in the past two years, notes Jonathan Wolpaw, a research physician at Wadsworth Center, the New York State Heal

38、th Dept.s research laboratory. Brain surgeries (手术) are no longer rare: Thousands of Parkinsons disease patients have had special devices inserted in their brains to ease uncontrollable shaking and other symptoms. The inserts themselves have improved, so the body doesnt reject them as furiously(猛烈地)

39、. And significant development has been achieved in software used to interpret the brains signals and change them into commands understood by computers. But increased demand for thought technology remains the biggest reason for the fields progress. Today, 4 million Americans live with paralysis accor

40、ding to the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation. Scientists hope that thought technology will reduce the impact of such disabilities. People with spinal-cord injuries, for example, often lose their ability to walk because the communications network between their brain and their legs has been inte

41、rrupted. The brain still commands the leg muscles to move, but they dont hear its orders. Thought technology, scientists hope, will bridge this communications gap. Our goal is for you to see paralyzed people eating at a restaurant and for you not to know that they are paralyzed, says John Donoghue,

42、founder and chief scientific officer at Cyber Kinetics.47. What was the young mans trouble after a knife attack? A. It was impossible for him to do anything. B. By no means could he call for a nurse.C. He could not use his organs under the neck. D. He was unable to move his head.48. What plays the m

43、ost important role in improving the young mans quality of life?A. A chipB. A computer C. A robotic hookD.A company49. What can we learn from Paragraph Six?A. There used to be a lot of brain surgeries. B. There has been some progress in the field of thought technology.C. People with Parkinsons diseas

44、e reject the use of the chip in their brains.D. No software has been developed to interpret the brains signals.50. What is the passage mainly about? A. Communications gap B. Thought technologyC. American quadriplegics D. Human brainsABCCB CBDBD ABDBC ACBCC DBACDBD CABCB DACDA BCDBDADBB CABB6用心 爱心 专心


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