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1、M103035高一年级英语学科纠错练习(1)高一 ()班1名布1组长 宋德生期中复习1. It s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.A My pleasure B With pleasure C No thanks D All right2. I have been in the north for years, so I in Shenyang.A am used to live B used to livingC used to liveD am used to living3. I wonder why Jenny us rec

2、ently. We should have heard from her bynow.A hasn t written B doesn t write C won t write D hadn t write4. It s better for us as possible.A reading books as manyB reading as many booksC to read books as muchD to read as many books5. The children were left of a neighbor when they were on holiday.A in

3、 the charge B in charge C under charge D at charge6. Who would you like to talk with at the end of the lecture?The lady Miss White.A calling herself B called herselfC being called herself D is called7. How long does your mother usually spend a big dinner?A to prepare B to prepare for C preparing for

4、 D preparing8. Is some Germen friends visited last week?A this school where B this school oneC this the school D this school9. This is the first school I taught.A that B which C where D when10. This is the problem we are not sure.A of whichB about that C which D that11. Have you seen the film “Titan

5、ic ” , leading actor is world-famous. A its B it s C whose D which12. This is the best way I could think of people getting into thedangerous areas.A to keep B to stop C keeping D stopping13. We stayed camping until the last foodA was run out B run out of C ran out D used up14. The police to the bed

6、clothes and tried to find out whomthey.A got close, belonged B got closely, was belonged toC got closely, belonged to D got close, belonged to15. The secretary worked late into the night, a long speech for thepresident.A preparing B to prepare C prepared D being prepared16. exercise in the morning,

7、even for a short time, may be good forus.A Doing B Having done C Do D After doing17. This is Mr White, I think has something interesting to tell you.A which B whom C that D who18. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without his notes.A bringing up B referring to C looking

8、for D trying on19. Are you still busy? Yes, I my work, and it won t take long.A just finishB am just finishingC have just finished D am just going to finish20. This picture was taken a long time ago, I wonder if you can myfather.A find out B pick out C look at D speak out21. Whom would you like to w

9、ith you tomorrow?A have to go B have go C having go D having to go22. I didn t mean you. But talking like that means her.A to hurt, to hurt B hurting, hurtingC to hurt, hurting D hurting, to hurt23. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially fatherwas away in France.A as B thatC dur

10、ing D it24. My friend came to see me but I wasn t in, so he left a messagesaying that he would come again.A someday, one day B another day, some dayC the other day, another day D one day, the other day25. Are you feeling tired after the game? . In fact, I feel quite relaxed.D A little bits party. Yo

11、u D ought to havecome, but whyA Not a little B Not a bit C Not bit26. There was a lot of fun on yesterday didn t you?A must have B should C need have27. About 2000 people worked on the project, many of were those whohad been out of work.A whom B who C that D them28. All of the flowers raised here ha

12、ve developed from those in theforest.A once they grew B they grew onceC that once grew D once grew29. The storm left,a lot of damage to this area.A caused B to have caused C to cause D having caused 30.Hey, look where you are going!Oh, I m terribly sorry.A Im not noticing B I wasn t noticingC I have

13、n t noticed D I don t notice泰兴市第三高级中学M103036高一年级 英语学科 纠错练习(2)高一()班姓名1. The party starts at 8:00, but you can A turn in B turn up C turn to2. There are five pairs, but I A to be chosen B to choose from3. In the reading room, we found her 备课组长宋德生期中复习when you like.D turn around m at a loss which to buy

14、.C to choose D for choosingat a desk, with her attentionon a book.A sitting, fixing B to sit, fixed C seating, fixing D seated, fixed30. With a lot of difficult problems, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.theA settled B settling C to settle D being settled31. The managers discussed t

15、he plan that they would like to have next year.A carry out B carrying out C carried out D to carry out32. Laws that punish parents for their little children s actions against thelaws got parents.A worried B to worry C worrying D worry33. Mr. White at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn t show up.A sho

16、uld have arrivedB should arriveC should have had arrived D should be arriving34. ver the Pacific Ocean this time next Wednesday.A we re going to fly B we ll be flyingC we ll flyD we re to fly35. English has a large vocabulary (词?匚),hasn t it? Yes. more words and expressions, and you will find it eas

17、ierto read and communicate.A Know B Knowing C To know D Known36. Somepictures of the river brought the days back to the old manypeople swam in it.A when B that C who D where37. I, your good friend, will try my best to help you out.A who s B who am C that s D which am38. The girl likes maths and chem

18、istry, is easy for her to learn.A each of themB but neither of whichC each of whichD neither of them39. The reason he didn t come was he was injured.A that, because B why, that C why, because D that, that40. the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.A The president will attendB The

19、 president to attendC The president attendedD The president s attending41. The flowers sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitorsto the beauty of nature.A to smell B smelling C smells D to be smelt42. two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.A With B Besides C As for D

20、 Because of43. There were dirty marks on her trousers she had wiped her hands.A Where B which C when D that44. On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she pale.A got B changed C went D appeared45. I can think of many cases students obviously knew a lot of Englishwords and expressions,

21、but couldn t write a good essay.A why B which C as D where46. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they .A have survived B are to surviveC would survive D will survive47. Mary could not have accepted the invitation, ?A has she B was she C could she D had she48. We are advised

22、that everyone up before six in the morning.A get B gets C getting D would get49. He made another wonderful discovery, of great importance toscience.A which I think is B which I think it isC which I think it D I think which is50. I don t like the way youlistenwithyourmouthhalfopen.A that B which C ho

23、w D what51. Whom did the teacher the essay?A have written B have to write C have write D write52. Enough attention should be paid to your pronunciation and intonation.A improving B improve C being improved D to improve53. Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer.A to invent B inven

24、ting C having invented D to have invented54. As regards health, I have nothing to say since I have of illnessA useful, few experiences B use, little experienceC to use, some experience D useful, little experience55. The bus driver insisted that he at a normal speed and thereforefor the child s death

25、.A drove, shouldn t answerB was driving, shouldn t answerC should drive, should have answeredD drive, not answer56. We can use a short-wave radio to VOA English programmes.A pick up B pick out C take up D join up泰兴市第三高级中学M103037高一年级英语学科纠错练习(3)高一()班 姓名 备课组长宋德生期中复习1. Having a trip abroad is certainly

26、good for the old couple, but it remains whether they will enjoy it.A to see B to be seen C seeing D seen2. Written in a hurry,. How can it be satisfactory?A There are many mistakes in the reportB People found many mistakes in the reportC Mary made many mistakes in the reportD It s full of mistakes i

27、n the report.3. Now that she s out of a job, Lucy going back to school, but shehasn t decided yet.A had considered B has been consideringC consideredD is going to consider4. The conference had been held to discuss the effects of tourism thewildlife in the area.A inB onC atD with5. Anyway, that eveni

28、ng, I ll tell you more about later, I endedup staying at Rachel s place.A when B where C what D which6. You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. Well. Now I regret that.A to do B to be doing C to have done D having done7. , some famous scientists have the qualities of being both car

29、efuland careless.A Strangely enough B Enough strangelyC Strange enough D Enough strange8. Whydon t you put the meat in the fridge? It will fresh for severaldays.A be stayed B stay C be staying D have stayed9. The price of any product is linked to a complicated system of prices everything depends on

30、everything else.A where B which C that D of which10. What do you think of your failure in the exam, Tom? Well, sir, I now regret the time I should on study.A wasting, spend B to waste, have spentC to waste, spend D wasting, have spent11. Alice, you feed the bird today, ? But I fed it yesterday.A do

31、you B will you C didn t you D don t you12. The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, ?A did they B didn t they C didn t it D don t it13. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took pictures of them.A many of B masses of C the number of D a large a

32、mount of14. You haven t been to Beijing, have you? . How I wish to go there!A Yes, I have B Yes, I haven t C No, I haven t D No, I have15. David has made great progress recently. , and A So he has; so you haveB So he has; so have youC So has he; so have youD So has he; so you have16. What can I do f

33、or you? I d like to have this bag and post it to Shanghai.A to be weighed B weighed C tested D to be tested17. The boy at the meeting has really set a good example to all thestudents.A refer to B referred to C referring to D to refer to18. more attention, the tree could have grown better.A Given B T

34、o give C Giving D Having given19. Oh, it s you! I you. I ve just had my hair cut and I am wearing new glasses.A didn t recognize B hadn t recognizedC haven t recognized D don t recognize20. Before the medicine, ought to study the instructionsor follow doctor s .A you take, you, advise B you take, on

35、e, adviceC taking, one, advice D taking, you, advise21. Sometimes we were asked we think the likely result of an actionwill be.A if B that C what D whether22. Mr Green is an Australian, I know from his accent.A who B whom C which D that23. I don t suppose anyone will be voluntary, ?A do I B don t I

36、C will they D won t they24. He doesn t believe she can take the first place in the competition,A can she B can t she C doesn t he D does he25. We didn t plan our art exhibition like that, but it very well.A tried out B went on C carried on D worked out26. Jumping out of airplane at a height of 10,00

37、0 feet is quite exciting experience.A ; the B ; an C an; an D the; the27. Albert Einstein, life had once been very hard, was given the NobelPrize for physics in 1921.A in which B for whom C for whose D in whom28. I like swimming, while what my brother enjoys .A cooking B to cook C is cooking D cook2

38、9. Was his father strict with him when he was at school? Yes. He had never praised him he became one of the top studentsin his grade.A after B unless C until D when30. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role in making the earth a better a place to live on.A to have played B to play C to be played D to be playing


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