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1、PIC Sample Company Policies And Procedures January 2004 Printing Industries of California 5800 South Eastern Avenue, Suite 400 P.O. Box 910936 Los Angeles, CA. 90091-0936 Cost-PIC Member Free February 3, 2004 Non-Member $300 PURPOSE OF THIS SAMPLE Printing Industries of California (PIC) recognizes t

2、he value of well-written company personnel policies and procedures. Over the years PIC has published sample employee handbook language covering basic employment policies. Members have used this language as a guide in creating written policies and procedures covering the companys employment practices

3、 and philosophies. This publication, like others before it, does not claim to be all-inclusive or a final product. New State and Federal laws and legal decisions will require this sample to be updated, along with the companys employee handbook, to reflect these changes. Further, each company must de

4、velop an employee handbook, which reflects the employment practices unique to the companys operation and philosophies. Consequently, a publication such as this sample must be flexible and open ended to accommodate these differences in employment practices and philosophies. In initiating or revising

5、your company personnel policies or employee handbook, do not hesitate to call Doug Moore, Vice President of Human Resources, for assistance. Although an effort has been made to provide sample language, which is consistent with applicable law, employers using this or other language may wish to have a

6、 labor attorney review their employee handbook before publication. PIC would like to extend a special thanks to the Employment Law Department at the law firm of Silver in its distribution it utilizes the modern agencies of advertising, communication and transportation; in its usefulness it is the se

7、rvice industry of all. California has grown into the number one print-producing industry in the nation. The printing industry, in fact, is the largest manufacturing sector in California in number of firms. When the allied industries of commercial printing, publishing, reprographics and various speci

8、alty printing were added together in 2001, they produced 14.8 billion in the states economy and employed 111, 356 people. Despite the fact that it is classified as a trade in the minds of many people, printing is one of the arts. It is a branch of the Graphic Arts field and as such is the means of p

9、reservation of all the other arts known to humanity. REFERENCE CHECKS To ensure that individuals joining the Company are qualified and have the potential to be productive and successful, the Company will check the employment references of all applicants. Every offer of employment is contingent upon

10、the appropriate completion of a reference check. No references will be given concerning any present or past employee of the company unless the Company has received a written request for such a reference. Only _ may respond to a request for a reference. Such response will only confirm the dates of em

11、ployment and position held, and will be in writing. If an employee has given written authorization, the Company will also provide information on the amount of salary or wages earned by the employee. BACKGROUND CHECKS AND CONSUMER REPORTS The company may require your consent to obtain a consumer repo

12、rt in connection with your initial application for employment, your application for a new postion in the Company, or an investigation into possible wrongful conduct by you. A consumer report may contain information regarding your credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, genera

13、l reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living. The company will use this information for employment purposes only. Refusal to authorize the obtaining of a consumer report by the Company may be a basis for denial of employment or other adverse employment action. The content of the consume

14、r report may also be the basis for denial of employment, denial of a particular job position, or other adverse employment action. You will be advised if the Company elects to take adverse employment actions against you based in whole or in part on a consumer report. Unless you are suspected of wrong

15、doing, before requesting the consumer report, the Company will notify you of its intent to make the request. The Company will provide you with the name and address of every credit-reporting agency from which the Company may obtain the consumer report. If you specifically request a copy, within three

16、 days of the Company receipt of the report, you will be provided with a copy free of charge. TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT Despite any disciplinary procedures or company rules, standards of conduct or regulations, your employment is “at will” which means “the relationship between employer and employee may be

17、terminated by either party unilaterally at any time, with or without notice, for any reason, or for no reason at all”. This handbook contains the entire agreement between you and the company as to the duration of employment and the circumstances under which employment may be terminated. Further, the

18、 company can demote, transfer, suspend or otherwise discipline an employee in its sole and absolute discretion. Nothing in this handbook, or any other personnel document, including benefit plan descriptions, creates or is intended to create a promise or representation of continued employment, or for

19、 continued or indefinite employment at a specific position or rate of pay. Only the President of the company has any authority to enter into any agreement contrary to the “Terms of Employment” stated in this policy, and such an agreement would have to be in writing and signed by the President. EMPLO

20、YEE CLASSIFICATIONS You will be advised of your employee classification at the time of hire, promotion, transfer, or if any other change in your position with the company occurs. Since all employees are hired for an unspecified duration, assignment to any of these classifications does not guarantee

21、employment for any specific length of time. Regardless of classification, employment is at the mutual consent of you and the company. Accordingly, either you or the company can terminate the employment relationship at will, at any time, with or without notice. Full -Time Employees - are those normal

22、ly scheduled for 40 hours of work per week. Part - Time Employees - are those normally scheduled to work less than 40 hours of work per week. Part-time employees are not eligible for company fringe benefits available to full-time employees. Casual Employees - are those who are hired on that basis an

23、d work for a special job and/or period of time. Such employees are not eligible for company fringe benefits available to full-time employees. Non-Exempt Employees - Those employees who are subject to the provisions of federal and state law requiring the payment of overtime are considered to be non-e

24、xempt. Exempt Employees - Those employees who are not subject to the provisions of federal and state law requiring the payment of overtime are considered exempt. Exempt employees, in our industry, normally include professional, executive, administrative and certain outside sales personnel. INDEPENDE

25、NT CONTRACTOR, AGENCY TEMP OR LEASED PERSONNEL An independent contractor, agency temp or leased individual is any person who is classified by the company as such, as evidenced by the companys failure to withhold taxes from their compensation. Independent contractors, agency temps or leased employees

26、 are not employees of the company. Even if the person is later reclassified by an action of a court or administrative agency as an employee of the company, he or she is not eligible for any retroactive company sponsored benefits. EMPLOYMENT OF RELATIVES Our company permits employment of relatives. H

27、owever, the employment of relatives in the same department can create a conflict of interest. Therefore, immediate family members (see definition below) should not work in the same department for the same supervisor, or for a supervisor who is an immediate family member. Working in the same departme

28、nt for a different supervisor is permitted. Immediate family members include spouse, in-laws, step relatives, domestic partner, parent, child or stepchild, sister or brother. NON-HARASSMENT POLICY Harassment in employment, including sexual, racial, and ethnic harassment, as well as any other harassm

29、ent forbidden by law, is strictly prohibited by the Company. Employees who violate this policy are subject to discipline, including possible termination. Racial, ethnic and other forms of prohibited harassment include, but is not limited to: 1. Visual conduct, including displaying of derogatory obje

30、cts or pictures, cartoons, or posters; 2. Verbal conduct, including making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, and jokes; In addition, sexual harassment is defined by the regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission as unwanted sexual advances, or visual, verbal or physical c

31、onduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment includes gender harassment and harassment on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, and also includes sexual harassment of an employee of the same gender as the harasser. This includes, but is not limited to, the following type

32、s of offensive behavior: 1. Unwanted sexual advances; 2. Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors; 3. Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances; 4. Visual conduct, including leering, making sexual gestures, displaying of sexually suggestive object

33、s or pictures, cartoons, or posters; 5. Verbal conduct, including making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, and jokes; 6. Verbal sexual advances or propositions; 7. Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individuals body, sexually degrading words used to de

34、scribe an individual, suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations; 8. Physical conduct, including touching, assault, impeding or blocking movements. Examples of sexual harassment include (a) an employee being fired or denied a job or an employment benefit because the employee refused to gra

35、nt sexual favors or because he or she complained about the harassment; (b) an employee reasonably quitting his or her job to escape harassment; or (c) an employee being exposed to a hostile work environment. The Company will take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment from occurring and will tak

36、e immediate and appropriate action when the Company knows that unlawful harassment has occurred. If you have been harassed by a co-worker, supervisor, agent, vendor or customer, or if you believe that another employee has been harassed, you have a duty to promptly report the facts of the incident or

37、 incidents, and names of the individuals involved, to (Option: Human Resources.) (Option:_or _.) The matter will be immediately and thoroughly investigated, and confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible. After reviewing the evidence, a determination will be made concerning whether re

38、asonable grounds exist to believe that harassment has occurred. It is the obligation of all employees to cooperate fully in the investigation process. The Company considers any harassing conduct to be a major offense which can result in disciplinary action for the offender, up to and including disch

39、arge. The Company will take action to deter any future harassment. In addition, disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who attempts to discourage or prevent another employee from bringing harassment to the attention of management. The persons involved will be advised of the determina

40、tion if appropriate. The Company wants to assure all of its employees that measures will be undertaken to protect those who complain about harassment from any further acts of harassment, coercion or intimidation, and from retaliation due to their reporting an incident or participating in an investig

41、ation or proceeding concerning the alleged harassment. If any employee believes that the above procedure has not resolved his or her situation, that employee may contact the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) at (916) 445-9918 to determine the location of the branch of the D

42、FEH that is nearest to the employee to file a claim within one year of the date that the harassment occurred. The DFEH serves as a neutral fact-finder and will attempt to assist the parties to voluntarily resolve their dispute. In the event that the DFEH is unable to obtain voluntary resolution and

43、finds that harassment has occurred, the Fair Employment and Housing Commission (FEHC) may hold a hearing and award reinstatement, backpay, and monetary damages. No action will be taken against any employee in any manner for opposing harassment or for filing a complaint with, or otherwise participati

44、ng in an investigation, proceeding or hearing conducted by the DFEH or the FEHC with respect to harassment. SOLICITATION AND DISTRIBUTION RULE In order to prevent disruptions in the operation of the company, and in order to protect employees from harassment and interference with their work, the foll

45、owing rules regarding solicitation and distribution of literature on company property must be observed. Employees: During working time, no employee shall solicit, or distribute literature to another employee for any purpose. “Working Time” refers to that portion of the working day in which the emplo

46、yee is supposed to be performing actual job duties; it does not include such times as lunchtime, break time, or time before or after a shift. Thus, no employee who is on “working time” shall solicit or distribute literature to another employee. No employee who is on “non-working time” shall solicit

47、or distribute literature to an employee who is on “working time”. No employee shall distribute literature to another employee for any purpose in working areas of the company. No employee shall solicit, or distribute literature to any visitors at any time for any purpose. Non-Employees: Persons who a

48、re not employed by the company shall not distribute literature or solicit employees or visitors at any time for any purpose on company grounds or inside the company plant or office. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT POLICY The Company is an equal opportunity employer and makes employment decisions on the basis of me

49、rit. We want to have the best available people in every job. Therefore, the Company does not discriminate, and does not permit its employees to discriminate against other employees or applicants because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, marital status, national origin, citizenship, veteran status, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability (an impairment that limits a major life activity),


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