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1、?6get good grades27. anurse called。narked) “a/y 一个 叫Mhry的 护 士 宓 加$卜$be worriedsb 蛙心 川 知河点拨二 L r m sed t。boing。加*f0re我不习惯午饭前出去。ITj hard/逐but) jnjjsd to/7oMJT阳彳队翦苦自球已经习惯了。就识点be回驯fo Mnd sip. z,习5愠于得区惯于be us&d to dd sth. 板用来事 g&t/ become &sed 3 dom9 st匕 变”如:1 am usedto Jiving injthe north.我寸惯住在北方。He get

2、s isei to getting up early.他习惯了WobcTisljsdo nke paprJ。2 you us ed to be very kmo tc降.你过去总是对我很好的in a hospital, I tisd to Jo only two or three operation a day.我在医院工作时常常一天两三个手术。fo M sth.过去经不做了。它只有过去所以其式和(见例子)Hesd to smo%他过EEE经不痼 了)When / was injhecbuhts 柏e, / &s&d to Jet up at S oc/pc.画,我总是5式为:uednf tj

3、o do sth.死,0雨,$也疑问:Used sb. to do sth?或 8 也 usdp 5也|巨eMJf必必7 也反乂。力回K fod也即 when he asydung.他小的映候不常used he (Did fie use) to play football when he wasyoung?他小? 3. r m tooweak to Wallj 我太 点too.o do sth.太而不能tpo函容词的原级 也曲isto。”oQngld I由Ra*erhnnse/f. Tom 太小 7 ,己 /词too old to control the Company.我太老了,不能公司了。

4、 4. Blindness affects bput 45million peoplearound the world, pipsny in poorcountries.关响了世界各地约4千五百万的A,大部分是mostly,大部分地(回*Zr沙)如tfieyae mostly natives.他们大部分是本地人。I水ite 如 而y mdt*r e标诚 加ogtl* 而 guRd如目 OR或S |/$e$ a ftying e 力 $3a/ f,加p。吐拜访赞countries ORBIS弱。W& 曰sothe plane as a teachrng centre. 我把飞机作为族里中心。阂阕

5、点tddo.使用来做某事;st/&s把。I used a为!| 来 便,用 曲切 used a spaqe Q p/nt tree* in the garden ftHuajcupnarpnfoin/!asnigh. 昨成枕头o 用 e w泣ks ag a doct&n WMe由cjded *o goto ,ch。加4nda pW&到学校并训一名护士。train as & nurse 训练为护士周 as.阂:work as a teathdr 当老师 7 姆t曲ch them new skilly apd knowledge.我们知识点teath的西1即 teach上双宾giyehox淅也&汕

6、夕redpass!end I砧vejandAtJtrjri,卜叱wgh; tea曲,6血 | 血joMd $勿夕 fQd朝。如 : Pleasg rememb&r 电 山r/e 以 a lttrwehyouget f/e才a | 你住给我们了 一杯She made me a cup o feoffee.呱。Mr Wang teaches us English.王英语。这些常还可以后屈介词然后再的形式。其中 make, order, buy 与for,9彳网劝。也?夕也r read, pasi.lend, return, cook 等与 fo 搭厕,ieach, pay, wish,结M如:My

7、拒小比ugh, a bike 仙 me= /Vp fmtgr园园r*/n a b*eyesterday.昨天给我买了辆自彳车。My mother makds clelicious cak foral! of us every = Mi(moiher makes all of usdefious cke 4%物PlesH give | 仍与f ipobk fo/nl?rj plese give ne Utat boefirbiugh good news to us. = Henry brought ijs good nwts.8. Thank you飞my给我们vdry much for you

8、r time.非常知识点 thahk sb. for sth. /dping 4你把小刀我。thnkA.知青点 tky/dodnshpLild try our beitjo help dthbrpebp.我初应该b&st to ds 如二尽力做某事 IwiHtryipybesttohlp you but dfthe prbb/er. R瀛洲拓展 Uas.assb can 其人尽司龈/Please cbnTehere as quickly as you can, there /$ ho time left.as .s possible 尽可能,aas中间用副词,也可以词 7yt。finish y

9、oufjob as作。闻。r.潘给穷人尽可与搀相近啾词有彳艮多,如:d( ai niudi sbJcah tbdo stK/do eveihing sb. can to do st/k/do whatsb. can tc do sth. /do all sb. can to do stn.47T。 The doctors did as muchtne coula to the voy.这个o People in this citydidevdrythmg (an/完成你的工q&ickly as posbg/yoR can.Please givB as much foo d as possibl

10、e to thewai) could sae th ciy.同力19而cygh 巾。/1或 carPy on 加砧皿切琼彳订所 熏强啾龈是是修睑钱澡继维开展既们的H但。她识点Enough的 endtigh+表示物 IdfdfYhave epouitocscusthe我没有足够眄时间莱试论那件事。形容词+ eripugh足够矶鼠回点 by doing sth.某事 I mad A the children文章不够好。article is not good enough.llWe hope peof. ilewmlsupport our work bysending 。/汨心力$ Q 0砌$ 我们

11、希望人JR们的工作。通过向C尔BIS而derstaid wha*I said by 野即ing 帆#m|夕升We申我通过给孩子成展示图片来让他们内容。12. World Vision works for an peopleePeciall chi!dr eh.世界观察为所有人工作.尤子们。espciHyad.尤其.与pirticularly以互换 He sgobdt tnglikh,法,epcially granifnr.他擅长英语,尤People,these days. A 疯,无貌 7 J,particularly fond otpop mbsk.喜欢流行音乐. (2). specialt

12、y This kind of toys arespecially fpade fo 36year-plq children.这专为3 6岁儿作的 3. Wbrfd yisiorih&lps people help thenselves.世界观自肋。help sb. (td) do sth.帮助某人Please help medean the room扫屋子。Teip 也 wh st! 帮耳/n ofter 扇皿 加e W汕 mSErglish 乱/nl经。 14. She also eryoys visiting schoolsapdJelling stud&ts aboutwork胭学校并告

13、诉学生关于工作。知晓点visiting schools 和 rolling students bput h&rwork于ehjoy的内容,所以doing形式。词:tike, lov旬 dislketh ite, be fhtereted in(对 兴趣 ), be fond of(bllindless) livebet;er.mo st) worxed harA. 7. The6. Sare as(he Ip) farmer stnucwei e v ?ry10. Many pedo fa: m work. 8. Jackson doe sn* t h1ifeismebut his(me li

14、cine) team trlc. I L Di Ma isof heisonpooK - Blindnessabout 15 n illion peooleaused to thefllyin j de ctor 15. Taveaning). 9. We s ?nt ato he: p t le e eopLe t herto hin be :aus e h ?t lose bleconomy, Chinab ?cai se le vonfor thftlocll gpveinme it ope 5 tl atsaypLize. lb.Tne patient(denat ?) to help

15、 peopleron a(tr eat ).more people cam send17. Theout of the dis aster. 18. F lea seng 2boit y)ur wor c in ORcIS to cur19.恒中F ,elps gc ver imer ts andfam liesthe worId e选择题:gopd ) place for children.20.虹 Z lang is used t )fei ent pU ces1. Mrs Brcin :he country, but nbyair on jus: nes s.ow esnfee1 UIi

16、hap)yWanI rwises meneynotfoJ* hiuse:f.Butfoior:phars (孤儿)吐。e parertsiiecofAlls(艾滋病)i rve jivei a1 mZ ssvin2,butmore m()neyisneededto)ayforthei r r|edimlt.rents,Wang sai d.Hea dr ii a1 or11hosmita1. “e c)ulchare 1ive1 ahappy 1ifefroln tkislicejoutledidilt t,取mg3egan riising 1noney fbAIDSorpianbysetti

17、nI CsrinFam:lyforAID OIphaitsin :Qanyang.HenanProvine.e ii 2(04.Hesbeem askiaconpaniesancrith peope for 1ielp,ffAere/erhe?oes,hcarriesa帆)ag,Llecwijth pictiLresofchildr(n aid Iooks orAI)S.He、rants tJ maieopLe knowabcut Aidsan| get tnem)Utoftheir f?ar.Meanwhilehewants 1o aouse theirfey snow:ngthenpi:t

18、inesofinn()cent (无辜的)cllildren.ItsnotSOeasr. Peope oftei1turn away whenthey siW Vangbeeaus(i tney ion*t wanttohea* atoutAID4 Myheart hurts alotwhen IseekiJIs wio havenomon2y iortreatment,,Wingsai1. 1t;diffic:ultfo, hin t()ke?p卜isDaringFam:lyjeciusethey d)nt hiveenough mon(卜y.“i:do/ 1kn)W 1owlong wec

19、arl coitirue,butIont giveUPsince so minychiLdren n?edmy Aelp1. kanjraisemon?y as abeggar.Whit doesheusethemoleyfor,A.Foi hi5 StudyB.Foi himsef c.F(other be讴ais.).Fororpmants wllosepaients died)f 巾DS.2.Wh|t wks rangChengrin?A.soc:aler.B.A nirse.CAdoc,:or.D.A teacner3. vhiatsinlisbag A.n AIWS.二.Pict ires of theB. Many books ochi; drei. II. B?th B aid C. 4 Howdieshe : eel when tie V ids car t goto liospi ta ? A S? d R Li cky C.HapJ)y d. E:Fdo rouof Wang Chongr in? A. He i s helpful B. He it. very (lev ?r. C. He i snervous D. He is )rovd.


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