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1、精品文档3欢迎下载 。宝坻二中七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题15小题,每小题1 分,共 15 分)每句播放两遍。 各句播放前每小题有小题,在括号里。( please.(to.4 秒钟内从各题所给的 A、1. A. Be careful.2. A. Its a pity.3. A. No, thanks.4. A. Guess what!B.4 秒钟的阅题时间。 请根据各句内容及其相关B、C项中选出最佳答语,并将答案填在题前的Have a good time. C.What s itB. ThatB. It doesnB. OK. I won5. A. You re welcome. B. No

2、, you cans good. C. Whatt matter. C. This way,t. C. Come on.t.C. OK. Iabout?s up?d likeB、 C 项中选出最佳选项,并将答案填在题每段播放两遍。 各段播放前每小题有相关小题,在 4 秒钟内从各题所给的A、前的括号里。听下面一段材料,回答67两个小题。4 秒钟的阅题时间。 请根据各段内容及其并将答案填在题6Where is Tony? Hes at home.BHes at school.CHes out.7When will Tony be back?In two hours.In an hour. CIn

3、half anhour.听下面一段材料,回答第 89两个小题。8What is Bill doing now?Playing computer Doing his homework. B Having supper. C games.() A evening.9When will Bill do his homework? After supper. B Now.Tomorrow听下面一段材料,回答第 1012三个小题。)A)A101112o clock.听下面一段材料,回答第What will the weather be like this afternoon?Sunny.Cloudy.W

4、hat are they going to do tomorrow afternoon?Gofishing.Goswimming.When will they meet? At three o clock.B At four o clock.1315三个小题。Rainy.Play football.C At five() 13 What is his dream?To learnBooks onPoor.present.A To be a teacher. B To be a scientist. C more.() 14 What kind of books is he going to r

5、ead more?A Books on music. B Books on science. C technology.() 15 What does Adam think his future be like?A Wonderful. B Interesting. C二、单项填空(本题有15 小题;每小题 1 分)( )16. The pet cat in your hand is very nice . Is it ? Yes, but I ll give it to myfriend Lucy as birthdayA. you; her B. your; her C. yours; h

6、er D. you;hers( )17. Is this notebook? No, it isnt .A. theirs; their B. hers; his C. your; mine D. your; my( )18. Excuse me , are these new shoes ? No, they aren t. are black over there.A. your, Mine B. my; Your C. her; Her D. mine;Yours( )19. Hi, Jim. Is this your bike or Marys? It s mine, not .A .

7、 her B. him C. his D. hers( )20 Jim with his parents going to visit the ForbiddenCity _ Sunday morning.A. am, in B. are, on C. is, on D. be, at( ) 21. Would you like to come to my birthday ?A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, Id like to. C. No, I dont.D.Yes, I do( )22. Are you going to have a pinic tomorrow?-No,

8、 we.A .don t B. are C. arent D.do() 23. -will your life be like?-It will be easy and free.A. How B. What C. When D. Where( ) 24. Would you please help my bag?精品文档A.about B. with C.on D. /()25. Let s discuss the plan, Mary.Not now. I to have a meeting.A. Go B. went C. am going D. was going()26 .I ten

9、 minutes walking to school every day.A use B. spend C. take D. cost()27. He football tomorrow.A. is playing B .is going to play C. plays D.play ()28 一 can I get the book if I order it today?In a week.A. How soon B. How long C. How much D. How many()29. Would you like to my party?-Great. I d love to.

10、A . come B . to come C . coming D.comes()30. Mrs. Li is looking forward to her daughter. She studiesin Australia now.A . see B . to see C . seeing D.sees三.完形填空(10分)Mr. and Mrs. White have a son. His nameis John. They love 31 sonverymuch. But there issomething wrong 32the boy. He cannot 33himself. Hi

11、s parentsdo not know 34 iswrong.One day they take35 tosee a doctor. The doctor has a look at John carefully and find the boy can not see 36.But the doctor can do nothing to help John.After 37 years, they hear there is a very good 38 in a town not far away. So they 39 the boy to see him. The doctor 4

12、0 a small operation (手术)on John, then John can see clearly. All of them are very happy.()31.A. theirB.hisC.herD.theirs()32.A. inB.withC.onD.of()33.A. lookat B.look for C.look after D.lookup()34.A. whoB.whatC.,whyD.when()35.A. herB.themC.himD.his()36.A. something B.anythingC.nothingD.everything()37.A

13、. a fewB.a littleC.a lotD.few()38.A. teacher B.doctorC.friendD.woker()39.A. takeB.bringC. giveD. teach()40.A. doB.doesC.doingD.is四.阅读理解(15 分,每小题1分)FoundA set of keys. There is a toy bear on it, too. If you lost it, call me at 880-1167313. Im from NO.2 Middle School.JackLostAn old bike. Its black wit

14、h a plastic( 塑料的)basket. Its seat is yellow.If you find it,please return it to me. I live in the fifth floor in Building2.MillerLostYesterday, I lost a novel written by Mr. Mo Yan. Its nameis Frog. I m eager to find it. If you find it somewhere, can you give a phone to me? Im fromClass 6, Grade 7.Lu

15、is()41. If you lose a set of keys, you can callA . Jack B . Miller C.Luis D . MoYan()42. Miller lose a(n).A . set of keys B . novel C . old bike D . basket()43. Luis is from.A . No. 2 Middle School B . the fifth floor C . Building 2 D. Class 6, Grade 7()44. Frog is.A . a kind of bike B . a kind of k

16、ey C . a kind of basket D . a novel()45. Which one is true?A . Jack lost a set of keys.B. Miller found anovelC. There is a toy monkey on that set of keys. D. Mo Yan is awriter.It is Sunday today. Ann is shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy a new sweater for her. In a clothing shop,

17、she finds an orange one.She tries it on. It s too small. She wants a bigger one, but the bigger ones are not orange. Ann doesnt like other colours. Her mother asks,Shall wego to another shop to have a look? ” So they go out of the shop and go into another one.The second shop is bigger than the first

18、, and in it there are many kinds 5欢迎下载精品文档of sweaters of different sizes and colours. Ann tries on an orange one. It stoo big. She tries a smaller one. Its OK.“Howmuch is it? ” Ann s mother asks the womanwho sells clothes. Then they find it too dear, and they dont have so much money with them.“Would

19、 youlike a cheaper one? ” the woman asks.“No, we shall take this one. My daughter likes it. We shall come back tobuy it tomorrow, ” Ann s mother answers.) 46 It is Sunday. Ann and her mother are doing someshopping are walking in a streetan orange sweater an orange sweater for herorange in the first

20、shop orange sweater in theA are at homeBC are in a clothing shop D () 47 Ann wants to buy .A an orangeBC an orange for her mother D mother() 48 There is only one .A shop near their home BC orange sweater in the first shop D second shop() 49 The sweater in the first shop is .A too small B OK C longer

21、 D too dear () 50 In the second shop .A there are many kinds of dressesB they buy a sweater of the right size and colourC they find a sweater of the right size and colourD there is one sweater of the right size, colour and price( C)Mr. Perkin stands at the bus stop and watches the cars go by. Many o

22、f the cars are Beta 400s, and most of them are yellow. Mr. Perkin likes to do whatother people do. So the following week he buys a new yellow Beta 400s. He likes it very much and doesnt like the old red one any more.This morning Mr. Perkin parks his car in a big park at half past eightnear his offic

23、e. But when he comes out of his office at five o clock, there re so many yellow Beta 400s in the park. Mr. Perkin cant find out which caris his because he forgets its number and leaves his licence(执照)at home.He tries his key in some of the cars and people looks at him. He has to give up.Poor Mr. Per

24、kin can do nothing. He waits nearly two hours until his car is the only yellow Beta 400s left in the park.() 51 Mr. Perkin s new car is .A .red B .yellow C . Beta 4000s D . Beta 40s ()52. Mr. Perkin goes to his office.A. at about eight thirty B . at five C . at 7 am D .at 7 pm()53. Mr. Perkin can t

25、find his car because.A. there are lots of yellow cars thereB. he cant remember the cars numberC . his licence is at home D. he carries his licence with him ()54. He finds his car.A . with the help of a policemanC. by trying his key in every carC . by going home to get the licenceD. by waiting until

26、there is only one yellow car ()55. Which of the following is TRUE?A . Mr. Perkin doesnt like to have the same things as others have. B . Mr. Perkin can find his car at once.D. Mr. Perkin didnt find his car until about seven.E. Few people have yellow cars in the city.五.完成句子(每空 1分,共10分)56 .那次地震中有数百人死亡

27、。people died in the earthquake.57 .我们正在复习,准备测验。Weare andgetting ready for the test.58 .明天将会有暴风雨。_willa heavy rain and strong wind tomorrow.59他们全家打算下周去海南观光旅游。His family are in Hainan next week.60我爸爸喜欢早晨散步。My father likes a in the morning.六、句型转换。(每空1分,共10分)61. Well send our homework to our teacher by

28、email.(同义句)We to send our homework to our teachersby email.62. The teachers will write on a blackboard with chalk.( 改 为否定句)The teachers on a blackboard with chalk.63. . He will go swimming because it s hot.( 对划线部分提问)he go swimming?64.65.7 .补全对话5分8 .综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,?茜分10分)阅读短文,根据短文及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的

29、单词。Johnson is an American. He has many (71) p for his holiday. Heis going to China (72) b plane for travelling. He is going (73)s in China. Heis going to watch a table tennis match and he wantsto (74) c the players. He is going to (75) t a walk arounda country and(76) c litter. (77) B he thinks it i

30、smeaningful. And he hopes that the (78) w will be fine in Beijingevery day. If it (79) r, it will be wet and he will not be (80) a to do that.9 .书面表达10分明天是母亲节,李玫想给妈妈一个快乐的节日,她要给妈妈做早饭,做家务, 送妈妈礼物 。根据所给信息,写一篇 70个词左右的文章。10欢迎下载答题纸一、听力理解(共 15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1-56-1011-15二、单项填空(本题有 15小题;每小题1分)16-20 21-2526-303

31、 .完形填空(10分)31-35 36-40 4 .阅读理解(15分,每小题1分)41-45 46-50-51-55五、完成句子。请根据汉语提示,填入所缺单词,使句子正确。5657585960六、句型转换。(每空1分,共10分)6162636465七.补全对话5分66-70八、综合填空(共 10小题,每小题1分;共10分)71.p72.b73.s74.c75.t76.c77.B78.w79.r80.r九.书向表达10分一、听句子,选择最佳答语(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1 5 BACBC二、听力理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)6 10 CBCAC 11 15 BBBBA完形填空

32、(本大题包括10小题,每小题1分,共10分)31 35 ABCBC 36 40 BABAB41-45 ACDDD 46-50BBCAC5155 DABDC七、综合填空(本大题包括10个空,每空1分,共10分)56. plans 57 .by 58 . sightseeing 59. cheer 60 . take 61. collect精品文档62. Because63. weather 64 . rains 65 . able 九、书面表达(共10分)Tomorrow is Mothers Day. Li Mei wants to give her mother a special pres

33、ent. She is going to buy some flowers in the morning. Then she is going to buy some fruit and food for dinner. In the afternoon, she is going to clean the house. After that she is going to cook supper for her mother before her mother comes back. In the evening she will talk to her mother and watch T

34、V with her mother. She thinks her mother will be very happy.1. We are going to have a picnic this Sunday.2. Sorry, I cant go to your birthday party.3. Excuse me. Where is the dining hall?4. Remember not to go to bed too late.5. Would you like to look after my pet cat for me while I am away? 二、听力理解每段

35、播放两遍。各段播放前每小题有 4秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段内容及其 相关小题,在4秒钟内从各题所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳选项,并将答案填在题前的括号里。听下面一段材料,回答67两个小题。M: Hello, 89262143.W: Hello. May I speak to Tony?M: Sorry. He is out to buy some school things.W: When will he be back?M: He will be back in an hour.W: Can I leave a message?M: Sure.W: This is Mary speaking

36、. Please ask him to call me when he comes back. M: OK. Bye!W: Bye!听下面一段材料,回答第 89两个小题。W: Bill, its six o clock. It s time for supper. Where are you?M: I m in my room.W: Are you doing your homework?M: No, I m playing computer games.W: You should finish your homework first.M: But I play games just for

37、an hour.W: When are you going to do your homework?M: I ll do it after supper.听下面一段材料,回答第1012三个小题。W: Hi, Tony!M: Hello, Betty!W: What a beautiful day!M: Yes, it s sunny.W: Would you like to swim in the afternoon?M: That sounds great. But the weather report says its going to be rainythis afternoon.W:

38、How about tomorrow afternoon? Maybe it will be fine again.M: All right. What time shall we meet?W: Is four o clock OK?M: OK. See you then. Bye!W: Bye!听下面一段材料,回答第1315三个小题。My name is Adam. I study in No. 1 Middle School. I work hard and I havea dream. That is I want to be a scientistin the future. Because of the dream,I m going to revise my lessons every day. I m going to read more books onscience.In a word, what will my future be like? It will be wonderful, I think.11欢迎下载。精品文档欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求13;迎下载


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