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1、-范文最新推荐- 工地暑期社会见习感言 来工地实习已经好多天了,在这几天里,我们知道了一些重要的检验批,分项,分部子工程。建筑地基基础工程包括地基,桩基础,土方工程和基坑工程。对打桩,我们也在实地有了一番了解,也知道了建筑地基基础工程对整个工程的重要性。从xx月xx日实习开始,满怀着欣喜之情,我们几名队员来到了康乐坊1#,3#地块,看着14幢已完成的主体,我们知道接下来将是充实的一个月。第一天我们认识了唐工,黄工,陈工,胡工等,他们和善的目光顿时拉近了我们之间的距离。在他们耐心的讲解下,我解开心中很多问号。康乐坊1#,3#施工地块坐落在温州市康乐坊路段,总建筑面积135889.78平方米,地下



4、法完成的目标以来,管理工作就成为协调个体努力必不可少的因素了。由于人类社会越来越依赖集体的努力以及越来越多的、有组织的群体规模的扩大,管理人员的任务也就愈发重要了。作……工地暑期社会见习感言xx月xx日实习开始,满怀着欣喜之情,我们几名队员来到了康乐坊1#,3#地块,看着14幢已完成的主体,我们知道接下来将是充实的一个月。 第一天我们认识了唐工,黄工,陈工,胡工等,他们……施工项目现场管理的体会感想建设施工现场管理是建筑施工企业对某项具体施工项目施工全过程的管理,其目的是有效地完成施工项目的合同承包目标,使企业取得相应的经济效益。 施工项

5、目现场管理的重点主要分安全管理、质量管理、进度管理……带班心得感言不知不觉,从xx月xx日到xx月xx日,带班已经快3个月的时间了,带班长岗位是一个部门的心脏和窗口,是沟通上下的咽喉、联系左右的纽带,带班岗位在推进部门工作的过程中,具有特殊的地位和……有人说,生活就是生下来,活下去。以前一直觉得这是句很简单的话,经过这次实习之后我才了解到,生下来容易,活下去却很难,需要我们不断地奋斗、不断地努力! sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing. career objective

6、 efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed company goals. background summary extensive and diversified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.particularly effective in increasing productivity and

7、capavcity.demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.successfuily motivate employees.excellent interpersonal skills.gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust. summary of accomplishments s

8、upervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals. instructed quality development courses. participated in upgrading assembly systems at lennon and epstein systems. consistently met and/or surpassed p

9、roduction goals.supervised same day shipping of orders. participated with lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from st.paui to winona facility.received cash achievement award for this project. operated computerized warehouse management,inventory control and order proces

10、sing systems. researched requirements and supervised the development of a high-tech paint laboratory including procurement and staffing. planned,arranged and supervised rework groups which traveled to on-site locations to perform engineering repairs and other problem-solving activities. supervised d

11、evelopment of new preassembled components of cabin cruisers at howell boat company. consistently built and maintained strong relationships with vendors and customers through close and effective communication. supervised,scheduled and coordinated production of four departments in a metal fabrication

12、operation. notice: since candidate has held six jobs as production supervisor,he/she chooses not to repeat same job description six times. instead,candidate summarizes work history undersummary of accomplishments. mary zhou m.s. room 344444, 888 baochun road, shanghai, chinaphone: (+86)136123456, e-

13、mail: objectivea position that allows me to apply my statistical analysis, numerical modeling and risk management skills in consulting or industrial fields in beijing, china.professional highlightsm.s. in mathematics from dalhousie university, canada ; b.e. from tongji university, shanghai5 years ex

14、periences in statistical analysis, numerical modeling and risk management in canada sas certified advanced programmer by sas institution proficiency with writing reports and academic papers in english experience in conference presentation and client-training in us, canada and india strong analytical

15、 skills acquired via projects in a wide range of areas fluency in english and mandarincomputer skillsstatistical software sas, queryman (teradata sql assistant)numerical modeling financial model, fem/random field model, population dynamics modeloffice productivity ms office word, excel (pivot and so

16、lver), access, canada 2001 - 2003graduate research assistantresponsible for the development of a reliability-based engineering design code, development and application of random field simulation computer codes, and estimation of stochastic soil parameters. developed reliability-based engineering des

17、ign code designed, coded and tested the computerized model in fortran language, wrote a user guide for the software usage conducted risk analysis on traditional engineering design methods performed statistical analysis using sas wrote academic paper on research findingsdepartment of engineering mathematics, dalhousie university, 7 / 8


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