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1、Module 11Unit 1 It may be cold tomorrow.第一课时一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. Do you know the (温度) in Nanning now ?2. There was a (_阵雨) on m way home yesterday .3. It s snowing, so it_ _s_a_sday today.4. Our teacher told us a j , and we all laughed loudly.5. It s stoday, let s have a picnic.二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Excu

2、se me, can I (borrow ) your pen?2. Thank you for (look) after my dog.3. He needs(study) hard.4. Do you have to (go ) now?5. P lease tell me the best time (visit) Shanghai.三、句型转换。1. It s cold in winter in Beijing寸画线部分提问) the weather in winter in Beijing?2. Maybe it s windy this afternoon成同义句)It windy

3、 this afternoon.3. We might go to England in July.(改成否定句) We go to England in July.4. To see the sun in winter is nice(改成同义句) nice see the sun in winter.5. I,m going to buy a sweater for my mother.画线部分提问) are you going to buy for mother?Unit 2When s the best time to visit your town or country?第二课时一、

4、根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. Please take a c to take photos.2. It s rairnDon t forget the u.3. The leaves will fall in f .4. Tom is taller, (和相比)to Peter.5. It s (令人愉快的)to visit Alaska in July and August. 二、单项选择。() 1.The USA is a very big country.A. to visit B. to visit it C. visiting it D. visiting() 2. The f

5、ilm star got a warm welcome when she the small village.A. arrivedB. arrived inC. gotD. arrived at() 3. Girls like to skirts in summer.A. wearB. put onC. dressD. pull on() 4. I my book at home yesterday.A. forgotB. leftC. have lost D. missed()5.Because he was ill,didn t go to work yesterday.A. so heB

6、. and he C. heD. since he()6.this with that and you ll find this one is much more beautiful.A. Compared B. Comparing C. To compare D. Compare()7.My father goes to work by bus.A. from time to time B. from times to times C. at time D. some times()8.It JLto visit Beijing in fall.A. pleased B. pleasant

7、C. excited D. pleasure()9.There s a lot of in summer in my hometown.It s summer ncso , it .A. rain; rainy B. rains; rainy C. raining; raining D. rainy; raining()10. It s coBetter more clothes.A. put on B. take off C. to put on D. putting on三、用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。may snow know find visit pleased1. There a

8、re a lot of come to Guilin every summer.2. It s important the weather before you go travelling.3. It was yesterday.4. I think this is a visit.5. I couldn my book on the desk.6. - Where was Sally yesterday? - She go shopping.Unit 3 Language in use第三课时一、单词拼写:根据首字母或汉语提示,写出正确的单词。1. Try to guess the mean

9、ings of the new wordsD on t d on the dictionary all the time.2. What a fine day it was! The sun s in a blue sky.3. I love him t like a brother.4. My hometown is in the(东南)of Guangxi Province.5. He was used to sailing even in O风雨的)weather.二、单项选择。()1. John come to see US tonighbut he isn t very sure y

10、et.A. mayB. canC. must()2. That boy be Peter. He has gone back to England.A. mustn t B. can t C. neednt()3. - MayI take this book out? -No, you.A. cant B. may not C. neednt()4.You goandsee a doctor at oncebecause you ve got afever.A. canB. must C. would()5. - Can you speak Japanese? -No, I.A. mustn

11、t B. can tC. neednt()6.We need our classroom every day.A. to clean B. cleanedC. cleaning()7. We must on the pavement行道).A. walkingB. to walkC. walk()8.We must with these questions.A. carefulB. carefullyC. be careful()9. It is politethank you ” .A. to sayB. sayC. saying()10. He isn t at schddhink he

12、be ill.A. canB. willC. must三、句型转换。1. How about going skating now?(改成同义句) go skating now?2. It will be very hot tomorrow.(对画线部分提问) it be very hot?3. It will be freezing cold next week.(对画线部分提问) will the weather like next week?4. I must bring my camera because I want to take photos对画线部分提问) must bring

13、your camera?5. Sometimes there are storms here改为同义句) There are storms here.Module 11模块热身测一、单项选择。(每小题I分,共10分)()1. Oh dear! It is very hot today,?A. is itB. isn t it C. does itD. doesn t it()2. -Can you speak Japanese? -Yes, l.A. amB. canC. doD. is()3.-do you get to school late? -Never.A. HowB. How lo

14、ngC. WhyD. How often()4. - What the weather tomorrow? - Sorry, I don t know.A. is; likeB. will; likeC. will; beD. will; be like()5. - When did you Nanning?- -I in Nanning at five o clockA. reached; arrived B. get; reached C. reach; arrive D. get to; arrived in()6.-Whose is that watch?Is it Bill s? I

15、 m not sure .his.A. maybe B. can be C. must be D. may be()7. -does your father go to work every day?- -Usually on foot.A. HowB. WhyC. Where D. When()8. - I don t like pork chicken. What about you?- -I don t like pork I like chicken.A. and; but B. and; or C. or; but D. or; and()9. - What do you think

16、 of the weather?- -I think it is going to.A. rainB. rainy C. rains D. is rainy()10. - What s the wther like in Australia?-Well, when it is spring in China. It in Australia.A. autumn B. winter C. spring D. summer二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每小题2分,共Io分)1. The best season(plant) trees is spring.2. Remember(turn) of

17、f the TV before you go to bed.3. What the weather(be) like next Friday?4. It might(rain) tomorrow.5. It s nice(syou again.三、仔细阅读对话,选择适当的句子填空。使对话意思连贯正确。(每空2分,共Io分)A: U)B: Yes. Have you got a book on Chinese history.?A: 2.() Here it is.B: Oh, good. Thank you. 3.() Liu Mei?C: I want to borrow a book ab

18、out music.A: Oh, you are lucky. We have just got a new one. I think you will be pleased with it.C: Thank you very much.B: 4.(_)A: Two weeks.B:5.(),A: Yes, you can.But you 11 have to come and renews借)it if you can t finish it on time.A. What about you,B. Can I keep it a little longer?C. How long may

19、I keep this book?D. Let me see.E. Do you want to borrow a book?F. Can I help you?四、句型转换。(每小题2分,共Io分)1. How about going skating now?(改为同义句) going skating now?2. It will be very hot tomorrow.(对画线部分提问) it be very hot?3. It will be freezing cold next week.(对画线部分提问) will the weather like next week?4. I m

20、ust bring my camera because l want to take photos.画线部分提问 ) must bring your camera?5. Sometimes there are storms here改为同义句)There are storms here.五、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)The USA is a very big country to visit, so choose carefully the places to see and the time1 . Bring a good map because you may want to tr

21、avel around.New York and Washington D. C. are good places to visit 2 May or October. It s not too hot then. In winter there 3 s snow.The best plan is to arrive in New England in September. The weather starts to get cooler and the trees start to change colour. It asgood idea 4 your camera becauseyou

22、may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.4,000 kilometres away in Los Angeles, Califorrfia, the weather is fine all year. It s nice to see the sun in December! 5 your swimsuit because you might want to swim in the sea.In the northwest, it isn t very cbild,there s a lot of , so bring an umbrella.

23、It s pleasant to visit Alaska in July and August but it 7 cool in the evening. So remember to wear some warm clothesBut don t come in winteer.ll be dark all day and freezing cold.In Texas and the southeast, there are storms 8 in summer and fall. It s usually very hot and sunny 9 to many other places

24、.So when s the best time 10 theUSA? Any time you like.()1. A. goB.goesC. to goD. going()2. A. inB. onC. toD.of()3. A. lot ofB. lots ofC. a lotD.a lots of()4. A. bringB. bringsC. to bringsD.to bring()5. A. TakesB. BringsC. To bringD.Bring()6. A. rainB. rainyC. rainsD.raining()7. A. mightB. beC. might

25、 beD.might is()8. A. some timesB. sometimeC. from time to time(D.()9. A. compareB. comparedC. comparingD.compare()10. A. visitB. to visitC. visitingD.visits六、阅读理解。(每小题I.5分,共I5分)from time and timeAn artist(画家)went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Every day he

26、 went out with his paints and brushes颜料和画笔)and painted until evening. When it got dark he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed.At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, No| dont want money. But give me one of your pictures. What s money?

27、 In a week it will all be finished, but your picture will still be here.The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his pictures. The farmer smiled and answered, “ It s not th have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes home next month,

28、Il show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any moreI think. ”根据短文的内容,选择最佳的答案。()1. The artist went to the countryside toA. visit his old friendB. spend his holidayC. visit the farmerD.thank the farmer()2. Every day, the artist.A. went out to help the farmer to do some farmingB.wen

29、tout tovisit his friendsC. enjoyed the beautiful sceneryD.paintedpictures()3.The artist wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer.A. wanted much more money B. wanted nothingC. didn t want any pictures at all D. wanted one of his pictures instead of money ()4. The artist thought the farmer wanted a pi

30、cture of his because.A. the farmer was an artist too B. the farmer liked his pictures very muchC. the farmer was rich D. the farmer wanted to give it to his son as a present ()5. After hearing the farmers words, perhaps the artist would be.A. very worried B. very happy C. very thankfulD. very disapp

31、ointed(失望的)七、书面表达。(共15分)根据下表所列信息写一篇天气预报,要求词数为6o8o。CityHong KongSydneyNew YorkTemperature23 - 29 V13-25 r977 VWeather1_1/T L .* * *参考答案:Unit l一、l. temperature 2. shower二、l. borrow 2. looking三、l. What stike 2. may beModule 11 答案3. snowy4. joke5. sunny3. to study4. go5. to visit3. might not 4. It to 5.

32、 What:yourUnit 2一、1. camera 2. umbrella 3. fall 4. compared 5. pleasant二、l 5 ADABC 610 DABAA三、l. visitors 2. to know 3. snowy 4. pleasant 5. find 6. mightUnit 3一、1. depend 2. shone 3. truly 4. southeast 5. stormy二、l 5 ABABB 6Io ACCAC三、l. Why not 2.When will 3. What; be 4. Why; you 5.from time to tim

33、e Module 11热身自测一、l 5 BBDDC 6lo DACAA二、l. to plant 2. to turn 3. will; be 4. be rainy 5. to see三、l 5 FDACB四、 l. What about 2. When will 3. What; be 4. Why; you 5. from time to time 五、l 5 CABDD 610 ACCBB六、l 5BCDBD七、 Here sthe weather report for some cities in the world. Hong Kong will have a fine day

34、tomorrow. The temperature(s) will be from 23 to 2g centigrade degrees. In Sydney, the weather will be cloudy in the morning and sunny in the afternoon. The highest temperature will be 25 and the lowest temperature will be l3 . New York in America will see heavy rain and strong wind tomorrow with the temperature(s) from 9 to I7 .


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