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1、精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第一学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planModule 5单元分析教学目标分析语口 知 识 目 标功能说明物体的数量语法全体学生能运用: Whose shirt is it? It s mine. Amy s blue dress iswet. The workers are still working.词汇1.全体学生能理解:mine, whose, yours, hers, both, wet,That s ok, ta

2、ke away, workers,still2.全体学生能初步运用:whose, worker语音进一步感知语句的重音。语口 技 能 目 标听全体学生能听懂: Whose shirt is it? It s mine. Amy s blue dress is wet. The workers are still working.说全体学生能说:Whose shirt is it? Its mine. Amys blue dress is wet. Theworkers are still working.读全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。写全体学生能拼写自选词汇运用全体学生能运用 Its m

3、ine.”学 习略在词语和相应事物之间建立联想文化意识对一般的请求,道歉等做出适当的反应,同时培养爱护公物,讲文明的意识情感态度积极参与各种课堂学习活动任 务Unit 1 :小组内开展失物招领活动Unit 2:全班开展失物招领活动教学内容分析本模块的话题是说明物品的所属Unit 1 This one is heavy.(新BBS)教学 目标知识技 能目标1. 全体学生能理解 :mine, whose, yours, hers,2. 全体学生能听说: Whose shirt is it? Its mine.情感目标积极参与各种课堂学习活动教学 重点1. Whose T-shirt is this

4、?教学过程设计步骤教学活动设计意图Step1 Warming up and revision1. Greetings2. Sing a song: You Know up to June.通过师生之间的问侯 及师一起演唱歌 曲,给学生创设了轻 松愉快的英语氛围。Step2 Presentation1. Lead in .T:What s in the box?Ss: It s a T-shirt.Let the teacher show the T-shirt in the box.T:It s a red T-shirt. This T-shirt istoo small for me.It

5、 s not mine.Teach the new word: mineT: Is it yours?Ss: , ,.Teach the new word: yours.T:Whose T-shirt is it?The teacher write these words and the sentence on the blackboard.2 Listen to the tape and find the answer.Question: Whose T-shirt is it?T:Is Amy s T-shirts?Ss:No.用了一个盒子让学生 猜里面是什么东西的 游戏,集中了学生的 注

6、意力,而且很自然 的引入了本课新授课 的知识点。上面的游戏为新课的 引入进行了铺垫,导 入自然。学生跟读、模仿录音,课时2. It s mine.难点区分名词性物主代词和形容词性的物主的代词的用法。 my-mine your-yours his-his her-hers it-its our-ours their-theirs准备多媒体课件、单词卡片总第1课时T: Is Sam s T-shirts?Ss:No.T: Is Lingling s T-shirts?Ss:Yes.T: Yes.It s Lingling s T-shirts.It s hers.Teach the new wor

7、ds: hers ,his.3 .Listen to the tape again.4 .Listen to the tape and read after the tape保证语音语调的准确 性;Step 3 Drills1. Game:Divide the Ss into four groups.One group should take a piece of paperand write “mine” on it . One group should take a piece of paper and write“yours on it .One group should take a

8、piece of paper and write “his ” on it.Listen to the tape and stand up.Tape:It s mine.Ss(mine group stands up):Mine.Tape:It isn t yours,Sam.Ss(yours group stands up):Yours 2.Recite the dialogue together.此划、节通过游戏 的方式让学生更 加明白mine, yours的用法,使 得语法教学不会 枯燥和乏味。设计M5U1 Its mine!mine yours hers业设计Recite the te

9、xt第二课时总第2课时Module 5 Unitl S mine步骤教学活动设计意图Step1 Warming up and revision1.Warmer:Makesentence with the words: mine yours his hers2.Grammer teaching.Write the grammer rulers on the blackboard让学生有个轻松俞快 的环境。复习学生已经学过的 语百知识,由易到难, 自然过渡Step2Presentation1.1 et the ten Ss give the teacher one object1that belo

10、ngs to them. Put all the objects in a bag or box.a) Move round the class and let a student remove an object.b) The Ss has to say who the object belongs to using It s his /hers/mine/yours. ”T:Whoseis this ?(takes something from the box.)S:It s his .(points to the owner)T:Is it yours?Ss:Yes,It s mine.

11、/No,it s not mine.T: Whoseis this? (takes something from the box.)S:It s hers.(points to the owner)T:Is it yours?S: Yes,it s mine./No,It s not mine.2. Read after the flash3. Recite the text.4. Check.本课的知识点,mine, yours, his, hers,对学生 来说是一个比较难一点的 知识点,所以本节课再次 通过游戏的方式让学生理 解和掌握它们的语法规则 和用法,能熟练运用在实 际生活中。St

12、ep 3 Drills1. Let the students read the page 28,part3.2. Let the students practice the page28,part4.老师让学生四人为一组进行对话练习。S1: Whose bag is it? S2: It s hers.S3: Whose hat is it? S4: It s his.此活动一方面巩固了知识 点,另一方面培养了小组 的意识。设计M5U1 Its mine名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsourstheirs形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritourtheir业设计A.

13、 Listen and repeat.Unit 2 Amy s blue dress is wet.教学 目标知识技 能目标描述某人的物品。情感目标培养小组合作意识,使学生在英语学习中,感受同伴 间互相帮助的乐趣,并鼓励学生大胆的表达自己真实 的意愿。教学重点 和难点Amy s blue dress is wet.名词所有格的运用。Amy s .Sam s.Lingling s.准备多媒体课件和图片课时总第3课时教学过程设计步骤教学活动设计意图Stepl Warming up and revision1.Warmer:Move around the class, tell the Ss tha

14、tthe teacher will pick up things of different ss and say the sentence using the possessive adj.+n. and they have to say the same sentece using the possessive pron.T(Pick up book):It s his book.Ss: It s his.T(Pick up pen):It s her pen.Ss:I t s hersT(Pick up bag):It s my bag.Ss:It s yours.止匕环节对上节课的知 识

15、点再次进行了复习 网固。Step2Presentation1 .Teach the new grammar. .XXX sThis is Lingling s T-shirt.That is Amy s T-shirt.Look at the pictures and find the things belong to whom.2 .Listen to the page29,part11) Listen and chant听录音跟唱全班一起合唱3. Listen to the text.1) Listen to the text at the first time.2) Listen to

16、the text at the second time and repreat the text.as 教授新的语法知 识自然过帼u本课的 课文内容。对课文的 学习要进行听,读, 模仿和圈出本课的新 单词,符合学生的心 理特点,层层递进, 够艮好地和的 学习。3) Circle the new words.Step 3 Drills.I.Look and say .1) Look at the books on page 30.2) Say the words.red car newyellow T-shirt dirtywhite shoe wetdoll beautifulgreen co

17、at bigtoy plane small2 .Practise the adj.new, old, tall, short, long, cute3 .Look at the pictures and makesentences.Mengmeng s red car is new.Qiqi s yellow T-shirt is dirty.Dashan s white shoes are wet.Fangfang s doll is beautiful.Xiaoyoun g s coat is big.Xiaxin s toy plane is small.此环节是对新知识的复习 和巩固,

18、使学生能在实际 生活中运用。设计Module 5 Unit 2 Amys blue dress is wet.名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsourstheirs形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritourtheir板书设计业设计1.Listen to the text.2.Pratise the page30,part3第四课时总第4课时(练习课)完成活动手册教学 目标知识技能 目标通过做本模块的练习来复习重点单词和句型,让学生 在听说读写中巩固重点内容。教学面点和 难点词?匚:Master the future tense and the usage oflet

19、s” .句型:.Ss can read the dialogue fluently.准备卡片,多媒体和图片过程设计安排学习内容活动设计意图Step1Revision .1 Greeting2 Sing an English song together调节和活跃了课堂气 氛。Step2Do the exercise.1. Listen, read and tick.1) Sam and Amy argued about a T-shirt.2) The T-shirt is Sam s.3) Amy s and SaM s T-shirt are red.4) Lingling s T-shir

20、t is wet.2. Now complete the sentences.1) The bag is hers.2) The bike is3) The camera is4) The car is5) The CD is这些题的设计让学生再 次对本模的单词和重 点句型进行了很好的复 习和巩固。提高r 学生的实践能 力,充分发挥了 学生的能力,让 学生能在实践活 动中学习,掌握 知识。6) The computer is3. Listen and choose.1) Sam has a2) Lingling has a3) Amy has a4) Daming has a业设计1复习本模块

21、的单词和课文。教学反思:本课通过一些图片,对话,教师的教授等方式帮助学生理解 重要句型和单词,掌握和理解好本节课所教的内容之后,能正确掌握使用 mine、yours、hers、his名词所有格 Linglings等。能使 用句型It s mine/yours/hers/hi表明物品的所属关系在课堂上我注重培养学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,通过本课的学习,理解和运用名词性物主代词。在教学过程中,我充分发挥学生的主体性,注重差生和其他同学的配合学习,通过课前学习英文歌,在练习中避免重复跟读,总的来说, 本节课实现了预设的教学目标,创设了很好的课堂环境给孩子 们,使得孩子们在课堂上面学的开心快乐,这不知不觉中提高了自身的英语综合运用能力,也让学习不是很好的同学建立起了学 习英语的自信心。但是,这节课中也要些东西要调整一下:一是,课堂上,提高了兴趣,但是 40分钟有限,有些内容没有讲全, 例如是Linglings这个所有格没有给孩子们提起。二是,注重了 孩子们在课堂方面的情绪反应,但是在新句型的练习就显得不是很足够。有点顾此失彼了。所以在往后的教学中在上课之前的准备很要更加的谨慎,要注意各个环节的衔接,及用时的分配才好育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰


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