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1、Unit1-unit5复习练习一、词汇:1 .Mr Wang is2 .he invited a singer3.I heard him20.The children find it(difficulty)to(plan)things for(their).21.Parents should learn to give their kids a bit22.Children need(organize)(much)time to themselves.(activity)23.We all need time and二、选择填空:(free)to relax.1.I think childre

2、n will study at home on computerstwenty years.A.forB.in2.Be quick. The planeA.leaveB.left3 .My mother hasC.afterD.onin two minutes. C.will leaveD.leaveshousework to do than you .A.much lessB.much manyC.very littleD.fewer4 .Do you like playingbasketball or playingpiano ?A.the the B.the /C./ theD./(po

3、pular) than any other teacher . (sing)a song for me . (play) the piano when I pass his room .(buy)my mother a gift .4.I want to get a part -time job so that I have enough money5.She forgot her homework .She(leave)it at home . 6.He is one of the best football(play) in the world. 1.1 ts very(danger)to

4、 play on the road. 1.2 would like(go )shopping because I have a lot of things to buy. 9 .When did you get your(one) pair of skates. 10 .Do you think you(have) your own robot in 20 years. 11 .What were you doing when the UFO(arrive). 12 .He told me he(call)me tomorrow. 13.If you(not go )to the park w

5、ith us , you will be sorry. 14.Could you give little girl some(advice) ? 15.I(think) I failed my test but I just found I(pass).16.She borrowed my bike and(not return)it. 17 .The children always have a(quick)lunch every day . 18 .The parents try to fit as much as possible into their kids(life). 19 .(

6、teacher)complain about(teach) tired children. 5 .The two women werepleased to see each other that they talked on and on happily inthe room.A.suchB.soC.toD.very6 .Maryon the phone when her friend went into her room. A.talkedB.was talkingC.talkD.is talking7 .What aboutmoire trees to keep the air clean

7、. A.to plantB.plantC.plantingD.planted8.I have somenews for you ,Tom cant come tomorrow .A.disappointed B.disappointing C. interestedD.interesting1.1 m happy to know you are well and in good. C.unhealthyC.bodyB.healthyA.health10 .What do I have to doI want to be thinner . A.ifBsinceC.whileD.until11

8、.Youd betteryour dress .If you dont .we won t let you in .A.wearsBwearingC.to wearD.wear12 .If I go to see my friends , Ill bring them some flowers .A.So will IB.So I willC.So do ID.So I do13 .Do you know if heto see us ?I think he will come if hefree. A.come isB.comes will be C.will come is D.will

9、come will be14 .She read thestory yesterday. A.inB.allC.wholeD.at15 .She wont get off the bus until the bus.A.stopB.will stopC.stopsD.stopped16 .Please give my thanksyour brotherhis help. A.to of B.to forC.for to D.to with17 .Dont speak so loud ! the baby is. A.asleep B.sleepC.wakeD.awake18 .Why don

10、t youa watch for your son? A.buyB.to buyC.buyingD.bought19 . Ill tell her about it as soon as sheback. A.comesB.is comingC.will comeD.came20 .The teacher told us that weany classes next week. A.are have B.were going to haveC.were have D.werent going to have21.1 f you have any trouble, You can go tot

11、he poliece man to help. A.findB.ask C.ask for D.look for三、完形填空It was a cold winter, and Mrs Owen wanted to do some 1 . so she waited until it was Saturday, when her husband was free. She took him 2 the shops with her and let him 3 for everything and carry her bags.They went to 4 shops, and Mrs Owen

12、bought a lot of things. She often said, “ Look, my dear!Isnt that beautiful! ” He then answered, “All right, dear, how much is it? ” and took his money 5 to pay for it.It was dark when they came out of the last 6, Mr Owen was tired and thinking about 7things. He wanted a nice meal and drink by the s

13、ide of a warm fire 8 home! Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said, “ 9 this beautiful moon, my dear! Without stopping Mr Owen answered, All right, dear. How 10 is it?” ()1.A. shoppingB.shopsC. shoppedD.shop()2.A. atB. toC. fromD. upon()3.A. to payB. paysC. payD. paying()4.A. anyB. littleC.

14、fewD. some()5.A. out ofB. ofC. outD.into()6.A. shopsB. shopC. shoppingD. to shop()7.otherB. anotherC. the otherD. others()8.A. onB. atC. forDto()9.A. Look atB. SeeC. Look forD. Find()10. A. manyB. moreC. mostD. much四、阅读理解AA good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may fail i

15、n an exam if you are lazyfor most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you want to be good at English.You have to read stories in English. And speak English as much as possible. A few days before the exam youshould go to bed early. Do not go to bed late at night studyin

16、g. Before you start the exam, read carefully overthe question papers, try to understand the exact meaning of each question. When you have at last finishedyour exam, read over your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you dont missanything out.()1. If people want to do well

17、 in an exam, they have to work hard.A. every day in a yearB. for most of the monthC. for only a few daysD. late at night()2. If people want to learn English well, they.A. only need to learn grammarB. must often practise EnglishC. have to go to EnglandD. should go to bed early()3. It is important to

18、a few days before the exam.A. play too muchB. have a good sleepC. read the question papersD. have a good drink()4. When people have finished the exam, they should.A. stand up and leave at onceB. answer a few more questionsC. make sure that they dont miss anything outD. leave some mistakes on theques

19、tion paper ()5. The best title for the passage is .A. An Important ExamB. An Easy ExamC. Get Ready For ExamD. How to Pass an ExamBIt was a beautiful spring morning . There wasnt a cloud in the sky . And the sun was warm but not too hot ,so Mr. Hurt was surprised when he saw an old man at the bus sto

20、p with a big , strong black umbrella in his hand .Mr. Hunt said to him ,“Are we going to have rain today , do you think ? ”“ No ,” said the old man , “ I dont think so . ”“Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep the sun off you ? ”“ No, the sun is not very hot in spring . ”Mr. Hunt looked at the

21、big umbrella again , and the man said ,“ I am an old man , and my legs arenot verystrong , so I really need a walking -stick . But when I carry a walking -stick , people say , Look at thatpoor oldman , and I dont like that . When I carry an umbrella in fine weather , people only say , Look at thatst

22、upid man . ”根据短文选择最佳答案:1. What was the weather like in that morning ? It was .A. fine B. hot C. rainy D. cloudy2. The old man carries an umbrella to .A. keep the sun off B. keep the rain offC. keep the snow off D. help him to walk3. The man the people to say he was an old man .A. liked B. wanted C.

23、didnt like D. didnt hate4. The man would like people to say he was .A. an old man B. an old man instead of a stupid manC. a stupid man D. a stupid man instead of an old manCThe Lunar Calendar (阴历)Modern Chinese use the solar calendar (阳历) as English people do . But at the same time , they use theiro

24、wn lunar calendar . Each lunar year is given the name of one of these animals : the rat , the ox , the tiger , thehare , the dragon , the snake , the horse , the goat , the monkey , the chicken , the dog and the pig . This list lastsfor 12 years and then starts again .Each Chinese month starts on th

25、e day of the new moon . And the full moon comes on the 15th day of themonth . The New Year always starts between January 21 and February 20 . On the last day of the lunar year ,there is a big family dinner . All members of the family except married daughters try to be present at this meal ,even of t

26、hey have to travel many miles to reach the home of their parents . Old quarrels are forgotten , andeverybody is happy . After the dinner , the children keep awake to welcome the New Year .The New Year celebrations last for 15 days , from the new moon to the full moon . On the first day , children an

27、d unmarried people go to visit their elders .1. If next year is the year of the dragon , what was the name of last year ?A. It was the year of tiger .B. It was the year of the hare .C. It was the year of snake .D. It was the year of the ox .2. Suppose that next Chinese New Years Day is on 15th Febru

28、ary , when will people have their big family dinner ?A. On February 15B. On February 16C. On February 14D. On February 173. The family usually have their big family dinner at the home of .A. the married son B. the married daughterC. the unmarried son D. the parents4. People celebrate the New Year .A

29、. for 15 daysB. from the new moon to the full moon in the first month of the lunar yearC. from January 21 to February 20D. both A and B5. From this selection we know that each Chinese month is measured by .A. the suns revolutions (旋转)B. the moons revolutionsC. the earths revolutionsD. both the earth

30、s and moons revolutionsMrs. Smith often felt lonely when her husband went to work . The room was small and she always spentonly half an hour tidying it . She couldnt get up early in the morning , so Mr. Smith had to cook breakfasthimself . She usually had some bread and milk for lunch and only cooke

31、d supper for herself and her husband .They had no television . Mrs. Smith always went to bed at nine .It was a winter morning . The sun was shining and it was warmer outside that in the room . The woman saton the step of a shop , looking at the busy traffic . At that moment a man with a map in his h

32、and was coming towards her .“ Excuse me , madam , ” said the man . “ Could you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital , please ?”Mrs. Smith looked at him up and down .“ He seems to be a farmer , ” the woman said to herself .“ Let meplay a joke on him . ”Then she turned to him and said ,“ Lie dow

33、n in the middle of the street and youll soon be sent toahospital . ”“ Please set an example to me , then , ” said the man .She had to tell the way to him and then she said ,“ I think youve been in a city for the first time .Its muchmore beautiful than the field . Is that right ? ”“ Yes , madam ,” sa

34、id the farmer with a smile .“ But I think it is built on the field !”根据短文选择最佳答案:1. Mrs. Smith was very lazy , so .A. she felt lonelyB. she only cooked breakfastC. she couldnt rise earlyD. she wouldnt stay in the small room2. Mrs. Smith always went to bed at nine because .A. he was in the trafficB. w

35、aiting for her husbandC. basking in the sunlightD. She had no television3. One winter morning Mrs. Smith sat on the step , .A. looking at the trafficB. waiting for her husbandC. basking in the sunlightD. buying some cheap things in the shop4. Which of the following is true ?A. Mrs. Smith told the fa

36、rmer how to get to the hospital right away .B. Mrs. Smith got the farmer into trouble .C. The farmer cleverly answered the woman .D. the farmer didnt know how to answer the woman .参考答案一、词汇:1 5 : more popular to sing playing to buy left210 :players dangerous to go first will have11-15:arrived would call dont go advice thought passed16-20hasnt returned quick livesTeachers- teaching difficult plan .themselves21-23:more organized activities freedom二、选择填空1-5 BCACB 610 BCBAA 11 15 DACCC 1621 BAAADC三、完型填空:15 ABCDC610 BBBAD四、阅读理解A: ABBCDB : ADCDC: ACDABD: CDAC星沙英语网


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