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1、 2013高考英语二轮精选基础词汇及语法知识强化系列(13)及答案.品句填词1We had a _(宁静的)afternoon without the children.答案:peaceful2Schools are under _(压力)to raise test scores.答案:pressure3Please _(关闭)off the TV when you leave in the afternoon.答案:switch4Lets help and _(支持)each other and together create a better world.答案:support5The re

2、port called for _(紧急的)action to reduce lead in petrol.答案:urgent6Its not easy for many students to find a job after _(毕业) from colleges in present situation.答案:graduation/graduating7It doesnt _(要紧)if you do not understand a single word at first.答案:matter8She _(减少)her weight by 5 kilograms.答案:reduced9

3、_(压力)can cause headaches and other illnesses.答案:Stress10Dianna died very quickly;she didnt _ (遭受痛苦)much.答案:suffer.选词填空society,suffer,come up with,challenge,otherwise,take up,suppose,as well,switch.off,organise 1Please _ the lights _ as you leave.答案:switch;off2Those who enjoy a good living seldom und

4、erstand the _ of the poor.答案:sufferings3_ that we miss the train,shall we wait for the next one?答案:Suppose/Supposing4One of the biggest _ facing the new present government is creating new jobs and new industries.答案:challenges5Seize the chance,_ you will regret it.答案:otherwise6He called on the people

5、 to _ arms to defend their freedom.答案:take up7He racked his brain and finally _ a wonderful idea.答案:came up with8Water is necessary for people;it is necessary for animals _.答案:as well9The girl is good at doing _ work and people all like her very much.答案:social10Before he joined the CCP,he had ever b

6、een a member of folk _.答案:organisation.完成句子1那个新职位激励他在业余时间更加努力学习。The new position _ him _ study still _ during his spare time.答案:challenged;to;harder2我求学期间由父母供养。I _ _ _ my parents when I was studying.答案:was supported by3有人能设计出更好的时间表吗?Can anyone _ _ _ timetable?答案:design a better4叫你怎么做就怎么做,否则有麻烦。Do as

7、 youre told,_ youll be _ _.答案:otherwise;in trouble 5战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。When the war _ _,he _ _ the Marine Corps.答案:broke out;volunteered for.语法专练用所给动词的适当形式填空1Please tell me as soon as she _(come) back.答案:comes2According to the timetable,the train for Athens _(leave)at seven oclock in the evening.答案:l

8、eaves3How are you _(get)on with your physics this term?答案:getting4Why are the Woods selling their belongings?They are _(move)to another city.答案:moving5I think it is necessary for my 19yearold son to have his own mobile phone,for I sometimes want to make sure if he _(come) home for dinner.答案:will come*结束- 3 -


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