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1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitarUnit 1 Can you play the guitar Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 课题 第一课时 Section A(1a2d) 1、Key words and phrases:guitar,sing,swim,dance,draw,chess,speak,join, club,tell,story,play chess,speak English,be good at 2、2 2.Key sentences: (1)Can you swim? 教学 Yes,I can./No,I cant

2、. 目标 (2)What club do you want to join? I want to joi n the chess club. 3 3Skills:能够熟练地谈论表示能力的话题,以及自己的意愿。 重点Key Words and Phrases : guitar,sing,swim,dance,draw,chess,speak,join,club 1;由 can 构成的各种句式。 难点 教学 a computer and some cards 用具 Step Revision and leadin Step studying the new words . 教学Step Check

3、 up 二次备课 环节Step Cooperative inquiry St ep Practice T:Whats your name? Ss:Alan. 复习 T:Whats your telephone number? Ss:8561288. 2;能听懂听力对话并能根据对话进行自由交际。 课型新 Step 1Step 1情景导入 Teacher:I can do lots of things.I can sing.I can dance.What can you do ?Can you sing/dance/swim/paint/speak English/play chess? Wha

4、t/How about you?And you? 新课 Students:_ 导入 (Yes,I can/No,I cant.) 环节说明:通过询问学生的能力与爱好,激发学生说英语的热情, 让学生能够用英语表达自己的能力与爱好,从而导入新课的单词与话 题。 Step 2Step 2完成教材 1 1a1 1c 的任务 1 1认真观察 1a 图片,完成 1a。(1 分钟 ) Teach the words: sing, dance, swim, draw, speak, chess, guitar. 2 2大声朗读 1b 中的小对话,认真听录音,按听到的顺序给它们编 号。(3 分钟) 3 3大声朗

5、读并背诵 1b 中的小对话, 结对练习 1b 中的三个小对话, 最熟练的一组要到讲台上展示。(3 分钟) 课4 4仿照 1b 中的小对话,先由师生之间进行口语训练,然后让同学 讲 授 Teacher:I like singing.So I want to join the music club.What club do you want to join? Students:I want to join theclub. Teacher:Can you? Students:Yes,I can./No,I cant. Step 3Step 3完成教材 2 2a2 2d 的任务 1 1仔细观察图中学

6、生的活动,认真听录音,完成2a。(3 分钟) Teacher:Our school has a music club.Do you want to join it? (If the students answer is “No”)Oh, you can join other 程们根据自己的实际情况编写并表演对话,完成1c。(3 分钟) clubs.Our school has a lot of clubs.Lets see what clubs we have.OK? Teacher: Now lets listen to the tape, a nd find out what clubs

7、they want to join. Teacher:Now lets check the answers. 2 2再听一遍录音,完成2b 中的句子。(2 分钟) Teacher:There are many clubs.Lets see what clubs they want to join.And what can they do?Listen carefully,then complete the sentences in 2b. 3 3根据 2b 中的对话,结对谈论对话中人物想要加入的俱乐部, 以 及他们能做什么,完成 2c。要求多个小组上台展 示。(4 分钟) 4 4让学生分角色朗

8、读 2d 中的对话内容, 教师解释重点短语和句子 并让多 个小组上台展示,然后让学生大声朗读对话。(3 分钟) 5 5让学生根据 2d 中的对 话内容和自己的实际情况编写并表演对 话。(4 分钟) Teacher:Our school has many clubs.What club do you want to join?Why?Please ask and answer in groups. (1)Can you swim? Yes,I can./No,I cant. 小结(2)What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club. 作业 课时练 布置 课后 反思


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