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1、维克多英语听力篇一:2021维克多英语听力强化训练高三分册54-49 高三英语听力强化训练54(听过) 1. Why is the woman sad? A. She couldnt come along with others. B. She couldnt do her job better. C. She didnt get the job. 2. What does the woman decide to do? A. Call her boss.B. Take a taxi.C. Keep waiting. 3. Where will the man probably have hi

2、s seat? A. In the middle row. B. In the back row. C. In the front row. 4. What is the woman probably? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A coach. 6. How did the woman get the job? A. An advertiser found her by chance. B. Her school recommended her to an agent. C. Her agent gave her recording to ad agenci

3、es. 8. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Expense of a concert tour. B. A coming concert. C. A travel experience. 10. Where are the speakers? A. In a store.B. At a bus stop.C. On a street. 11. What will the woman do next? A. Go to a park. B. Buy a map. C. Visit an art museum. 13. What is

4、 the relationship between the speakers? A. Interviewer and interviewee. B. Club owner and customer. C. Driver and passenger. 14. What can the guests do on the bus? A. Have cold drinks. B. Dance with others. C. Cook food. 15. What are guests expected to do for parties? A. Bring their VIP cards. B. Ge

5、t dressed smartly. C. Book clubs in advance. 17. How did the farmer feel about the volunteer fire company at first? A. Pitiful. B. Confident. C. Doubtful. 18. What do we know about the volunteer fire company? A. It has 65 workers. B. It has old fire control equipment. C. It belongs to the town fire

6、department. 19. How did the farmer express his thanks to the volunteer fire company? A. He wrote a thank-you note. B. He gave them a sum of money. C. He asked a reporter to report the company. 20. Why did the fire truck go straight towards the fire? A. Its brake failed. B. The volunteers were very b

7、rave. C. The volunteers were anxious to put out the fire. 高三英语听力强化训练53(听过) 1. What does the man think causes the traffic jam? A. Trucks. B. Cars. C. People. 2. What will the man do? A. Give up the problems. B. Go through the problems himself. C. Work out the problems with the womans help. 3. Where d

8、oes the conversation take place? A. In a supermarket. B. In a flower shop. C. In a restaurant. 4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. An opera. B. An actor. C. A piece of music. 6. What did the man lose the other day? A. His ID card.B. His credit cards.C. His car keys. 8. What are the wom

9、an most probably? A. A host. B. A teacher. C. A farm owner. 10. What advice does the man give the woman about the painting course? A. Sign up as soon as possible. B. Do a lot of preparations at first. C. Ask a teacher for personal help. 11. What attracts the man most to study computing? A. The advan

10、ced contents. B. The bright future. C. The teacher. 13. What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. How the man does his present job. B. What the man did after graduation. C. How the man chose his present profession. 14. What did the man plan to do when he was in college? A. Work in a company. B. Se

11、t up his own company. C. Continue to study business course. 15. What was the attitude of the mans parents towards his decision? A. They were satisfied. B. They were angry. C. They were open-minded. 17. What is the speaker probably doing? A. Giving a campaign speech. B. Introducing the rules of the c

12、ollege. C. Offering advice on improving the college services. 18. What does the speaker want to do first? A. Organize a book exchange. B. Control the price of hot meals. C. Found a student advice center. 19. What will the speaker do to improve the housing in the college? A. Help more students get ho

13、using. B. Ask the college authorities for advice. C. Have a proper housing system set up. 20. Why does the speaker want to invite some speakers to the college? A. To eich students daily life. B. To help students know the outside world. C. To get more examples for students to follow. 高三英语听力强化训练52 1.

14、Who will smoke the cigarettes? A. The mans wife.B. The man.C. The woman. 2. What is the sign used to remind the woman to do? A. Take her keys. B. Lock the door. C. Close the door. 3. Where is Daniela probably? A. In the classroom. B. On her way home. C. At home. 4. What does the woman think of the a

15、dvertisements on TV? A. They are good for eyes. B. They are necessary. C. They are disturbing. 6. What is wrong with the womans car? A. It cant get started very well. B. It often breaks down. C. It often gets damp. 8. Whom is the party for? A. Adam. B. Cliff. C. Diana. 10. What is the probable relat

16、ionship between the speakers? A. Reporter and writer. B. Instructor and runner. C. Passenger and conductor. 11. How many years has the woman been cycling? A. For 5. B. For 17. C. For 22. 13. How does the woman get to know body language in different countries? A. From a meeting. B. From a Japanese wo

17、man. C. From traveling around for work. 14. How did the man react when the Japanese woman bowed? A. He shook her hand. B. He smiled at her. C. He bowed back. 15. How might the Japanese woman feel about the mans behavior? A. Interested. B. Respectable. C. Angry. 17. What is the speaker mainly talking

18、 about? A. A friend. B. A book. C. A programme. 18. What made Susan think that money was important? A. Her father couldnt buy her clothes. B. Her father was always worried about money. C. Her father went into his burning house to save his money. 19. What did Susan do when she grew up? A. An advisor.

19、 B. A businesswoman.C. A professional writer. 20. What does Susan try to help people with in her book? A. Achieving happiness. B. Earning more money. C. Getting freedom.篇二:2021维克多听力高三分册(44-39篇)印制板 2021年维克多听力(44) 1. When will the man meet Dr Jones? A. At 11:00 a.m. B. At 3:00 p.m. C. At 3:30 p.m. 2.

20、What does the woman need? A. Toothpaste. B. Bread. C. Tomatoes. 3. How does the man go to work? A. By bus.B. By car.C. On foot. 4. Where is the woman going on business? A. To Australia. B. To Switzerland. C. To America. 6. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a restaurant.B. In a h

21、otel.C. At a store. 8. What does the woman say about the clinic? A. It can offer her convenience. B. It doesnt run quite well. C. It is short of doctors. 10. How does the man think the timetable should be? A. Creative. B. Standard. C. Tight. 11. What do the students go in for last before lunch? A. T

22、he long distance race. B. The throwing events. C. The jumping events. 13. What is the man? A. A player. B. A student. C. A reporter. 14. What is the woman doing? A. Waiting for a tennis star. B. Watching a tennis match. C. Queuing up for a tennis match. 15. Where does the woman come from? A. London.

23、 B. Berlin. C. Wimbledon. 17. Which part of the little girls body got hurt? A. Her head. B. Her leg. C. Her arm. 18. How did the accident happen? A. The little girl fell down while walking. B. Two teenage boys hurt the little girl by mistake. 14. What will the temperature be tonight? C. An iron bar

24、thrown from an old factory hit the little A. -8.B. -5.C. -3. girl. 15. When does the conversation take place? 19. How many bank robberies occurred from A. Before the winter vacation. January to June this year? B. During the winter vacation. A. 9.B. 13.C.20. C. After the winter vacation. 20. How did

25、the police director feel about arresting the robbers? A. Confident. B. Worried. C. Hopeless. 2021年维克多听力(43) 1. Where is the exhibition? A. Near the mans house. B. In a park. 17. Why doesnt Tony think many children will C. In a school. come for the whole summer? 2. Who is the woman most probably talk

26、ing to? A. The course is much too expensive. A. Her boss. B. An accountant. C. A policeman. B. They will be bored with the same activities. 3. Why did the man get home so late? C. Their parents will want to stay with them for A. There was a train strike. some time. B. The bus had an accident. 18. Wh

27、at should one do first to take the course? C. The motorway was closed. A. Pay for the course. 4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? B. Visit the schools website. A. Their children. B. Their jobs. C. Their TV sets. C. Send an application from. 19. What does Tony remind parents to do? A. Info

28、rm him of their childrens special needs. B. Pay the full amount of money immediately. C. Choose the activities in advance. 20. What does Tony say about course? 6. Where does the conversation take place? A. It is aimed at teenagers. A. In a shop. B. In a grocers. C. In a restaurant. B. It lasts for a

29、 full week. C. It consists of different activities. 2021年维克多听力(42) 1. What did the man do to the old windows? A. He had them replaced. 8. What is scheduled to happen on Thursday? B. He had them repaired. A. Agree on a design. C. He had them cleaned. B. Start a new project. 2. What are the speakers g

30、oing to do? C. Finish the reports. A. Play tennis. B. See a film. C. Go to a caf. 3. What does the man want to borrow from the woman? 10. What does the man want to do? A. A knife. B. A frying pan. C. A serving dish. A. Put off his trip. 4. What are the speakers discussing? B. Change a ticket. A. A b

31、ook.B. A film.C. A man. C. Ask about the ticket to London. 11. How long does it take the man to get to Amsterdam from Liverpool? 6. How does the woman feel about the job hunting? A. Two hours.B. Three hours.C. Four hours. A. Interested. B. Pleased. C. Disappointed. 8. What relation is the woman to A

32、ndrew? A. His mother. B. His wife. C. His boss. 13. What is the weather like today? A. Snowy and windy. B. Windy and cloudy. C. Rainy and cloudy. 1 10. How did the man get the news? A. From the newspaper. B. From the woman. C. From the police. 11. What part of the boys body got hurt? A. His leg. B.

33、His mouth. C. His arm. 13. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Neighbours. B. Colleagues. C. Husband and wife. 14. What did the man do this afternoon? A. He did his work. B. He took some exercise. C. He replaced his computer. 15. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Study history

34、 with her. B. Help her with the paper. C. Stop playing the piano. 17. What is the speaker talking about? A. A training opportunity. B. A firefighter centre. C. The Association of Firefighters. 18. How many students can take the course? A. 17.B. 24.C. 100. 19. What kind of students are wanted? A. Har

35、dworking and healthy. B. Tall and strong. C. Brave and confident. 20. What should students do to apply for the course? A. Meet Elaine Willoughby next week. B. Visit the Central Fire Station. C. Call Elaine Willoughby. 2021年维克多听力(41) 1. What did the man do for his mother? A. He got a book for her. B.

36、 He helped her do the gardening. C. He went to shop with her. 2. Why didnt the man do well in the exam? A. He didnt understand the questions. B. He didnt work hard. C. He was too tired. 3. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. What Nick Hornby will do. B. What How to Be Good is about. C. Wh

37、at books the City Nights Bookstore has. 4. What season is it now? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.6. What was the man probably doing when the woman called? A. Watching a game. B. Doing some cleaning. C. Repairing a car. 8. How long does the mans lunch break last? A. Half an hour. B. One hour. C. One

38、 hour and a half. 10. What are the speakers talking about? A. A new study of eyes. B. An article in a magazine. C. The womans best friend. 11. Why does the man ask the woman about her best friends face? A. To know something about her best friend. B. To get information for an article. C. To check the

39、 truth of study. 13. What is the probably relationship between the speakers? A. Employer and employee. B. Wife and husband. C. Mother and son. 14. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Make out a budget. B. Buy a cheaper guitar. C. Find another job. 15. What is the mans problem? A. He cant jo

40、in a band. B. He cant make ends meet. C. He cant find a satisfactory job. 17. When is Wildlife on Three usually on? A. At 7:30.B. At 6:45.C. At 6:00. C. He likes English best. 18. What is the program India Live about? A. Desert.B. Wildlife.C. Lakes and rivers. 19. What is the failure of the project

41、on Macquarie Island? A. No good food was provided for the important 13. Where does the man probably work? rabbits. A. At a university. B. Too much sea water was allowed to flood in. B. At a house agency. C. The natural balance was destroyed. C. At a store. 20. Why were the defences built? 14. What i

42、s the womans requirement for flat? A. To hold back the water. A. It should be close to the university. B. To create an area of wetland. B. It should be in the range of very low prices. C. To protect the wildlife. C. It should have a kitchen combined with a dining 2021年维克多听力(40) room. 1. What does th

43、e man think of Maria? 15. What can we learn about the first flat on the list? A. She isnt clever. A. Its on a quiet street. B. She isnt friendly. B. Its a mile from the university. C. She isnt knowledgeable. C. Its price is over the womans budget. 2. How much weight has the man lost since January? A

44、. 6 kilos.B. 7 kilos.C. 9 kilos. 3. What does the man mean in the end? A. A guitar is a good present. 17. What is the temperature in London now? B. He will buy a bike for George. A. 23.B. 20C. 19. C. George will receive some videos as presents. 18. What is the weather like in Greece? 4. What are the

45、 speakers mainly talking about? A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny. A. A dress. B. A friend. C. A graduation ceremony. 19. Which country has the highest temperature today? A. Germany. B. Spain. C. France. 20. When is this forecast probably reported? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. 6. Where does t

46、he conversation probably take place? C. In the evening. A. At a ticket office. 2021年维克多听力(39) B. At a travel agency. 1. Where does the conversation take place most C. At a waiting room. probably? A. On a place. B. At a theatre. C. In a restaurant. 2. How will the man manage to get up on time? 8. Why do the leaders decide to close the club? A. By going to bed earlier. A. They think it is too old. B. By buying a new alarm clock. B. They want to make money. C. By putting the alarm clock out of his reach. C. They think it is useless. 3. What do we kn


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