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1、Unit2 Its going to snow in Harbin教学目标:知识目标:学会运用单词snow, rain, sunny, hot, cold, warm, windy 等表示天气的单词。句型It s going to snow in Harbir#描述天气的语句;运用句型 I m going to watch TV述自 己的计划。能力目标:学生能够口头运用It going to snow in Harbin. I m going to watchTV描述某地的天气和谈论自己的打算计划。情感目标: 培养学生有计划的合理安排自己事情的意识。教学重、难点1能正确口头运用 It s go

2、ing to snow in Harbin.It s going to be sunny and warm in Dalian.预报某地的天气。2识别运用单词snow, rain 。教学准备: 录音机、中国地图、带有天气符号与单词的卡片。教学过程:Step I Warming upListen and point.T: Hello, bo ys and girls.It s sunny today, and I m very happy to see you again. Please enjoy yourself. Let s play a game. “ Listen and point

3、” First, please help me put the cards on the wall. Now, listen carefully. It s goinIg to snowng to be sunny and hot.教师与学生打完招呼后, 将事先准备的带有天气符号的单词卡片贴在教室各处。 教师用英语描述天气情况,学生则指向带有天气符号的卡片。 (为了增加活动的趣味性,教师要注意语气和语速。 )设计意图:通过听指活动,既能锻炼学生的听力和反应能力,调动其活跃的课堂气氛,又可以复习描述天气的单词,为课堂教学的顺利开展做铺垫。Stepn Presentation1. Listen a

4、nd compare.T: Now, please listen carefully. And find the differenc e. Which word is used after It s goingto and which is used afterIt s going to be 教师放一遍课本第一部分的录音, 让学生认真听, 找出句子描述的不同。 并请学生将对应的 天气单词卡片贴到黑板上老师事先写的句子It s going tot s going to b后面。设计意图: 让学生自己有目的的去听, 找出目标语句的不同之处。 既是锻炼听力的一种好的方式, 又能更好的帮助学生理解表

5、示天气单词的不同用法, 克服本课的一个学生易混点。1. Point and say.T: Listen again ,then put the weather cards on the map.I will ask some students to telll us what s the weather going to be like tomorrow.教师将事先准备的中国地图贴在黑板上,让学生再听一遍录音,将天气符号贴到对应的城市位置。之后请学生模仿天气预报员,到讲台前做天气预报。设计意图:简单的模仿操练,让学生在体会天气预报员的成就感中,练习巩固本课句型。Stepin Practice1

6、. Where am I?T: Let s do paire work. Look at Part 3.It s going to snow tomorrow. Where am I?S: You are in Harbin.T: That s right.学生两人之间进行简单的对话练习。一人描述天气情况,另一人猜其所在城市。教师可先与学生进行示范练习。设计意图:猜一猜的练习活动比简单的机械操练更具趣味性,而且能更好地锻炼学生的听说能力。使学生能更关注表示天气的单词。1) Learn the chant.2) Listen and answer.T: Look at Part 4 please

7、.Look at the pictures and listen to the tape carefully. Then answer my quesrions.(1) What is the girl going to do today?(2) What is the girl going to do this afternoon?教师先让学生仔细观察一下图画,然后听录音回答问题。3) Listen and say.T:There are two groups.One group is the girl, the other group is the mother将学生分为两组,分角色朗读。

8、设计意图:本课的教学内容多为活动练习,把 Chant作为一篇小的短文处理,来锻炼 和培养学生的听说和阅读能力。StepIV Development1. Listen and draw.T: The weather next week. It going to be windy on Monday. And it going to snow on Tuesday. On Wednesday it going to be cold. It s going to rain on Thursday. On Friday itto be sunny. It s going to be warm and

9、cloudy on Satndtiayiniday.SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday教师预报一周的天气情况,学生在对应的日期下画出对应的符号。2. Look and say.T: Look at the weather,Say what you re going to do.让学生根据天气情况制定自己的打算(包括做什么、时间、衣着等)。并在小组内进行讨论交流。A:It s gointo be sunny on Friday. What are you going to do?B:I m going to go to the p

10、ark.What are you going to do?A:I m going to go to the park, too.What are you going to wear?B:I m going to wear my new Tshirt.What about you?A:I m going to wear my blue dess.When are you going to go?B:At nine o clock.A:Ok. Let s go together.3. A plan report.Ask some students to do a report about ther

11、e plans.It s going to on . is going to (do) . is going to (wear) .And is going to go at (time) .请部分学生根据提示就讨论结果做一个小报告。设计意图: 让学生动手画一画, 进一步培养他们的听说及动手能力。 在讨论交流的活动中,鼓励学生尽量多的运用学过的知识。锻炼学生的综合运用能力,拓展学生的运用思维。在讨论中还可帮助学生制定合理的计划安排。 小汇报是对学生口头表达及初步写作思维能力的一种锻炼培养方式。StepV Short summary.教师评价学生的课堂表现,学生表述课堂收获与体会。Step)VI Homework1 .Teach your parents the chant and do it together.2 .Make a plan about your weekend with you friend.板书设计It s going to rain.snow.It s going to be sunny.windy.warm.cold.


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