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1、“四会”单词与短语Chapter 1 Open Day1. music room 音乐室2. puter room 电脑室3. school hall学校礼堂4. art room美术室5. library图书馆6. lift电梯二、“三会”单词与短语7. ground 地面8. ground floor 首层9. floor 楼层10. on the left 在左边11. on the right 在右边12. .next to在旁边;紧挨13. between在之间14. first 第一15. second 第二16. third 第三17. fourth ME18. fifth 第五

2、1. tuck shop 零食店8.again 再次15. police 警察16, thief 小偷(单数)thieves 17,小偷们(复数)one week 18, later周后 certificate ijE 19书citize n市民,公民 20.乙man男人(单数)3men男人(复数)can tee n 食堂 toilets 洗手间between在两 6者之间office办公室9,puzzled迷惑得talk1。about 讨论 thi nkthi11 , nks认为van面包车 stealsteali ng 偷13 telephone(打)电话7.、单元重点句型14.1. Wh

3、ere is It son thefloor、Where are They re on the floor、请问美术室在哪里?Eg、1) Where is the art room, please?It is on the second floor, on the right、它在三楼,靠右边、2) Where are the toilets, please?请问厕所在哪里?They re on the ground floor, on the left、它们在地面,靠左边、2. Where can I play games?请问我可以在哪里玩游戏?You can play games in

4、the playgro und 、 您可以在操场上玩游戏。四、本单元要求能背诵得内容 必背:Part A与E。选背:Part C。五、单元重点语法1、掌握常用得方位词得用法:on the -floor, on the left, on the right, next to, between 、 and、2、Where s +名词单数? Where are+名词复数?并掌握is, are得区别与用 法;3、矢口道 it1 s= it is; They fe= They are; where s= where isChapter 2 Help ing others1. cold 冷得2. fan风

5、扇3. food食物4. hot热得5. hun gry肚子饿得6. jacket夹克衫,外套“三会”单词与短语1. poster 海报2. decidedecides 决定3. at recess在休息时间4. carrycarry ing 搬,拿5. preg nant 怀孕得6. driver 司机7 hccaot ;由七:7. seat座位8. sick生病得9. tired疲倦得10. thirsty 口渴得11. water 水8. collect money 筹钱9. the poor 穷人10. neighbour 邻居11. shopping购买得物品12. turn off

6、 关上13. light 光,灯12. give up 放弃13. get on the bus 上巴士14. get off the bus 下巴士15. medicine 药16. restaura nt 饭店15. wire 电线16. litter 垃圾17. bin垃圾桶18. First Aid Centre急救中心19. gift shop 礼物商店20. needy 有需要得、给您一件夹克、我在哪里可以买到帽子呢?、您可以去礼品店。三、单元重点句型1 .【How do you help people?A: Pm_B: Here 2、Where can I ?You can、四、

7、本单元要求能背诵得内容必背:Part A与E。选背:Part C 。如何帮助她人】Eg、A: Im cold、B: Here is a jacket for you Eg、Where can I buy a cap?You can qo to the Gift Shopan egg,五、单元重点语法1、a, an修饰可数名词单数an用在元音音素开头得单词a jacket,some既可以修饰可数及不可数名词如:some medicine2、知道here s得用法。Here is、+ 不可数名词 如:Here * s some water for you、Hara ic -l 方T断么3目垄断 y

8、/n|-lara 1 q a iankot fnr /m i、Chapter 3 Camp ing“四会”单词与短语17. blow away 吹走18. shall 应该19. taste味道,品尝20. noise 声音21. activity 活动22. wonderful 太好了23. ring打电话点句型“三会”单词与短语1. en ough足够得2. firewood 木柴3. to ni ght 今晚4. leafleaves 叶子5. burn 燃烧6. prepare 准备7. bring 带来8. vegetables 蔬菜三、单9. noodles 面条10. tin 罐

9、,金属盒11. . pork 猪肉12. soon 尽快13. family 家庭14. ready准备好得15. pap er plate 纸碟,纸盘16. suddenly 突然元重4“四会”单词与短语1. camp露营2. fun有趣,好玩3. great非常,十分4. dodid 做5. iswas 就是6. stay留在7. tpnt语第8. play hidea ndseek玩捉迷藏9. boil煮沸,烧开10. cook a meal 煮饭11. pick up捡起来12. rubbish 垃圾13. wash outside在夕卜面洗15. plant trees 植树16.

10、watch a film 瞧电影17. take out 拿出18. first 首先19. next接着,接下来20. then 然后0481土呈JNext, I pla nted trees然后,我种了树。A de, cc八 c二十七 X741. Was camp fun?露营有趣吗Yes, it was great fun、就是得,非常有趣。2 . What did you do?您们做了些什么?(询问过去所做得事情)We stayed in the tent、We cooked a meal、我们呆在帐篷里。我们做了一餐饭。3 .用连接词复述过去所做得事情:首先,我走路去公园。Firs

11、t _ walked to the park、在那之后我瞧了一场电影,玩了游戏。After that, I watched a film and played games 四、本单元要求能背诵得内容必背:Part A与E。选背:Part C。五、单元重点语法般过去时:表示过去某一时间所发生得动作或存在得状态一般过去时动词得变化:1、舟殳在动词末尾力口 ed,如:cookcooked, pickpicked2 .结尾就是e加d,如:tastetasted3 .末尾只有一个元音字母与一个辅音字母得重读闭音节,应双写末尾得辅音字母,再加ed, 物 stopstopped4 .以“辅音字母+y”结尾得

12、,变y为i,再加ed,如tidytidied5、不规则动词得过去式am/iswas dodidChapter 4 In the holidays1、riderode 骑2、bike自行车3、picnic 野餐4、sea大海5、meatmet 见6、dim sum 点心7、ci nema电影院8、taketook 带9、gowe nt 去10、eatate 吃11、havehad 有12、enjoy 享受13、feedfed 喂14、Seesaw 瞧15、 givegave 给16、arewere 就是17、fin dfou nd 找18、ecame 来19、 swim=swam 访冬泳20、c

13、atchcaught 抓21、staystayed待在某个地方1、field 农场2、watermelo n 田野3、village 村庄4、fresh新鲜得5、farmer 农夫6、 seed 种1子7、cloudy多云得8、barbecue 烧烤10、vegetables 蔬菜11、bowl 碗12、river 河流13、n ext year 明年二、“三会”单词与短语三、单元重点句型 谈论过去就是否做过得事情:Did you、? Yes, I did、/ No, I didn 、Eg、(1) Did you enjoy the holiday?您假期过得快乐吗?Yes, I did、就是

14、得。(2) I read a n ice book、 I got it from Aunt Sue、 I liked the pictures、 四、本单元要求能背诵得内容必背:Part A与E。选背:Part C。五、单元重点语法重点不规则动词变化:am/iswasarewerebuybought can couldcatchcaughtecame dodid drawdrew9、drin kdra nk1 。 drivedrove11 eatate12 feedfed13 findfound14 getgot15 givegave16 gowe nt17 havehad18 、 makem

15、ade19 、 read red20 、 run ran21 、 saysaid22 、 throwthrew23 、 sitsat24、swimswam25、26、taketookChapter 5 Our bodiesthin kthought1、height 身高2、weight 体重3、cm厘米4、kg公斤5、last year 去年6、this year 今年7、age年龄8、date日期9、How tall 多高10、How heavy 多重二、“三会”单词与短语1、rollercoaster 过山车2、perhaps 可能3、n ext year 明年4、frighte ned

16、受惊吓5、 young 年轻6、alone 单独7、glad开心8、heavy 我也就是。9、cm=ce ntimetre(s) 厘米10、kg=kilogram(s)公斤三、单元重点句型 How tall were you last year?(过去)您去年多高?I was 125 cm tall last year、我去年 125 厘米。(2) How heavy were you last year?(过去)您去年多重?I was 24 kg last year、我去年 24 公斤。(3) How tall are you this year?( 现在)您今年多高?I am 130 cm

17、 tall this year、我今年 130 厘米。(4) How heavy are you this year?(现在)您今年多重?I am 27 kg this year、我今年 27 公斤。四、本单元要求能背诵得内容必背:Part A与E。选背:Part C。五、单元重点语法谈论自己过去得情况:Iwas、Eg、 I was 125 cm tall last year、(2) I was 24 kg last year、询问别人得过去与现在身高体重:How tall/heavy、?Eg、 How tall are you?(现在)How tall were you?(过去)(2)How

18、 heavy are you?(现在)How heavy were you?(过去)、Chapter 6 Whe n I was young一、“四会”单词与短语1、throw 扔2、spo on 汤匙3、pia no 钢琴4、count 数数5、skate 溜冰6、dive跳水7、use使用8、 walk走路9、can could 会10、can tcouldn t 不会11、can no tcould not 不会12、about 大概13、turn on 开14、light 灯二、“三会”单词与短语1、carry 带,提2、around 周围3、surprised 惊讶4、 n augh

19、ty 淘气5. anything任何东西6. grow up 长大7. pare nts 父母三、单兀重点句型When I was one, I could walk、我一岁得时候,会走路。When I was one, I couldn1 walk、我一岁得时候,不会走路。(2)When we were six, we could play the piano、我们四岁得时候,会弹钢琴。When we were five, we couldn t skate、我们五岁得时候,不会溜冰。(3) Where you tall?您以前图吗?Yes, 1 was、No, 1 weren,、就是得。/

20、不,我不图。(4) Could you ride a bicycle?您以前会骑自行车吗?四、本单元要求能背诵得内容必背:Part A与E。选背:Part C。五、单元重点语法1 描述小时候会做得事情:1 was、We were -、l/we could/couldn,、eg: I was tall when 1 was five 、I could swim、We were thin when we were four、We couldn swim、2.询何小时候会做得事情或情况:Were you、? Could you、?eg: Were you tall?Yes, I were、/No, I weren t、Could you ride a bicycle?Yes, I could、/ No, I couldn 、


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