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1、Topic 2 English is spoken differentlyin different countries.Section AThe main activity is 1a.本课重点活动是 1a。I . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Master some new words and useful expressions:difference, autumn, face to face I can t follow you. Can you speak more slowly, please? Have a good trip!2. Learn

2、present continuous to show the future:I m flying to Disneyland tomorrow.3. Discuss the differences in English among different English-speaking countries.n . Teaching aids 教具录音机/小黑板/图片出.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)(用G day向学生问好,让学生置疑,引出本课内容和生词。)T: G day, boys and girls

3、!Ss:(学生会置疑地问候)G day, teacher!/Good morning, teacher!T: Do you know what the meaning of g day is? (学生会给出不同的答案。)Si: Good morning!G: Good day!S3:T: Good, though English is widely spoken around the world, there are some differences amongAmerican English, British English, Canadian English and Australian

4、English.(板书,领读讲解并要求学生掌握difference 。)differentdifferenceBritish(导入 2 work alone)Now let s listen to the tape and find out whatfall means in this dialog.(播放录音,选择正确答案,然后核对答案。)(板书,领读讲如并要求学生掌握。)autumn=fallStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)1 .(学习 1a。)T: There are some other differences among British Engl

5、ish, Canadian English andAustralian English. Now please listen to the tape carefully and find out the differences.(教师用小黑板或幻灯片出示下列内容,要求学生听1a,根据不同国家的语言习惯表达完成表格,了解生词trunk 。)g day hello friends mates Goodon ya, mate! Well done Sheilasheilas boot trunkBritish EnglishAustralian EnglishCanadian EnglishAmer

6、ican EnglishT: The tape is over. Now who can tell me which expressions are British English?Please put up your hands. S1.Si: T: Which expressions are Australian English?S2: T:(若学生的答案不准确,可让学生自己读对话,找出自己错的地方,让学生领悟听力的关 键点。)2 .(要求学生再读课文,指导学生小组合作,理解生词suitcase ,找出重难点并讨论解决。)(板书 suitcase)For example:(1)I can

7、t follow you.“follow means aunderstand .(2)I m flying to Disneyland tomorrow.Grammar: Showing the future by present continuous.e.g. I m coming.I m leaving.(3)Have a good trip!3 .(让学生跟读1a录音,进一步理解对话内容,注意语音语调。)4 .(出示1b中的四幅图片,师生问答,复习 1a中的内容并完成1b。)T: Boys and girls, please look at Picture 1. What re the

8、boys doing?Ss:They are greeting when they meet on the way to school.T: Do you know what they will say?Ss:G day.T: Ifthey come from Great Britain, what will they say?Ss:They will say a Hello/Hi, Nice to meet you : T: You re right.(以同样的方式出示其他三幅图片,与学生进行对练,也可以让学生与学生对练。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:12分

9、钟)1.(通过玩游戏,要求每两个学生把同一意思的两种英语表达对应起来进行对练。)T: Let s play a game and express the same meaning with these different words or sentences. One student says a sentence and the partner says another expression that has the same meaning. Do you understand?Ss:Yes.T:S 1, G, please do it first.51: I will say“ Hell

10、o to you when we meet in England.52: I will sayG day ifwe are from Australia.S3:S4:2 .(在前面操练的基础上,复述课文,可采取分组活动的方式进行,然后选出几名学生做一 简短演讲。)S5: Ladies and gentlemen, I m very happy to speak here. My topic is“ DifferentCountries, Different English,”3 .(让学生完成1c,并核对答案。要求学生掌握短语succeed in doing, make sb.+p.p.)St

11、ep 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:5分钟)(让学生根据3中内容猜其意思,并给出更多的网络语言。完成 3。)T: We know English is very interesting. It has different meanings in different countries. There is another interesting English. It s e-mail English.T: Boy and girls, do you like surfing on the Internet?Ss: Yes .T: Do you often send e-mails

12、to your friends?Ss: Yes .T: OK. Do you know the meanings of the following e-mail English in 3?Ss:T: Can you give more examples of e-mail English?Ss: Yes.(一个学生说,其他同学猜意思)S:S2: 11 means (引出 face to face)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1.(小组活动。把学生分成几组,分别写出由汉语转化而来的英文单词及由英语转化而来的 汉语外来词。在组内交流,比出哪一组举出的例子多。)

13、For example:English words from ChineseKungfu, tofu Chinese words from EnglishCafe, cola, coke 2. Homework:Collect much more information about the differences in English among different English-speaking countries, including spelling and pronunciation.板书设计:English is spoken differently in different co

14、untries.Section Adifferent differenceI can t follow you.succeed in doingHave a good trip!make sb.+p.p. tomorrow.I m flyingto DisneylandSection BThe main activities are 1a and 1c.本课重点活动是 1a 和 1c。I . Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Master some new words and useful expressions:put out, ask for a ride,

15、victoryThe foreigner is asking for a ride.I m just kidding.2. Go on learning present continuous to show the future:(1)I m leaving for California.(2)My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.(3)When are you leaving for Disneyland?3. Talk about sign language and body language.n . Teaching aids 教具录音机/小卡片/图片/机票出.

16、Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)1.(教师出示一张飞机票的图片,导入本课语法和生词。)T: Nice to see you again, class.Ss:Nice to see you again, my dear teacher.T: I m sorry to tell you that I can t have English classes for you next week.I m leaving for Beijing to have an important meeting this week

17、end. It s myplane ticket.(板书)I m leaving for Ss:Really? When are you leaving? (Mr. / Miss,we want to see you off.)T: My flight will take off at 7:00 p.m. You needn t see me off. If you have anydifficulty in studying English, you can ask Mr. Hu for help. OK?Ss:OK.T: At the same time, try your best to

18、 get ready for next week s exam. I hope youwill have a victory in it.(板书)flightsee sb. offhave any difficulty (in doing)victory(教师解释并领读,要求学生掌握 victory 。)Ss:Thank you.2.(教师讲解进行时表将来的句式,并结合 1c组织练习。)(板书)I m leaving for Disneyland this afternoon.T: Boys and girls, look at the sentence on the blackboard.

19、Then could you tell me what s themeaning of this sentence? Who can?Ss:It means you will fly to Disneyland this afternoon.T: Yes, that s right.(教师指导学生观察黑板上的句子,让学生给出更多例句。 )3 .(教师展示1c图画,给出一些关键词,让学生用将来时态造句并板书。)T: Here are somepictures. Nowmakesentences with the key words given below, using present conti

20、nuous to show the future.leave for Disneyland this afternoon travel to Canada tomorrowcome home in twenty minutes start at 7 o clock go to Shanghai next weekPicture1:is leaving for Disneyland this afternoon.Picture2:is travelling to Canada tomorrow.Picture3:is coming home in twenty minutes.Picture4:

21、is starting at 7 o clock.Picture5:is going to Shanghai next week.4 .(师生共同总结现在进行时表将来的用法。)现在进行时表将来时常有“意图”、“安排”(但不是固定不变的)或“打算”的含义,这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。它常表示最近或较近的将来,所用动词多是位移动词。例如:I m going.When are you starting?I m leaving tomorrow.表示将来的现在进行时除用位移动词外,亦可用某些非位移动词。例如:I m meeting you after class.She is buying

22、 a new bike soon.5 .(在熟悉现在进行时表将来的用法之后,两人一组对话操练。)T: Pair work. Make dialogs with your partners according to the example in 1c.Example:A: When are you leaving for Disneyland?B: I m leaving this afternoon.(在每个小组充分训练之后,教师找出几组表演对话。)T: NowI ll ask several groups to act out the dialog. Let s have a competi

23、tion.(通过竞赛,学生已熟练掌握现在进行时表将来的用法,为呈现和理解1a做好准备。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)1 .(设置听力任务,让学生带着任务听1a录音,从整体上把握对话意思,并完成所列问题。)T: Listen to the tape and find out where Wang Junfen is flying and answer the following questions.When is his flight?What should Wang Junfeng do if he needs help?(师生一起核对答案,对错误答案

24、先不纠正,要求学生再听一遍,找出问题关键进行对比,提高学生听力技能。)2 .(教师再放1a录音,让学生边听边在练习本中写下现在进行时表将来的句子。)T: Listen to the tape again and write down the sentences that use present continuous to show the future.(板书)I m flying to Disneyland.My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.3 .(小组合作,找出1a的疑难点,板书,同时帮助学生掌握词组put out和ask for a ride ,了解生词 t

25、humb, guidebook 。)(板书)They are on their way to airport. f on ond s way toI hope I won t have any difficulty communicating. f have difficulty (in doing)4 .(学生跟录音读,然后进行人机对话。)T: Read after the tape. Suppose you are WangJunfeng. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with it.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间

26、:5分钟)(在学生熟悉了对话内容的基础上进行分组对话练习,然后让每组分角色进行表演。)T: Class, now let s work in groups. Each group chooses six students to play a role in the dialog, then act the dialog out.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1 .(准备一些写有指令性动作的卡片,如 go shopping , leave for Shanghai, fly to America等等,让一些同学来抽,抽到哪个指令就做一些相关动作,让其他同学猜,进行

27、组与组间的评比。)T: I have some cards here. There are some instructions on them. I ll ask onestudent to choose a card and he should do an action according to the card he gets. Other students should guess what he is going to do. Now who is the volunteer and does the action here?Si:(做动作)What am I going to do?

28、52: You are going shopping. Am I right?Si:Yes, you are right. / No, you are wrong.S3:(做动作)What am I going to do?S4: Are you going to ?S3:Yes, I am. / No, I m not.2 .(让学生看1b,双人讨论图片所表达的意思。)3 .(出示2体态语的图片,让学生猜出它们的含义。帮助学生了解生词puzzled。)T: Class, suppose one ofyou is travelling in the United States. But you

29、 can tspeak English. Ifyou are in trouble, what are you going to do?Ss:T: Good. You can take an interpreter with you and you can make a gesture to express your meaning. Now, look at these gestures that people often use in the United States. Guess the meanings of them, and you can discuss them with y

30、ou partner.(教师把图片贴在黑板上,一分钟后提问学生。)T: What s the meaning of the gesture in Picture 1?Si: It means a Have a victory .T: Class, do you agree with him / her?Ss:Yes. / No.T:4.(小组讨论。尽量多地找出日常生活中我们所运用的体态语,运用简笔画做成小卡片,组织学生进行“猜一猜”的游戏,和其他同学分享。)T: Boys and girls, let s work in groups and each group has four stude

31、nts. Westick the gesture cards on the back of one student. He / She can ask questions about the gestures, and the other three just describe the gestures and make the student who has pictures on the back guesses what the gesture is.(通过此小游戏让学生在娱乐中掌握了不同的体态语及其含义,激发了学生学习兴趣。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5

32、分钟)1.(引导学生收集不同国家的手势语并理解其含义。)T: Suppose you re a volunteer of the 2008 Olympics Games, try to search the Internet for sign language and body language as much as possible, and then make a form like this. After that, please make a report to your class.CountriesGesturesMeaningsAmericaGermanyAustraliaJap

33、anIndia2. Homework:Write several sentences using present continuous to show future. 板书设计:English is spoken differently in different countries.Section Bsee sb. offon one s way to afternoon.ask for a ridehave any difficulty (in doingI m flying to Disneyland.I m leaving for Disneyland thisMy uncle is m

34、eeting us tomorrow.)Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2.本课重点活动是 1a 和 2。I . Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn some new words and expressions: pronounce, pronunciation, fill in, in person2. Discuss the differences between British English and American English in spelling, pronunciation and ex

35、pression.n . Teaching aids 教具录音机/卡片/小黑板出.Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1.(教师检查作业,引导学生复习 Section A中讲英语的不同国家英语表达的不同。)T: Hello! Boys and girls, we learned differences in English among different English-speaking countries in Section A. Now I ll ask a group to perform in the

36、 front. S 1, S 2, would you like to show us your dialog?Si: Hello, what should people say when they meet other people in Britain?S2: Hello, but what about in Australia?Si: G day instead.S2: What should people say when someone did something well in Britain then?Si: Well done! And what about in Austra

37、lia?S2: Good on ya, mate.Si :S2:T: They did a good job, didn t they?Ss:Yes, they did.T: What should we say to them, class?Ss: Congratulations!T: Yeah. Congratulations to them.(学生鼓掌)(复习此对话中表达法的不同,目的是为导入1a英语国家在发音、拼写、表达三方面的差异做铺垫。)2.(师生互动,导入 1a。)T: Boys and girls, please answer my questions. Whose writt

38、en English is good in our class?Ss:Wang Yun.T: Whose oral English is great in our class?Ss:Li Mei.T: Who has good pronunciation in our class?(板书领读,讲解并列出它的动词形式,要求学生掌握。)pronunciation (n.)pronounce”)(提醒学生注意拼写。)Ss:Li Lan.T: Yes, you re right. Li Lan, please stand up. Can you pronouncehot ?(教师板书hot)Li La

39、n:Yes, It s/ /.T: Yes. You know it pronounces ht in British English. While in AmericanEnglish hot pronounces /. Besides pronunciation, there are otherdifferences between American English and British English, such as spelling and expression.T: Now, ifyou want to know a lot about differences betweenAm

40、erican English andBritish English, let s learn 1a.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1 .(设置问题,让学生带着问题去听1a。)T: Please listen to the tape carefully and find out what the differences between British English and American English are.(教师核对答案,并帮助学生了解生词expression 。)2 .(要求学生默读课文,找出英、美式英语在几方面的区别,并列出相应的例子, 完成

41、1b。)T: Read 1a again, and fill in the form in 1b.(要求掌握fill in并了解生词clerk)(板书)fill in(师生互动,加深学生对美式英语与英式英语的区分和理解。)T:S 1, could you tell me how to pronounce“clerk in British English?S1: Oh, yes. It ; s/.T: How to pronounce it in American English?51: It s/.travel in American(板书 check)T: Great. S 2, could

42、 you spell the past participle form of English?52: T-R-A-V-E-L-E-D.T: Good. But how to spell it in British English?53: T-R-A-V-E-L-L-E-D.T:S 3, which take the subway, Americans or British people?54: Americans.T: OK. You can make a similar dialog with your partners.3.(再放一遍录音,让学生朗读课文,了解英美发音有区别的词。)Step

43、 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:10分钟)1 .(做游戏“我知道你是哪国人”,通过所学过的讲英语的国家在发音、拼写、表达等方面 的差异了解谈话双方信息。)T: Now, let s play the game “I know where you come from. You can use theknowledge we have learned in this topic. You can begin like this:Si: Hello. May I ask you a question?S2: Of course, please.Si: How do you pro

44、nounce hot ?S2: /.Si: Thanks. I know you are an Englishman.S2:(作吃惊状)How do you know that?Si: I know that from your pronunciation.S2: Oh. I see.S3: Good on ya, mate.Si: Oh. I know you re from Australia. In Australia, people call their friends mates .S2: That s right. There are differences in English

45、among different English-speaking countries.(多找几组同学操练此类游戏。)2 .(通过操练学生已经熟悉1a,利用1b的表格,让学生复述1a。)T: Now, according to what we have just learned, we know American English and British English are different. I ll ask some students to retell the text. You can use the form in 1b.For example:We all know Americ

46、an English is different from British English in pronunciation, spelling and expression.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)1.(玩游戏。两人一组,一问一答。看谁做的又快又好,完成 2。)T: Now, let s play a game “Who does quickly and well? ” . For example:A: Fall in America is “秋天 .Do you know how to express it in England?B: Yes, It s “autumn.C: Do you know how to spell数学in British English?D: I know that it s maths” .


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