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1、FlL高考话题六个人情况血话题单词1. achievement n.成就;成绩;功绩2. aggressive adj.侵略的;咄咄逼人的3. amazed adj .吃惊的4. ambitious adj .有雄心壮志的5. arbitrary adj.随心所欲的,专断的6. average adj.普通的;平常的;平均的;n.平均数;平均7. background n.背景8. blank adj.茫然无表情的9. capable adj.有能力的,有才能的10. cheerful adj .兴高采烈的11. comment n. &v.评论12. competent adj .能胜任的1

2、3. confidentadj .自信的14. confused adj .困惑的15. considerate adj.体贴的;考虑周到的16. content adj .甘愿的;?t意的;n.内容17. contribution n.贡献18. courage n.勇气;胆略19. creative adj.富有创造力的20. desperate adj .绝望的21. determined adj.坚定的22. dignity n.尊贵,高尚23. diligent adj.勤奋的24. disability n.残疾;无能25. doubt vt.怀疑;n.怀疑;疑惑26. dress

3、 vt.给穿衣;n.女装;连衣裙27. easy-going adj.随和的29 elegant adj . 高雅的,优雅的30 embarrassed adj . 尴尬的31 energetic adj . 精力旺盛的32 facial adj . 面部的33 . failure n.失败34 fair adj .( 肤色 ) 白皙的; (人) 白肤金发的35 fit vt.&vi .( 使)适合, (使) 符合; adj . 合适的;得当的36 frightened/scared adj . 害怕的37 generous adj . 慷慨大方的38 gentle adj . 温柔的,温和的

4、39 gifted adj . 有天赋的;有才华的40 gloomy adj . 忧伤的41 handsome adj . 英俊的;帅的42 . hardship n.困难43 hard-working adj . 努力工作的44 honest adj . 诚实的,正直的45 . hono(u)rn.荣誉,光荣;vt.尊敬;给予荣誉46 humoro(u)s adj . 幽默的;诙谐的47 . humo(u)r n.幽默,幽默感48 indifferent adj . 冷漠的49 independent adj . 独立的50 inspect vt . 检查;检验;审视51 inspire v

5、t . 鼓舞;激励52 . intelligence n.智力,才智,智慧53 intelligent adj . 聪明的,明智的54 . jewel n.宝石55 jewelry n ( 总称 ) 珠宝56 learned adj . 博学的;有学问的57 mean adj . 小气的58 merciful adj . 仁慈的59 moody adj . 喜怒无常的,易怒的60 . necklace n.项链61 nervous adj . 紧张的62 numb adj . 麻木的,失去知觉的,迟钝的63 observevt . 观察;监视;观测64 ordinaryadj . 普通的,平常

6、的65 outgoingadj . 爱交际的,外向的66 outspokenadj . 直率的,坦诚的67 outstanding adj . 优秀的;杰出的68 . overweight n.超重;adj.超重的,过重的69 pale adj . 苍白的,灰白的70 . personality n.个性,性格71 plain adj . 朴素的;简单的72 pleased/delightedadj . 高兴的73 pocketn ( 衣服的) 口袋74 prettyadj . 漂亮的,俊俏的75 .quality n.品质76 .retirev.退休77 rigid adj . 死板的;僵硬

7、的;固执的78 satisfied adj . 满意的79 .scarf n.领巾,围巾80 seize vt . 抓住 ( 时机等)81 selfishadj.自私的82 shallowadj.肤浅的;浅的83 shockedadj.震惊的84 slim adj . 苗条的85 straightforward adj . 简单的,坦率的86 stubborn adj . 固执的,倔强的87 stupid adj . 愚蠢的,笨的88 sweet-tempered adj . 性情温和的89 sympathetic adj . 同情的90 . talent n.天才,天赋91 talented

8、 adj . 有才能的92 thoughtful adj . 深思的;体贴的93 ugly adj . 丑陋的;难看的94 . virtue n.美德,品行95 . volunteer n. 义工,志愿者96 warmhearted adj . 热心的;热情的97. wisdom n.智慧2. average height一般身材3. a strong personality 很强的个性4. be active in 对很积极,积极参加5. be curious about 对好奇6. be devoted to致力于,专注于7. be enthusiastic about 对充满热情;热衷于

9、8. be gifted at/in 对有天赋9. be honoured as. 被誉为10. be in fashion在流行中11. be independent of 独立于12. be out of fashion 落伍的13. be punctual for 守时14. be qualified for 适合,胜任15. be responsible for 对负责16. be satisfied/content with 对满意17. be skilled in 在方面熟练18. be strict with sb.对某人很严格19. do well in. 在方面做得好20.

10、dress in the latest fashion穿着时髦21. gentle and graceful 窈窕22. have a talent/gift for 有才能23. in one s thirties在某人三十几岁时24. make joint efforts做出共同努力25. medium height 中等身材26. follow the fashion 赶时髦in鲤典句式1 . so位于句首引起的倒装句So poor was his family that he had to drop out at the age of 12.他的家庭如此贫困以至于他十二岁时就不得不辍学。2 although 引导让步状语从句Although it happened three years ago , I never forgot the evening party.尽管那发生在三年前,但我永远不会忘记那场晚会。3虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的用法If it had not been for Li Hua, I would have got wet through.要不是李华,我就浑身湿透了。


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