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1、精选剑桥预备级英语公开课教案开场Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Welcome to Lucy English. Now let me introduce myself first. My name is Lucy, my Chinese name is Ge Rile, and I ve been teaching kids English for about ten years. And for today, I hope we can have a wonderful time together.Now, let

2、 s begin today s class. Thank you.Greeting:1.Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! My name is Lucy.So, I say: Hello, everyone.You say: Hello, Lucy.Let s have a try: Hello, everyone. (Hello, Lucy.)2. (对每一个学生单独打招呼)Hello,XXX. (Hello, Lucy.)(奖励给每个对话的学生一个sticker: Good job! A sticker for you!)3. 今天谁得的

3、sticker 最多,就可以到 Lucy 这儿换奖品哦Hello, everyone!(Hello, Lucy)Chant: Now, everybody, stand up! Let s do a chant!(让学生排成一排)Stand in a row!(老师站到侧面) Face to Lucy. ( 挨个纠正 )“Walking, walking, ready? Go ! ”“Walking, walking, walking, walkingHop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hopRunning ,running, running, running, running,

4、 runningNow let s stop! Now, let s stop! ”(第一遍,慢!第二遍,稍快!第三遍,自由发挥!)Well done! Very good, everyone!(对一个学生打招呼,并给sticker )Hello, XXX. (Hello, Lucy)Good! A sticker for you! Go back to your seat!字母 Aa1. “ABC Song ”大家都听过字母歌( Alphabet Song )Today we are going to learn a letter.老师拿出 Aa 的字母卡。Follow me: A-A-A2

5、. Let s write the capital A.Look at me: ( 老师做 straight line 的动作 ) straight line 的动作。 Straight line! Straight line!One straight line, two straight lines, three straight lines.Show me your fingers.Show me your feet.Stand up! Show me your heap!Let s write the small A.Look at me: ( 老师做曲线的动作 ) curved lin

6、e! Curved line!One curved line! Two curved lines!Show me your fingers.Show me your feet.Stand up! Show me your heap!3. Action( 做动作 )字母 A 长成什么样子呢? Let s make a letter A with our body! A!4. SoundNow, everybody listen! ( 老师发出各种声音) Sound!What sound does letter A make?Letter A, letter A, what sound do yo

7、u make?I make sound.Oh, I see.Letter A makes sound!5. 字母操Everybody stand up! Let s do the action!A A A6. 单词AppleAnimalNew words: elephant, monkey(做动作,发出声音)嘀哒,嘀哒,铃铃铃It s words time!Today, we are going to learn 3 new words.(一 )elephant1. (拿出一个魔法棒)This is a magic stick!ABRACADABRA! CAT !(指向自己)I am a ca

8、t! Miao ABRACADABRA! DOG! ( 指向自己 ) I m a dog! WoofABRACADABRA! DUCK!( 指向自己 ) I m a duck! Quack2. ABRACADABR! Jack! ( 指向自己 )(做动作 )I am an animal.I am big.I have a long long nose.I have two big ears.I have four strong legs.I have a short short tail.Who am I?3. (老师把 zoo 的教具拿出来)This is a zoo. 这是一个动物园。Wh

9、at s in the zoo? 动物园里有什么?(请大家猜猜这张卡片是什么)4. Follow me: elephant! Elephant!5. 拍卡片,读单词,纠正发音。6. Together: elephant7. Do you like elephant? 你们喜欢大象吗? Yes.那我们就可以说: I like elephants.我喜欢大象。8. Look at me: I like elephants. (老师边说边做动作)9. Who can? (请学生一个个上台来讲,讲完给小粘贴)10. 老师再次拿出卡片: What s this? Elephant!11. (大象转圈)L

10、et s play a game.让我们玩一个游戏!Look at me! This is the card. I say: ready? Go! You do like this. ( 学大象 ) and turn around, and round and round( 转三圈 ). And you run to the card and pat the card. And say: Elephant!1. ) monkey2. ABRACADABRA! ( 指向自己 )I am an animal.I have a long tail.I like bananas and apples.

11、I like climbing the tree.I like jumping and running.Who am I?3. (老师把 zoo 的教具拿出来)This is a zoo. 这是一个动物园。What s in the zoo? 动物园里有什么?(请大家猜猜这张卡片是什么)4. Follow me: monkey! monkey5. 拍卡片,读单词,纠正发音。6. Together: monkey7. Do you like monkeys? 你们喜欢大象吗? Yes.那我们就可以说: I like monkeys.我喜欢大象。8. Look at me: I like monk

12、eys. (老师边说边做动作)9. Who can? (请学生一个个上台来讲,讲完给小粘贴)10. 老师再次拿出卡片: What s this? monkey!11. (大象转圈)Let s play a game.让我们玩一个游戏!Look at me! This is the card. I say: ready? Go! You do like this. ( 学大象 ) and turn around, and round and round( 转三圈 ). And you run to the card and pat the card. And say: monkey!(四 )Re

13、view1. Flash Cards: What s this?(给最先说的学生 sticker)2. I do the action, you say the word. ( 老师做动作,学生猜单词,先说的给sticker)六 GameIt s game time! Let s play the game!1. Pat the cards:(老师把三张卡片放在地上排好)Listen! ( 点三个同学的名字) Come here! Stand in a line!I say : mother! Ready, go!You run to “ mother ” and pat the card.

14、Say: mother?Do you understand?Let s have a try! Who is the winner? XXX is the winner!Together: Winner! Winner! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!(A sticker for you!)2. I am a monster. I like to eat animals. Everybody stand up! 七 Goodbye Song:It s time to say goodbye now!Stand up! Let s sing a song!Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye everyone!La la la , la la la, goodbye everyone!Goodbye!今天的课就上到这里了,小朋友们的表现都很好,这样吧,老师给每个小朋友一个小奖品,请大家到老师这儿来拿吧!然后大家把身上的名牌摘下来给老师!欢迎下载谢谢观看!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考,如有雷同纯属意外


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