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1、上上学学期九年期九年级级英英语语期末期末综综合合测试题测试题 一. 单项选择。 1. Loud music may make people _ fast A. to eatB. eatC. ateD. eating 2. I am sorry that I have kept you _ me so long. A. waitingB. waiting forC. to waitD. to wait for 3The old man lived _ in the village but he didnt feel _ Aalone;aloneBlonely;lonelyCalone;lonel

2、yDlonely;alone 4Do you like red or pink? _I like black ABothBAllCEitherDNeither 5I failed the examWhat _ news! My parents said that they were _ at my grades Adisappointing;disappointingBdisappointing;disappointed Cdisappointed;disappointedDdisappointed;disappointing 6My mother often hears me _ in my

3、 room AsingBsangCto singDsinging 7I would rather _ you the secret right now Why not? Adont tellBnot to tellCnot tellDdidnt tell 8I found it boring _ the lectureI nearly fell asleep A1istening toBto listen toClisten toDlistened to 9The _ he learns,the _ knowledgeable he will be Amore;moreBmore;lessCm

4、ost;mostDmost;least 10. Mr. Brown always makes his class _ and keeps his students _ in class. A. alive; interestingB. lively; interestingC. alive; interestedD. lively; interested 11. Its impolite to laugh at, stare at or play _on disabled people. A. funB. jokesC. tricksD. parts 12. We _ four thousan

5、d new words by the end of last year. A. learnedB. had learnedC. have learnedD. will learn 13. When I got there, I realized that I _ my glasses at home. A. forgotB. had forgotC. leftD. had left 14. The little girl felt _ at being the center of attention. A. embarrassingB. embarrassedC. exhaustedD. ex

6、hausting 15. Do you know your new teacher is one of my _. He is my uncle. A. relativesB. friendsC. classmatesD. members 16We must do something useful to _ pollution. A. cut offB. cut upC. cut downD. cut in 17There are only a few old city walls left YeahMost of them _ in the 1960s Apulled downBhave p

7、ulled down Chad pulled downDwere pulled down 18 What are the _ of bike riding?It can help cut down air polluti on. A. advantagesB. reasonsC. resultsD. ideas 19Are you going to _ any of the events? Yes. Maybe long jump and high jump. A. take part inB. joinC. attendD. join in 20Many overseas Chinese l

8、ook forward to _ more about their roots in the summer camp AlearnBbe learningClearningDbe learned 21Grandma _ us stories when we were very young Aused to tellBwas used to tellCis used to tellDwas used to telling 22I cant afford _ him an expensive birthday present. A. to buyB. buyingC. for buyingD. b

9、uy 23. Whatever we do, first, we need to have a right _ towards everything. A. abilityB. attitudeC. memoryD. concentrate 24. Sam, our daughter has grown up. Should we do everything for her? Oh, dear. Let her _ her own life. A. behaveB. shareC. organizeD. do 25. Scientists cant _ on why we need to sl

10、eep A. dependB. explainC. guideD. agree 26. The amount of sleep we need _ different from person to person. A. have beenB. isC. areD. has been 27. You look so sleepy. I think you shouldnt often stay up. Yes, I find the less I sleep, _ I do in the work during the day. A. the more B. the betterC. the f

11、ewerD. the worse 28. Lets go to the KFC, OK? Wed better eat junk food _ possible. Its not healthy. Aas much asB.as little asC.as soon asD.as quikly as 29. Hi, Lucy. Would you like to _ with me in the shopping center this weekend? Certainly, Id like to. A. help outB. get throughC. hang outD. give out

12、 30. I almost forget the worst thing that _ me last year. A. happenedB. happened toC. took placeD. take place 31. The workers were made _ day and night in the old days. A.workB.workedC.to workD.works 32.Miss Li, I have trouble with my English. What can I do? Study harder from now on. It s never _ la

13、te _ catch up with your classmates. A. too; toB. so; thatC. as; asD. such; that 33. Do you still remember _ me somewhere in Kunming? Yes, of course. Two years ago. A.toseeB.seeC. seeingD. saw 34. Its hard for me _ the teacher when she talked to the class. A.understandB.understoodC.tounderstandD. und

14、erstanding 35. He used to _ problems _ English, but he can speak English very well now. A. have, speakB. has, speaksC. have, speaking D. having, speaking 二、阅读理解 Different weather makes people feel different It influences health , intelligence and feelings In August , it is very hot and wet in the so

15、uthern part of the United StatesPeople there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this monthIn the Northeast and the Middle West ,it is very hot at some times and very cold at other timesPeople in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or M

16、arch The weather can also influence intelligence For example,in a 1983 report by scientists,IQ of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came , but after the strong wind ,their IQ was 10% lower The wind can help people have more intelligence Very hot weather , on the other hand ,

17、can make it lower Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year(July and August) Weather also has a strong influence on peoples feelingsWinter may be a bad time for thin peopleThey usually feel cold during these months They might feel unhappy du

18、ring cold weather But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer At about 18 people become stronger Low air pressure may make people forgetful People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days People feel best at a temperature of about 18 Are you feeling sad , tired, forgetful, or

19、 unhappy today? It may be the weather s problem _ can cause health problems AHot and wet weatherBA strong wind CWarm weatherDLow air pressure A report shows that people may have more intelligence when _ comes ArainBa strong wind Cvery hot weatherDlow air pressure According to the writer,fat people m

20、ay feel bad in _ weather AcoldBcoolCwarmDhot The writer wants to tell us that _ Ahot and cold weather influences all people in the same way Bweather influences peoples behavior CIQ changes when weather changes Dpeople feel good on low-pressure days The best title for this passage is“_” AHot Weather

21、Causes Health Problems BDifferent Weather Makes People Feel Bad CWeather Influences Feelings DWeather Influences Health,Intelligence and Feelings Social customs and ways of behaving change all the time. Things that were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it

22、was considered to be impolite behavior for a man to smoke on the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in the room. Customs also differ from country to country. Does a man walk on the left or the right of a woman in your co

23、untry? Or doesnt matter? What about table manners? The Americans and British people not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England, people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also most Englishmen will o

24、pen a door for a woman or offer their seats to women, and so will most Americans. Promptness(准时) is important both in England and in America. That is, the dinner guest either arrive close to the time that has been made or calls up to explain his delay(耽误). The important thing to remember about socia

25、l customs is not to do anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable especially if they are your guests. There is an old story about a man who gave a very formal dinner party. When the food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests were amused or

26、 greatly surprised, but the host calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable. . The underlined phrase make a fool of himself in the first paragraph means . A. make himself strong B. make himself rich C. m

27、ake himself comfortable D. cause himself to seem like a fool . According to the passage, the American and the British . A. dont speak the same language B. dont have social customs in common C. do share a lot of social customs D. do have the exactly same social customs . If a dinner invitation is for

28、 six oclock, the guest is supposed to arrive at _ six. A. nearly or a minute later than B. a quarter past C. a quarter to D. much later than . The last example in the passage shows . . A. the correct way to use a knife at table B. that it is good manners not to make your guest feel foolish or uncomf

29、ortable C. that social customs and ways of behaving change too fast D. that different counties have different customs .The best title of the passage is . A. Different Customs B. Social Customs C. Customs are Changing Fast D. Different Countries, Different Customs Before the elevator was invented in

30、the late 1800s,buildings were much smaller and lower,as people did not want to walk up and down stairs(楼梯) all dayWith the invention of the elevator came high-rise buildings and skyscrapers Some people find elevators make them a little uncomfortable because there are many people all standing close i

31、n a small room It is best just to relax and enjoy the ride When the elevator doors open ,stand aside and let everyone out before you try to get inEven if you are in a hurry ,its impolite to push someone so that you can get into an elevator Dont stare at(盯着看) people or stand too close Try to keep you

32、r eyes looking ahead or you could make others feel nervous or uncomfortable If you have to move past people to get out of the elevator ,say“Excuse me, please”or“Im sorry”rather than just push them out of the way Others will think youre welcome if you show some politeness If you are standing close to

33、 the buttons(按钮),ask others what floors they are going to and press the buttons for themThis is considered to be polite In case of emergency(紧急情况),follow the instructions written inside the elevator and try to keep others calm . The elevator was invented _ Ain 1800Bin 1899Cin the 18th centuryDin the

34、 19th century . Before the elevator was invented,buildings were _ Abig enoughBtall enoughClow and smallDhuge but low . The underlined word“skyscrapers”means“_”in Chinese A天窗B摩天大楼C天桥D冲天火箭 . According to the passage,if you stare at someone in an elevator,he or she may feel _ AuncomfortableBangryCstran

35、geDcalm . If you have an emergency in an elevator,you should _ Acry for help loudly Bknock on the door loudly Cfollow the elevator instructions Dcall the police for help Nick is a 14-year-old school boy. His life is full of exams and studies onweekdays. He has little free time. He thinks playing com

36、puter games isthe bestway to make him relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer.Just like that way, he neither eats nor drinks for several hours. Last weekend, he played games on the computer again. He was too excited anddidnt want to move. He didnt have anything for six hours.

37、When he had to go to the bathroom, hefound he could not move. He was taken to the hospital. The doctor told him he should do some moredifferent kinds of activities. In other words, he needs more exercise and outdoor activities to makehimhave a healthy body. After coming back from the hospital, Nick

38、follows the doctors advice. He often plays soccerwith his friends. Sometimes he still plays computer games on weekends, but he never does it forlong. Now, he lives a happy and healthy life. 6How old is Nick? A13. B14.C15. D16. 7Nick likes _ in his free time. Ariding a bikeBplaying the guitar Dhaving

39、 a school tripCplaying computer games 8Who took Nick to the hospital? AHis dad.BHis mom. CHis neighbor.DWe are not sure. 9Why was Nick taken to the hospital? ABecause he was too excited. BBecause he had a cold in the morning. CBecause he was too nervous of his studies. DBecause he couldnt move after

40、 playing computer games so long. 0Nick should _ to follow the doctors advice. Ago to a movieBlisten to music Dplay computer gamesCtake more exercise 三、词汇运用 I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词。 1I dont like loud musicIt always _(迫使) me crazy 2Happiness is more important than _(财富) 3. Its h_to your health to drink too

41、 much. 4. The city is the _ (工业) center of the country. 5. The car is too expensive, I cant a_ it. 6. The _ (费用) of living in big cities is very high. 7. When I got to school, I r _I had left my backpack at home. 8. U_, by the time I got there, the bus had already left. 9. He was going to meet me ea

42、rlier but he didnt s_ up when I got there. 10. Im really e_ to be laughed in public. II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1The rock music makes Peter _(excite) 2Sad movies made Mike _(cry) 3They spend more time _(eat) their meals 4Listen! I hear somebody _(sing) in the next room 5.I felt _in that _joke. ( embarrass )

43、6.Scientists have to read the_ information in science books.(late) 7. Dont _ (foolish) anyone in your class, because none of them are fools. 8. She told me she _(be) to Sanya. 9. The old man used _ (be) a teacher. 10. Lots of trees _ (plant) on the hill every year. 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(必要时加情态动词助动词) Look u

44、p into the Tree A king gave his daughter a beautiful necklac(项链) 。 However, the necklace (1) _ (steal). So the king told his people (2) _ (look)for it and said that he would give $50,000 to anyone who found it. One day, a man(3) _ (walk) along a dirty river. Suddenly, he saw the shining2 necklace in

45、 the river. He decided (4) _ ( pick) it up so that he could get the $50,000. He put his hand into the dirty river, but somehow he (5) _( not get) the necklace. He looked again and the necklace was still there. He tried again. This time he walked into the river and(6) _ (put)his whole arm in to pick

46、it up. But he still missed the necklace. Then again, he saw that the necklace was still right there. So he became very angry. Just then, a boy (7) _ (see) him and asked him what was the matter. The man didnt tell the boy, thinking that the boy might take the necklace for himself. The boy could see t

47、his man was in trouble. So he asked the man again and said that he(8) _ (not tell ) anyone about it. (9) _ (Think) for a few minutes, the man decided to tell the boy. Then the boy said, “Maybe you should try (10) _ ( look) up into the tree.” The man looked up and saw that the necklace was shining in the tree 五、综合填空 阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容及首字母提示补全文中所缺的单词。答案写在题后 的横线上。 Travel can teach kids more than a textbook. Travelling with kids is good f1them. They can find new interests. Travel makes information alive for kids, and makes it much more exciting than studying textbooks or d2experiments


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