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1、2018-2019学年第一学期期中考试初三英语试卷一、听力选择:(20分)A.听对话回答问题本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读 完后,请你从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 1. What is Mr Wang s telephone number?C.2遍。听3. How does Li Lei learn French?A. Cloudy.B. Rainy.C. Snowy6. Where are they talking?C. At a shop.A. At a restaurant.B. At home.7. When did the concert

2、 begin?A. At 8:00.8. At 7:00.C. At 7:30.B. The man can go to8. What does the woman mean?A. There are no newspapers on the train. buy a newspaper.C. There is no time to buy a newspaper.9. Where is the woman s father?A. He s in the bedroom.in the office.B. He s in hospital. C. He s10. What did the boy

3、 think of the film?A. He thought it was boring.B. He thought it was moving.C. He thought it was interesting.B.听对话和短文回答问题你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听完后,请你从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。11. What are the two speakers talking about?A. The best person for the new monitor.B. The monitor spersonal quali

4、ties.C. Their best friends and their personal qualities.12. Who does David think is the best person?A. Wendy.B. Tom.C. Suzy.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。Summer holiday in AmericaPlace: New YorkTime: From July 5th to13.He went there to learnHe lived with anEnglish.American family.The course includes listening,

5、speaking, reading and writing, mostly14.American classes are different from our class because the students are very 15.13. A. Aug.5th.B. Aug.15thC.Aug.25th.14. A. speakingB. writingC. listening15. A. fewB. freeC. fun听一篇短文,回答第16-20小题.16. What did the writer of the story go to the shoemaker for?A. To

6、buy a pair of new shoes.B. To repair her shoes.C. To visit the shoemaker.17. Why did the writer put on this pair of shoes?A. Because she hadn t tried it on since she took it back four months ago.B. Because she wanted to know if it s OK.C. Because she would go to a dinner party.18. What was wrong wit

7、h this pair of shoes?A. Both shoes were for the right foot.B. Both shoes were for the left foot.C. The two shoes were in different colours and sizes.19. Why was the angry woman troubling the shoemaker?A. Because she took back two shoes for the right foot.B. Because she took back two shoes for the le

8、ft foot.C. Because the shoemaker didn t repair her shoes.20. What do you think of the shoemaker?A. He was an interesting man.B. He was a careful man.C. He was a careless man.二、单项填空 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。(本大题共15分,每小题1分)21. Suzhou is one ofmost beautiful tourist cities in China and Ibelieve 1

9、will come forthird time.A. the; aB. a; aC. the; theD. a;the22. You have to be 18 years old before you are to drive a car.A. allowedB. promised C. accepted D. spared23. 一 Can you come this afternoon or tomorrow? I m afraid is possible.A. neitherB. eitherC. someD. any24. Could you tell us to travel fr

10、om Earth to Mars by spacecraft?B. how often does it takeD. how soon does it takeIt takes months , I think .A. how far it takesC. how long it takes25. He spoke so fast that he wasA. out of breathe B. breathe heavily C. out of breath D.breath heavily26. He never gives up, he has made progress in his s

11、tudy.A. although; much B. although; little C. but; much D. but; a little27. We all know that the Anti-Japanese War in 1937, andB. was broken out;for eight years.A. was broken out; was lasted lastedC. broke out; was lastedD. broke out; lasted28. Tomorrow is my birthday, I promise to take on morechall

12、enges in my .A. thirty; thirties B. thirtieth; thirties C. thirties; thirtieth D. thirtieth; thirty29. -Which do you , trousers or a skirt?-I wear trousers. I don t like skirtsA. would rather, preferB. prefer, would ratherC. would rather; would ratherD. prefer; prefer30. my parents my best friend, J

13、im, think I can make agood accountant because I m good at math.A. Both; andB. Not only; but also C. Neither; nor D.Either; or31. If you don t go to see the film tonight,.A. so don t I B. so won t IC. neither do ID.neither will I32. I doubt he will win tomorrow, I never doubt it willrain tomorrow.A.

14、if; ifB. if; thatC. whether; whetherD. that; if33. These children love reading very much and they each toC. are encouragedread more by their teachers .A. is encouraging B. encourageD. are encouraging34. My tooth hurts. I ll have no choice but tomorrow.pulledA. to have my bad tooth pullB. have my bad

15、 toothC. have my bad tooth pullD. to have my bad toothpulled35. The expert advised me_ ourselves our work.A. to be strict in; withB. be strict in; withC. to be strict with; inD. strict with; in三、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)One day, my grandfather went fishing and le

16、t me come with him.He handed the rod( 钓竿)to me, held my arms and taught me how to throw my36 into thewater. Our bobbers(浮标)floated together37 we sat there, hoping for a bite.The sun warmed us. We sat and talked. I remember when I could sit here and watch thefish 38 in the water, he said. Sometimes,

17、theyd jump out and 39 beside me. I didnt need a rod and bait( 饵)at that moment.We have to be 40 , he continued. The fish may come or they may not. It doesnt matter. Were out in the sun. Its a beautiful day. If it had rained, we wouldnt be here. Were lucky to have the 41 of the sun.I watched our bobb

18、ers. No fish 42 them under that day. It didnt matter. I was with Grandpa. I felt grown up. Just being with him was special.I wanted to be like him when I 43 . He was well liked by everyone. Hed worked hard all his life for what little he had,44 hecould still find time to laugh.He was an amazing man.

19、 In the short time we had together, he taught me many things:45 to bait a hook, the value of a good laugh, the value of a good friend, respect for my elders,and the importance of working hard and loving harder. The list is long.36. A. line worry37. A. if as38. A.swum swim39. A. sit leave40. A. sleep

20、y patient41. A. coldness kindness42. A. pushed knocked43. A. grew up fell asleep44. A. andB. rodC. fishD.B. becauseC. unlessD.B. swimsC. swamD.B. standC. landD.B. gratefulC.happyD.B. coolnessC. warmthD.B. pulledC. beatD.B. went to schoolC. went homeD.B. butC. orD .so45. A. whatB. whichC. howD.where四

21、、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(本大题共 26 分,每小题 2分)AOne day I went to a store with a list. “Excuse me, ” I said. A lady with glasses looked up, saying, “Im Miss Bee. Come closer and let me look at you. I want to be able to describe you to the police if something is missing from the store. ”“I m only a l

22、ittle girl, not a thief ( 小偷 )!” I was surprised.“But I think you re potential ( 有可能的 ) , ” she said.“I need these, ” I said, holding up my list.“So what? I am not a person who works for you. Go to get them. ” she said.The store was a puzzle to me. It took me two hours to find everything on the list

23、.“That packet of beans is only 29 cents, but youasked me for 35 cents.” I corrected her. She didn t seem unhappy, justlooked at me over her glasses.The following summer I visited Miss Bee some times a week. She always found ways to fool me. Or shortly after I remembered the places of something on th

24、e shelf, she arranged ( 重排 ) the shelves again and made me hunt for them again. By the end of the summer the shopping trip that had once taken me an hour was done in 15 minutes.One morning I was to get a packet of chocolate.“Miss Potential,what did you learn this summer? ” she said. “That you re a m

25、eanie ( 刻薄 鬼)!” I answered angrily. But she laughed, “Well, I believe my job is to teach every child I meet life lessons to help them. When you get older, you 1l be glad our paths crossed! ” Glad I met Miss Bee? Ha! It was absurd.Until one day my daughter said, “Could you finish my math problems for

26、 me? ” How will you ever learn to do it yourself if I do it for you? ” I said. Suddenly, I was back at that store where I had learned the hard way to check my bill. Now I have known what Miss Bee did for me.She is my good teacher.46. Why did Miss Bee arrange the shelves again and again?A. To laugh a

27、t the writer.B. To teach the writer some skills.C. To think about other customers need.D. To avoid her things being stolen.47. What does the underlined word absurd mean?A.开心的B.令人兴奋的C.令人费解的D.荒谬的48. Which word can best describe the writer s feelings for Miss Bee in the last paragraph?A. Thankful. B. H

28、ateful.C. Uncomfortable.D.Unkind.49. The purpose of writing the text is to tell us.A. the facts about a kind person Miss BeeB. how to teach your children life lessonsC. people should check everything carefullyD. the good teacher isn t only in the schoolBAlmost everyone stood up when the bride(新娘)app

29、eared in her white dress except the wedding conductor(婚礼司仪)because she wasfixed to her chair The marriage was hold at a restaurant in Hibiya Park in central Tokyo A four-foot-tall robot called I-Fairy( 爱精灵 )directed the wedding “Please lift the bride s veil( 面纱 ) , ” I-Fairy said in a tiny voice wit

30、h flashing eyes and long hair As the happy persons kissed in front of about 50 guests , she shook her arms in the air It was the first time that a marriage had been led by a robot Japan has one of the most advanced robot industries in the world The government activelysupports to make more kinds of r

31、obots in the future Many robot models in factories are very new Recently Japanese companies are making robots work for people in daily life Honda makes a walking robot like children , and other companies have developed robots that can help old people and play baseball In order to “touch the hearts o

32、f people ”, Kokoro makes huge dinosaur( 恐 龙 )robots and other models that can smile “This was a lot of fun I think that Japanese have a strong thought that robots are our friends 。 People in the robot industry mostly understand this but people mainly want robots to serve them ” said Satoko Inoue who

33、 works in Kokoro Now the I-Fairy sells for about 68,000 dollars and three I-Fairies are using in Singapore , the USA and Japan 50. We know that I-Fairy A is a girl with flashing eyesB can do anything by herselfC is a four-foot-tall robotD can talk and sing51. Some companies make some robots that can

34、A play basketballB play baseballC . help some womenD. run fast52. . Most Japanese people think robotsA. should work in restaurantB . will take the place of peopleC . can do everythingD . are their good friends53 . There are I-Fairies in other countries except Japan .A. oneB . two C. threeD. fourCLif

35、e comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to deal with various situations.Love plays a main role in our lif

36、e. Love makes you feel wanted.Without love a person could become cruel. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who show us with love and care. They teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we don t always careabout it. It is only after marriage and having kids that

37、 a person understands others lifegs.Happiness can bring people a peaceful mind. No mind is happy without peace. Sadness is the cause of the death of a loved one or the failure. But all of these things will pass away.Failure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive

38、and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, pride and self-respect.Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day

39、.Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is out of our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dark. So the only choice is to work hard today, so that we will enjoy abetter tomorrow.()54. We usually have to accept if we want to besuccessful.A. loveB

40、. failureC. sadnessD.hope ()55. In which section can readers probably read the passage?A. Business. B. Travel.C. Lifestyles.D.Education.“,()56. What does the word “ despair “ mean in Chinese?A.颓废 , B.遗憾C.悲伤D.绝望()57. What sthe meaning of the last sentence of the wholepassage?“,A.When choosing between

41、 “today“ an d tomorrow you d better enjoy tomorrow.B. If you work hard today, you ll have a better life in the future.C. What you can only choose is to work hard today rather than tomorrow.D. The only choice you make is that you should enjoy a better tomorrow.()58. What s the purpose of the passage?

42、A. To encourage people to love each other.B. To tell people how to deal with happiness and sadness.C. To give readers some information about life.D. To remind people to keep having a beautiful dream.五、阅读表达6 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Are you always unwilling to do housework and cleaning for no reason? Well, yo

43、u will be happy today. Today is No Housework Day. Itstime to forget about housework and be relaxed.No Housework Day is always on April 7 th. It is your chance to do anything, except housework. Better still, have someone else do housework for a day. Housework is a daily and endless job and most peopl

44、e think it s boring to do housework. I have many friends and their wish is to stay away from housework. In fact, their wish can never come true.Do you know how to celebrate No Housework Day? Well , there are two different ways.If you usually do the housework around the house, forget it on this day.

45、Instead, kick back and enjoy the day. Relax and do anything, except housework.If you never do housework, you can do it for your family. It gives your parents a break from the housework. And, you just might get a chance to know how much housework your parents need to do every day.59. When is “No Hous

46、ework Day ”?60. If Jim never does housework, what can he do on“No HouseworkDay”?61. Do you like doing housework? Why or why not?第n卷非选择题(共57分)五、阅读表达( 1 +2 +3 )62. When is “No Housework Day ”?63. If Jim never does housework, what can he do on“No HouseworkDay”?64. Do you like doing housework? Why or wh

47、y not?六、单词拼写 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式,每空一词。(本大题共 15 分,每小题 1 分)65. I mvery angry to be even (提及 ) in a report of thiskind.66. You should be careful when( 控制 )the machine.67. In the library, we should read in ( 寂静 ).68. Mr. Li is a hard-working teacher. He( 致力于 )all histime to helping his students 69. Please pay attention to your


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