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1、在职硕士英语听力语音突破的技巧 许多学生在备考在职硕士英语听力时,常常发出这样的疑问:怎么一个对话听了这么多遍还是没听懂,可一看文字答案却发现很简单,既没有生词,也没有陌生场景和题型;还有同学,听美国人说话,觉得别人嘴上抹了油,几秒钟,好几个单词就从嘴里溜了出来,自己却舌头发硬,想跟读模仿也跟不上。其实这些都是因为一些基本的语音问题所造成的。下面结合在职硕士英语听力原句,帮助大家突破语音难关。 语音问题的突破分三个方面:一、连读;二、失去爆破;三、英美音的区别。1、连读 (1)正常的美国人说话必然有连读。许多同学听不出连读的关键词,造成失分。如真题中有这样一句话:My pen is out o

2、f ink again. 考生都是因为听不懂句中的连读而失分的。所以,掌握连读的基本规律,有的放矢地进行跟读练习是突破连读句的有效方法。从上面的例子中可以看出,只要两个或两个以上的单词在同一个意群内,前面一个单词以辅音结尾,后面一个单词以元音开头,这两个或几个单词就可以连读。下面再提供几个例子: rush hour not at all call in sick half an hour sell out (2)击穿轻辅音/h/的连读。 for him sell her books visit her I lent him a book. I must have left my keys at

3、 my sisters home.2、失去爆破 在辅音当中,有六个爆破音。/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ 当一个单词以这六个爆破音结尾,而后面的单词以一些辅音开头,如爆破音、舌边音、鼻音等,前一个单词结尾的爆破音不发音,我们称之为失去爆破。如: I think youve got the battery upside down. She asked me for the bike key. contact lenses sit down at last good night 同学们在备考中应有意识地跟读模仿,加强训练。3、语调 语调可以影响句意,如: I did?I did.

4、What.What?4、重音 语调也可以影响句意,如: I dont want to go to the movie on Sunday with you.5、英美音的区别 在职硕士英语听力英音、美音都考,而许多考生学的是英音。但要掌握英美音的基本区别,是不用畏惧的。对听力考试构成障碍的区别有: 单词的末尾音节有/r/的英音中不发音,美音则要发出来。如: doctor color picture later 英音中的某些音在美音中发音不同,如: fast class glass clock impossible modern 另外还有些单词,本身在英美音中发音不同,如: either adul

5、t garage laboratory 掌握了这些规律还远远不够。同学们就在备考过程中多听,进行针对性地模仿练习,才能增加实力,攻克听力难关,还可以一并提高自己的口语水平。在职硕士英语冲刺词汇语法讲义查漏补缺,“补丁”词汇系列 total up to 196 wordsPart 11) be reliable for _2) be reliable to _3) linger 1: 留恋徘徊 2 linger on 继续留存,缓慢消失4) livelihood _5) magistrate _6) maneuver p254 _7) masculine masculinity feminine

6、 femininity8) maturity(支票债券等)到期9) merger _10) microprocessor _Part 21) minor 未成年人 兼修学科2) minute 微小的,详细地3) live a moderate life _4) module _5) mortgage n. & vt. _6) negative 底片 负数7) net income 净收入8) nomination _9) notorious 臭名昭彰的,臭名远扬的10) he is a hard nut to crack _Part 31) obscure _2) obligation a 义

7、务 b 恩惠3) onlooker _4) opening 职位的空缺,空地5) opener _6) orthodox _7) oscillate _8) outstanding a: 杰出的 b: 未解决的,未支付的9) overall _10) overt _Part 41) overtake _2) paralyze 1 使瘫痪 2 使呆若木鸡3) despair is the parent of rebellion _4) perpendicular _5) perplex confuse bewilder _6) polish 使优美,使润色7) practitioner _8)

8、prey on _9) propaganda _10) provokePart 51) reactionary _2) reassure reassuring _3) recession _4) rectangular _5) redundancy 1 过多,多余 2 多余得事物6) referee 裁判,公断人7) reincarnation 1 转世,再投胎 2 化身而成的生物,转世的生命8) reinforce _9) renaissance 1 the Renaissance 欧洲文艺复兴2 文学,艺术等的再生10) reproach 责备,批评Part 61) resent vt.

9、_2) resort to peaceful means _ resort n. _3) rest on 依靠 calculate on/learn on/depend on/n/reckon on/count on4) retard n. 阻止,延迟 vt. 妨碍,使减速5) retrospect n. 回顾6) rouge n. 胭脂,口红,vt. 在上涂上胭脂7) salvation _ the salvation from the Bible _8) sanction 1 认可,许可,批准 2 支持,赞成9) scenario n. 剧本,脚本 2 概要10) segment _Par

10、t 71) seminar 1 _ 2 大学的研究班2) setback _ = drawback3) shabby 1 _ 2 卑鄙的,不公正的4) shatter _5) shed, shed tears _ shed skins (often snake) _ shed weight _6) this is sheer nonsense _7) show gifts on someone _ shower affections on someone _ a shower of questions _8) signify 表示的意思,预示9) simultaneously spontane

11、ously instantaneous homogeneous heterogeneous10) slump 1突然倒下,跌落 2(物价,景气,名气等)暴跌,萧条,骤然低落Part 81) soluble 可溶的2 _2) speculation 深思2 _3) spill v. _4) sponsorship 保证人身份,发起人身份5) stand by _6) stationary _7) stationery _8) stern _9) striking _10) subscription 1 2Part 91) vitamin supplement _ 2 _2) tangle wit

12、h3) terminal exam _ terminal cancer _4) therapy/vitamin/physical/chemical therapy psychotherapy 心理疗法5) throne6) tilt at full tilt7) uncertainty _8) unanimous _9) version English version _ Chinese version _10) vicinity 周围地区,临近地区in the vicinity of _Part 101) waterproof 耐水的,放水的2) watertight 不透水的,不漏水的2无

13、懈可击的3) wipe out 彻底摧毁,消灭4) withstand _ withstand the test of time, withstand the severe cold5) observation 1 观察资料,观察力_ 2 言论,评论 I wish to make several observations about your work so far.6) parameter 1 参数 2 界限,范围 There is plenty of scope for experimentation. provided we remain within the parameters of

14、 the budget. 只要我们不超过预算的范围,试验的机会是很多 的。7) lift 1 云雾消失,消散 2 给(脸部)整容 She is no better than before though she has her face lifted.8) invent 1 发明,创造 2 捏造,虚构 He invented an excuse for his being late.9) intrigued 1 阴谋,诡,密谋 2 激起的好奇心,兴趣,迷住You once wrote something that always intrigued me.10) Identify 1 辩认,识别

15、2 (with) 把和看成一样,打成一片one can not identify happiness with wealth. (total up to 105 words)Part 11 1) abortion 流产2) academic 1 学术的2 学院的3(贬义)_3) accord 给予,使一致we accorded him a hearty welcome. Accord with . _4) acknowledge 1 _ 2 _ 3 告知收到信件5) act 法令,条例 2 戏剧的一幕6) address vt. _. 2 写姓名地址7) administer 1 给予,用药等

16、。2 管理 3 实施administer the medicine to this lonely old man/ law/ the country _/_/_.8) adopt 选定(道路,职业等)9) advance 预付款10)aesthetic/esthetic 美学的,审美的2 悦目的,雅致的Part 121) afford can afford . 有的资格I can afford to be critical of his behavior2) ambiguous3) amplitude4) appalling5) appetite 1 2 爱好 3 欲望6) articulat

17、e a. vt.7) Aspiration 强烈的愿望,志向,抱负/热望,渴望8) Assassination9) Asylum10) Attachment 1 附件 2 依附,依恋Part 131) auction 拍卖2) authentic 1 真实的 2 _3) awkward hands _/awkward stairs _ an awkward question _4) balance5) bear he bears grudge against me because I took his place in the office.6) blunder make a terrible

18、 blunder7) bond 1 联合,结合 2 粘合剂 3 _, liabilities _8) border vi. Border on his words bordered on rudeness. _9) Brand 铭记,铭刻 使留下烙印 prison has branded him for life.10) Breach 破坏,违反,不履行 in breach of you company is in breach of the contract.Part 141) brood on/over深思= ponder on = meditate on(尤其宗教)= dwell on

19、= speculate on/upon = contemplate 冥思苦想,久久的考虑vt.2) bruise 使受伤“不如死”3) cabinet 1橱,柜 2 内阁4) candidate 1 2 5) a capital crime _6) a card of admission 入场券7) cell 小牢房,单人房间 电池 _stem cell _8) champion 1 冠军 2 拥护者,捍卫者9) chaos _ remain in chaos chaotic10) check up 1 _ 2 _Part 151) cherish 抱有,怀有希望,想法,感情等2) clamp

20、 down on they clamp down on the newspapers 施加压力压制,制止,取缔3) clash with 与冲突,不一致/发出铿锵有力的声音4) cling to 1 依恋,依靠 2 坚信,坚持 the baby clings to his mother; cling to the outdated custom _/_5) closet 把引进密室会谈6) cloudy 模糊不清的7) cognitive 认知的8) compile compel 编辑,汇编/强迫,迫使9) concede 给予,让步,割让 make a concession10) conde

21、mn be condemned to11) consensus consensus management12) constant supporter _13) contemplate _14) converge _15) a cool million _16) coverage _17) credit 1 _ 2 _ 3 _18) cybernetics _19) cynical _20) delivery deliver a baby/a letter/a speech21) demolish22) detrimental 有害的 instrumental 有帮助的23) dilute _2

22、4) dilemma _25) discipline 惩罚_26) disrupt a state _27) disseminate 散布,传播 _28) dubious dynamite embargo embed empirical ethos exasperate explicit 2 exquisite 2 3 fund 2 3 gallery 3 game hamper29) heritage hierarchy hormone inaugurate a president/a community center30) inherent adherent coherent31) jeo

23、pardize judicial lame (what a lame excuse!) leave out 遗漏,省略 (total up to 91 words) + 105 words = 196 words词汇练习题:11) You can _ the video camera on a tripod(三脚架), so that you dont have to worry about holding it steady while you ask questions. A) withstand B) mount C) implement D) dwell12) _ students s

24、hould be motivated by a keen interest in theatre and should have some familiarity with plays in production. A) prospective B) responsible C)ethnic D) realistic13) As he walked out of the court, he was _ with frustration and rage. A) applauding B) quivering C) paralyzing D)limping14) AIDS activists p

25、ermanently changed and shortened Americas _ process for testing and approving new drugs of all kinds, for all diseases. A) efficient B) effective C) intricate D) appropriate15) The doctor _ Billys operation with x-rays and special exercise to make his foot stronger. A) went afterB) followed upC) sta

26、rted upD) took up16) People from different cultures have different _ of the world. A) ImpressionsB) complicationsC) foundationsD) conceptions17) Dont let his criticism _ you; he belongs to that kind of people who take delight in finding fault with others work. A) discourageB) concernC) dictateD) par

27、alyze18) The survey found 80 percent of viewers were _ by the violent scenes in the film. A) irritatedB) alertedC) offendedD) discouraged19) The mayor promised to trim the city budget without cutting _ services. A) essentialB) appropriateC) equivalentD) lucrative20) This disease _ in Africa but has

28、now spread to many parts of the world. A) derivedB) originatedC) sparkledD) dwelled21) Have you any _ plans for your future now that youve completed your graduate studies? A) decisiveB) exactC) preciseD) definite22) The Israeli troops _ by launching a bombing attack on the Palestinian-controlled are

29、a. A) crack downB) drew backC) took revengeD) follow up23) He should _ what hes good at, and not switch to something he knows about. A) take onB) stick toC) go afterD) live on24) There are still some _ for students of science and engineering, but those in arts and humanities have been filled. A) pos

30、itionsB) vacanciesC) categoriesD) applications25) The plants are in a(n) _ plastic box, so the children can observe how the roots grow with time. A) appropriateB) intricateC) transparentD) waterproof26) People under a lot of _ may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties. A) stres

31、sB) exposureC) enduranceD) endeavor27) His total worldly possessions _ little more than the clothes he stood up in. A) amounted toB) settled forC) turned upD) came at28) A UN official said aid program will be _ until there is adequate protection for relief personnel. A) multipliedB) spannedC) arrest

32、edD) came at29) Many social problems are caused by the uneven _ of wealth. A) equalityB) justiceC) distributionD) volume30) The shopkeepers are complaining that business has been reduced to a _ of what it was before the outbreak of war. A) fractionB) sectionC) portionD) trifle在职硕士英语阅读理解冲刺班讲义Passage

33、One There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown. They probably came about just to five children something to do. In the ancient world, as is today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another. In societies where soci

34、al roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls after the tasks of their mothers. This is true because boys and girls are being prepared, even in play, to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world. What is remarkable about th

35、e history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained the same. The changes have been mostly in terms of craftsmanship, mechanics, and technology. It is the universality of toys with regard to their development in all part of the world and their persist

36、ence to the present that is amazing. In Egypt, the Americas, China, Japan and among the Arctic (北极的)peoples, generally the same kinds of toys appeared. Variations depended on local customs and ways of life because toys imitate their surroundings. Nearly every civilization had dolls, little weapons,

37、toy soldiers, tiny animals and vehicles. Because toys can be generally regarded as a kind of art form, they have not been subject to technological leaps that characterize inventions for adult use. The progress from the wheel to the oxcart to the automobile is a direct line of ascent (进步). The progre

38、ss from a rattle (拨浪鼓) used by a baby in 3,000 BC to one used by an infant today, however, is not characterized by inventiveness. Each rattle is the products of the artistic tastes of the times and subject to the limitations of available materials.1. The reason why the toys most boys play with are d

39、ifferent from those that girls play with is that _. A) their social roles are rigidly determined B) most boys would like to follow their fathers professions C) boys like to play with their fathers while girls with their mothers D) they like challenging activities2. One aspect of the universality of

40、toys lies in the fact that _. A) technological advances have greatly improved the durability of toys B) the improvement of craftsmanship in making toys depends on the efforts of universities C) the exploration of the universe has led to the creation of new kinds of toys D) the basic characteristics

41、of toys are the same the world over3. Which of the following is the authors view on the historical development of toys? A) The craftsmanship in toy-making has remained essentially unchanged. B) Toys have remained basically the same all through the centuries. C) The toy industry has witnessed great leaps in technology in recent years. D) Toys are playing an increasingly important role in shaping a childs character.4. Regarded


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