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1、2008年河南省旅游类专业课试卷总 分核分人饭店服务与管理英语(100分)得分评卷人一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分。请选出下列专业词汇的正确 翻译形式,并将其序号填在题后的括号内)1候客单 ( )Awaiting list Barrival list Cname list Dguest list2汇率 ( )Achange rate Bchange percent Cexchange rate Dexchange percent 3洗衣服务 ( )Awashing service Bclothes service Ccleaning service Dlaundry service4煨 (

2、)Asteam BstewCbraise Dscramble5烈性酒 ( )Aaperitif Bwhite wineCliquor Dbrandy6客房送餐服务 ( )Aroom service Bmeal serviceCpick-up service Dwake-up service7珠宝柜 ( )Agarment counter Btoy counterCpharmacy counter Djewelry counter 8特快专递 ( )AMES BSEMCEMS DRMS9台球室 ( )Atennis court Bbilliard roomCbowling alley Dball

3、 room10布件房 ( )Amake up room Bsheet roomCinside room Dlinen room得分评卷人二、判断题(每小题1分,共10分。正确的,在题后括号内打“ ”, 错误的打“”)11Since a hotel is a home away from home for all the traveling guests, we are creating a home for our guests only. ( )12The Food and Beverage Department staff includes chefs, waiters, waitress

4、es, bussers and bartenders. ( )13It makes no difference for a guest to check out in the morning or in the afternoon.( )14The duties of the receptionist may vary from hotel to hotel. ( )15For American service, the beverage is served from the guests left side. ( )16The room attendant should put the DN

5、D sign outside the room after cleaning.( )17Qigong consists of three essentials, the adjustment of the breath, mind and body.( )18Continental breakfast is usually served with eggs. ( )19Colorfast means the color will run fast from the clothes in the wash. ( )20Persons in a vest or slippers are not a

6、llowed in the bowling room. ( )得分评卷人三、选词填空(每小题2分,共20分。请用方框内所给的词或词 组补全句子,并将其填在相应句子后的括号内)run financial prolong value keep in case connected informed fulfill refer 21Well try our best to _ the guests reasonable requests. ( ) 22The Housekeeping Department is _ of the arrival of VIPs by the Front Desk. (

7、 )23If there is still doubt, please _ to the Notice to Guests. ( )24A guests opinion of the hotel is largely _ with its service. ( ) 25Please remind me of it again tomorrow _ I forget. ( )26The Recreation stuff should always _the gym facilities in good condition.( )27We should make every guest feel

8、the _ of what they have paid for.( )28Taijiquan can improve health, _ life, and increase ones resistance to illness.( )29Shops have been adding to the convenience and pleasure of guests and to the _ success of the hotel. ( ) 30The housekeeper should faithfully _ the errands for the department and co

9、ordinate his work with other departments. ( )得分评卷人四、补全对话(每小题2分,共20分。请用题后方框内所给的句子补全对话,将所选句子的序号填在相应空行后的括号内,每个句子只能使用一次)(Dialogue 1)(Sstuff Gguest)S: Good morning. May I help you?G: Id like to pay my bill now.31S: _ ( ) G: John Walker, room 418.32S: Please wait a moment, _ ( ) G: OK.33S: Sorry to have k

10、ept you waiting, Mr. Walker. Here is your bill, and it totals 1,980 yuan RMB. _ ( ) G: Yes, I dont see there is any problem with it.34S: _ ( )G: By credit card. Here you are.35S: Thank you. This is your receipt and credit card. _ ( )A. Ill print the bill for you.B. Please have a check.C. Can I have

11、your name and room number, please?D. Hope to see you again soon.E. How would you like to pay your bill?(Dialogue 2)(R A Room Attendant GGuest)G: Good evening. Were going to Shanghai tomorrow. Ive just checked out and I would like to be woken up early in the morning.36RA: _ ( ) G: At 5:30 am.37RA: _

12、( ) G: Just give me a call because I dont want to disturb my neighbors.38RA: OK. _ ( ) G: Well, I have much baggage. Can you take my baggage to the entrance of the lobby tomorrow morning?39RA: All riglt._ ( )G: Thank you. Good night.40RA: _ ( )A. Please put your baggage outside your room after getti

13、ng up and we will send it down.B. At what time, Mr. White?C. Anything else I can do for you? D. Good night.E. Would you like us to give you a morning call or knock at your door?得分评卷人五、阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分。阅读下列短文,并根据文章内容选择最佳答案,将所选答案的序号填在题后的括号内)The following are four important points to remember when worki

14、ng with Chinese menus.First, when seating the guest, offer him something to drink while he looks at the menu. The second point to remember is that foreigners are used to having soup at the beginning rather than at the end of the meal. Also when foreigners order plain rice(白米饭), they will probably ex

15、pect to be served the rice along with the dishes and not at the end of the meal. It is also a good idea to have a few Chinese desserts listed at the end of the menu because many westerners have a sweet tooth and like to finish their lunch or dinner with something nice and fattening.Keep in mind that

16、 many foreigners know little about Chinese cuisine. However, the manner in which Chinese menus are written makes the job much easier. For one thing, a Chinese menu is usually numbered. If you cant understand what the guest orders, you can always ask, “Which number, sir?” What also makes the job easi

17、er is that Chinese menus are very explicit(清楚的) as to the type of dish and ingredients(成分). If the dish is braised duck with sea cucumber, for example, no explanation will be neededunless the guest does not know what a sea cucumber is. In other words, most Chinese dishes need little or no explanatio

18、n. However, a few do have fanciful names. 41What does a waiter usually do when he seats the guest? ( ) A. Take orders. B. Bring something to drink. C. Wait to take order. D. Have a little chat with him.42When do westerners prefer to have their soup? ( ) A. At the beginning of their meal. B. In the m

19、iddle of their meal. C. At the end their meal. D. After having the dessert.43Why does the writer suggest having some desserts at the end of the menu? ( ) A. Because it makes the menu colorful.B. Because more and more people love having desserts.C. Because foreigners only have desserts in Chinese res

20、taurant.D. Because many foreigners love desserts after the main course of their meal. 44How does the Chinese menu make the waiters job easier? ( ) A. It has pictures. B. It is written both in English and Chinese. C. It has explanations for each dish. D. It has a number for each dish.45Which of the f

21、ollowing is true? ( ) A. Desserts are usually listed at the beginning of the Chinese menu. B. Chinese menus are full of dishes with fanciful names. C. Chinese menus are explicit as to the ingredients of the dishes. D. Waiters dont know how to explain what a sea cucumber is. 得分评卷人六、汉译英(每小题4分,共20分。请将下

22、列句子的翻译写在每个小题后的空白处)46我们这里有精选的景德镇瓷器。47您在餐前要用些饮料吗?48请问您有什么特殊要求需要我们做准备吗?49感谢您让这件事引起我们的注意。50我们可以给您房间加一张床。餐饮服务与管理(100分)得分评卷人七、选择题(每小题2分,共30分。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项的序号填在题后的括号内)51中餐零点餐厅菜肴服务中,小桌客人点的菜肴道数少,一般在 分钟左右上完。 ( )A20 B25 C30 D355220世纪50年代和60年代,我国的西餐以 菜发展较快。 ( )A法式 B美式 C俄式 D英式53 是最基本的餐巾折花手法,几乎所有折花都会用到。 (

23、 )A折叠 B卷 C推折 D翻拉54在酒吧,红葡萄酒杯的容量规格一般为 毫升。 ( )A168 B210 C224 D28055下列啤酒中, 是丹麦的著名品牌。 ( )A嘉士伯 B喜力 C卢云堡 D贝克56下列西餐菜肴服务中, 主要用于西餐宴会服务。 ( )A法式服务 B俄式服务 C美式服务 D英式服务57餐桌的大小要合理,以给予每位就餐者不少于 厘米的边长为宜。( )A45 B55 C65 D7558中餐厅传菜部大餐桌每桌可备台号夹 只左右。 ( )A8 B10 C12 D1559 是世界上首屈一指的白兰地生产国。 ( )A美国 B英国 C法国 D中国60 主要用于各种油料燃烧、电器燃烧等火

24、灾。 ( )A二氧化碳灭火器B干粉灭火器C泡沫灭火器D以上都不是61“凯旋门”这款鸡尾酒采用的是 调制方法。 ( )A兑和法 B调和法 C摇和法 D搅和法62蒸馏酒通常指酒精含量 (V/V)以上的烈性酒。 ( )A15% B20% C30% D40%63中餐服务基本技能中重托所托重量一般在 千克左右。 ( )A5 B10 C15 D2064潘马丁、布里斯托酒是 的代表酒品。 ( )A钵酒 B比特酒 C雪利酒 D茴香酒65下列中餐餐具用品中, 的英文是Silent cloth。 ( )A手推车 B桌裙 C垫布 D席次卡得分评卷人 八、判断题 (每小题2分,共20分。正确的,在题后括号内打“ ”,

25、 错误的打“”)66我国的餐饮业将走向餐饮多元化、地方化和国际化阶段。( )67按惯例,苏格兰、加拿大两地的威士忌书写为Whiskey。 ( )68PDCA管理循环中PDCA即计划、实施、检查、处理的英文简称。( )69餐后甜酒的制作是用发酵酒加入各种配料和糖配制而成的。( )70中餐大圆桌上菜时,应将刚上的菜肴用转盘转至主人面前。 ( )71西餐宴会进行中如果餐桌上的餐具已用完,应先摆好相应的餐用具,再上菜。( )72旅游涉外饭店的自助餐通常是等客人用完餐后再付费。 ( )73中餐宴会上菜位置一般在陪同和翻译之间进行。 ( )74调酒师接到点酒单后一般要求正常营业时5分钟调制好客人所点的酒水。( )75鱼子酱分为红鱼子和黑鱼子,红鱼子比黑鱼子更为名贵。 ( )得分评卷人九、名词解释题(每小题3分,共12分)76黄酒77美式服务78地方菜79服务项目得分评卷人十、简答题(3小题,共23分)80中餐午餐、晚餐服务中点菜服务的准备工作有哪些?(8分)81建立餐饮部组织机构的原则有哪些?(7分)82西餐菜肴与酒水的搭配规律一般来说可以归纳为哪些?(8分)得分评卷人十一、论述题 (15分) 83试述在餐厅员工激励实施的过程中使用的方法。旅游类专业课试卷 第 12 页(共 12 页)


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