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1、职场英语:讨论加薪问题篇一:职场英语-如何在年底和老板谈加薪 职场英语:如何在年底和老板谈加薪 2021年11月23日10:27沪江英语网我要评论(0) 字号:T|T 转播到腾讯微博 年关将至,职场人除了为如何写年终总结而烦恼,还要为到底要不要和老板谈加薪而纠结。很多上班族都不知道如何要求加薪,生怕加薪不成反被裁员。下面介绍十大秘笈,助你年底成功加薪! 1.Negotiate in person 1.面谈加薪事宜 Studies that have shown that you are six times more likely to achieve your goal in a negoti

2、ation if you make face to face contact with your manager. 研究表明,如果你与经理面谈的话,那么你在谈判中成功的概率就会高出六倍之多。 2.Ask how the manager thinks youre doing 2.询问经理对你工作的看法 Before making a case that you are a superstar, ask the manager how they perceive your contribution to the firm. 不要急着向经理证明自己工作得多么出色,先问问他们是如何看待你对公司所作的贡

3、献的。3.Ask what you need to do to merit a raise 3.询问需要做些什么才能获得加薪 Inquire about the companys standards for issuing raises. 咨询一下公司有关加薪的标准。 4.Prepare a memo documenting your achievements 4.把自己的成绩记在备忘录上 Keep records of the strides you made over the last year, and any compliments from colleagues and superi

4、ors. 把过去的一年中自己取得进步,来自同事或上级的表扬都记录下来。 5.Use your past achievements to make a case for the future 5.用过去的成绩来证明自己的未来 Instead of suggesting you deserve a reward for past performance, argue that your record shows how valuable you will be going forward. 与其要求奖励自己过去的表现,不如用过去的良好记录证明自己未来大有前途。 推荐阅读:求加薪时不能说的六件事 6

5、.Volunteer to work extra shifts or switch departments 6.自愿加班或换部门 Make it clear you are eager to meet your companys needs, whether that means working weekends or nights, or changing teams. 清楚地表明自己愿意服从公司安排,无论是周末或晚上加班,还是去其他团队工作。 7.Let your manager take the lead on talking numbers 7.由经理率先开口说具体加薪多少 Your

6、argument should be that a raise is only fair, given the value you will add to your company. Allow the manager to name the dollar amount.你只需要说明,考虑到自己对公司所做的贡献,自己的加薪要求是合理的。至于具体加薪多少,就由经理开口来说吧。 8.Ask whether you deserve a pay cut 8.询问如果自己薪水减少是否合理 If your raise discussions stall, ask your manager if they

7、think you deserve to make less than you have been making. Point out that inflation is effectively lowering your salary. 如果你的加薪谈判碰到了僵局,那就问问你的经理,如果自己来年挣得比现在要少是否合理。要向经理说明,由于通货膨胀的关系,如果不加薪的话,你的薪水实际上是在减少。 9.Ask about intangibles like vacation and transportation costs 9.要求非实物奖励比如假期和交通补贴 If the company cant

8、 give you a straight raise, suggest extra vacation days or perks like a car allowance. 如果公司不能直接给你加薪,那就要求获得额外假期或者福利,比如车辆补贴。 10.Gather intelligence from an older colleague 10.向老员工打探情报 Especially if youre new to an office, its useful to bond with someone who has been there a long time and can tell you

9、how others have gotten raises in the past. 向在公司里工作了很长时间的老员工打探情报是很有用的,尤其对新员工来说。你可以问问看别人都是怎么获得加薪的。篇二:要求加薪用英语怎么说更好 要求加薪用英语怎么说更好 原文地址:/zhichang/283.html items on our list that appeal to you most! 如果你拿到了自己的年度工作报告,而报告上上写着“无加薪”,你可能会因此沮丧或生气。但是如果你不想辞职而工资已经不能令你满意了,你可以试着提其他涉及金额少或者不涉及钱的要求。从下面的十条中选择你最想要的吧! BONUS

10、红包 Sometimes your manager cant give you a salary increase but can set up a bonus program associated with the performance of your job in general or a specific project youre working on. If cash is your number one priority, ask your manager whether you can sweeten your paycheck via a performance bonus

11、by hitting agreed-upon milestones. Department managers often prefer to pay bonuses over salary increases because a bonus doesnt figure into your base salary. 有时候老板虽然不能给你加薪,但是会根据你的整体工作表现或者你负责的某个项目进度给你额外的红包。如果你想要现金的话,问问老板是否可以给自己设定一个工作目标,只要达到了,就根据表现适当增发红包,这样工资也就增加了。部门经理通常会倾向于给员工发红包,因为红包是不计入基本工资的。 EDUCA

12、TION培训机会 Want more professional training? Most people do. Swap your raise this year for some professional development dollars. Dont ask for a dollar amount - rather, ask your manager to pay for a particular course or certification that youre interested in. Show the course marketing materials to your

13、 manager and know the price tag in advance. Be ready to talk about how you can help your employer with your new-fangled skills. 想要获得职业培训?大多数人都这么想。今年把涨的工资用来交职业发展的学费吧。不要说出具体的金额,让老板帮你支付你感兴趣的课程的学费。将课程的宣传材料递交给老板,提前了解课程的价格。准备好回答老板的问题:学习了新技能,你能给老板带来什么帮助呢? COMFORT提高舒适度If you travel a lot for work, get your

14、employer to spring for your membership dues in your favorite airlines premier membership club. You can get a lot more work done in an airport clubhouse than you can sitting on the floor of the airport with your belongings strewn around you. 如果你经常因工作出差,选择你最喜欢的航空公司,让你的老板帮你支付成为该航空俱乐部高级会员的会费。在机场为会员提供的休息

15、室里可要舒适得多,总比你在机场地板上坐着,行李堆了一地,什么也做不了要好。 DUES入会费 If you havent belonged to a professional association before, maybe it is a good time to dive in! Decide which professional association would benefit you the most learning-wise and contacts-wise and pitch your boss on paying your annual dues. 如果你还没有加入任何职业

16、协会,现在就是你加入的好时机。挑选一家对你学习和社交最有好处的协会,让你的老板给你付年费。 VACATION假期Now is a great time to ask for much-needed vacation time to compensate you for your effort and results when your paycheck isnt increasing. 现在就是要求假期的好时机,工资没有涨,还不抓紧用假期来弥补自己付出的努力。 FLEXIBILITY弹性工作制 When your manager says I have a big project for yo

17、u or Im relying on you to get this done, think about where and when you work best. If you do your best work in your pajamas and in your home office, make a deal: Ill guarantee a great result on your favorite project if I can work from home on Fridays or come in at ten a.m. instead of nine to avoid r

18、ush hour traffic. If you dont ask, youll never get what you want. 如果你的经理说有一项大工程要交给你,想想你在哪、何时工作最有效率。如果你觉得穿着睡衣在家里工作效率最高,和老板定个交易。提出周五在家工作或者避开早晨九点高峰,十点上班,并保证把工作做到最好。如果你不问,你就永远得不到想要的。 PLUM ASSIGNMENT称心如意的工作A high-impact and high-profile assignment is probably worth more to your resume and your career ove

19、rall than your annual raise is. Ask your boss for a particular high-priority assignment youre interested in. 一个影响力大、知名度高的工作能为你的简历和整个工作增色,因此这比加薪重要得多。让老板交给你一项你感兴趣的大项目吧。 MENTORING职业指导 If youre languishing in the professional-development salt mines, ask your boss to put you in touch with professional me

20、ntors as a substitute for the raise you didnt get. Your boss is probably not a great mentor for you because of your boss-subordinate relationship. 如果你的职业发展遭遇瓶颈令你痛苦不堪,不要想着加工资了,让你的老板给你介绍一个职业导师吧。你的老板可能不能成为你的职业导师,因为你们毕竟是上下级关系。篇三:职场英语:职场新人如何升职加薪 As a green hand in the working world, getting a pay raise o

21、r promotion is not as hard as you believe. The following are some tips to help you gain the promotion you want: 作为一名职场新人,获得升职加薪并不像你想象中的那么难。下面几点小建议将有助于你实现自己升职的愿望: 1. Make clear where you are and why you are there. 1.弄清楚自己身处何处以及为什么在这个位置。 How to get promoted? First you will need to know yourself clearl

22、y. Ask yourself, where are you now? And why are you there? Are there key strengths that have brought you where you are now? Can you continue to leverage(影响) the strengths for the next promotion? Are there any weaknesses that you really need to correct before the next promotion? These questions will

23、help you to check your strengths and weaknesses. 如何获得升职?首先,你先要对自己有一个清楚的认识。问一下自己现在在职场中处于什么地位?为什么会处于该地位?它是否是基于自己所具有的关键优势而形成的?该优势能否在下一步的提升中起到作用?在下次可能得到提升之前,是否存在任何需要改正的缺点? 这些问题将有助于你审视自己身上存在的优缺点。 2. Ask yourself where you want to be and how you get there. 2. 问一下自己想要达到什么程度以及如何达到该程度。 You need to have an ob

24、jective and a plan for your career development. Just saying that you want to get promoted is not enough. You need to be clear on your next position and write it down. Then, you should develop a plan to achieve your objective. 你需要为自己的职业发展设定一个目标和计划。仅仅强调你希望得到升职是远远不够的。你需要对你下一步的职业定位有一个清晰的认识,并将其转化为文字。接下来要

25、做的便是为实现你的目标做一个切实可行的计划。 3. Commit to your plan and follow it through. 3. 忠于你的计划并将其进行到底。 Attitude(态度) matters. It matters everywhere, at every stage of your career. Having a clear direction is important to guide your energy. However, without action which is the actual completion(完成,实现) of the task, al

26、l else is academic. You will be only judged by what you do. In addition, your action should be backed up with skills and knowledge, which will accelerate(加速) your movement. 态度决定一切。它关系到你职业生涯中的每一阶段。拥有一个明确的方向是非常重要的,它可以使你的精力得到充分利用而不会被浪费。然而,缺少了实际完成任务的行动,其他的一切便成了纸上谈兵。你的行动才是评价你的唯一标准。同时,你需要用知识和技能来武装你的行动,这将加速你行进的步伐。 更多英语学习:商务英语学习职场英语:讨论加薪问题


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