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1、 初三化学元素周期表(注:加括号的数据为该放射性元素半衰期最长同位素的质量数)原子序数 元素符号 元素名称 相对原子质量 元素名称读音1 H 氢 1.0079 (qng)2 He 氦 4.0026 (hi)3 Li 锂 6.941 (l)4 Be 铍 9.0122 (p)5 B 硼 10.811 (png)6 C 碳 12.011 (tn)7 N 氮 14.007 (dn)8 O 氧 15.999 (yng)9 F 氟 18.998 (f)10 Ne 氖 20.17 (ni)11 Na 钠 22.9898 (n)12 Mg 镁 24.305 (mi)13 Al 铝 26.982 (l)14 S

2、i 硅 28.085 (gu)15 P 磷 30.974 (ln)16 S 硫 32.06 (li)17 Cl 氯 35.453 (l)18 Ar 氩 39.94 (y)19 K 钾 39.098 (ji)20 Ca 钙 40.08 (gi)21 Sc 钪 44.956 (kng)22 Ti 钛 47.9 (ti)23 V 钒 50.94 (fn)24 Cr 铬 51.996 (g)25 Mn 锰 54.938 (mng)26 Fe 铁 55.84 (ti)27 Co 钴 58.9332 (g)28 Ni 镍 58.69 (ni)29 Cu 铜 63.54 (tng)30 Zn 锌 65.38

3、 (xn)31 Ga 镓 69.72 (ji)32 Ge 锗 72.5 (zh)33 As 砷 74.922 (shn)34 Se 硒 78.9 (x)35 Br 溴 79.904 (xi)36 Kr 氪 83.8 (k)37 Rb 铷 85.467 (r)38 Sr 锶 87.62 (s)39 Y 钇 88.906 (y)40 Zr 锆 91.22 (go)41 Nb 铌 92.9064 (n)42 Mo 钼 95.94 (m)43 Tc 锝 (99) (d)44 Ru 钌 161.0 (lio)45 Rh 铑 102.906 (lo)46 Pd 钯 106.42 (b)47 Ag 银 10

4、7.868 (yn)48 Cd 镉 112.41 (g)49 In 铟 114.82 (yn)50 Sn 锡 118.6 (x)51 Sb 锑 121.7 (t)52 Te 碲 127.6 (d)53 I 碘 126.905 (din)54 Xe 氙 131.3 (xin)55 Cs 铯 132.905 (s)56 Ba 钡 137.33 (bi)57-71 La-Lu 镧系57 La 镧 138.9 (ln)58 Ce 铈 140.1 (sh)59 Pr 镨 140.9 (p)60 Nd 钕 144.2 (n)61 Pm 钷 (147) (p)62 Sm 钐 150.3 (shn)63 Eu

5、 铕 151.96 (yu)64 Gd 钆 157.25 (g)65 Tb 铽 158.9 (t)66 Dy 镝 162.5 (d)67 Ho 钬 164.9 (hu)68 Er 铒 167.2 (r)69 Tm 铥 168.9 (di)70 Yb 镱 173.04 (y)71 Lu 镥 174.967 (l)72 Hf 铪 178.4 (h)73 Ta 钽 180.947 (tn)74 W 钨 183.8 (w)75 Re 铼 186.207 (li)76 Os 锇 190.2 ()77 Ir 铱 192.2 (y)78 Pt 铂 195.08 (b)79 Au 金 196.967 (jn)

6、80 Hg 汞 200.5 (gng)81 Tl 铊 204.3 (t)82 Pb 铅 207.2 (qin)83 Bi 铋 208.98 (b)84 Po 钋 (209) (p)85 At 砹 (201) (i)86 Rn 氡 (222) (dng)87 Fr 钫 (223) (fng)88 Ra 镭 226.03 (li)89-103 Ac-Lr 锕系89 Ac 锕 (227) ()90 Th 钍 232.0 (t)91 Pa 镤 231.0 (p)92 U 铀 238.0 (yu)93 Np 镎 (237) (n)94 Pu 钚 (244) (b)95 Am 镅 (243) (mi)96

7、 Cm 锔 (247) (j)97 Bk 锫 (247) (pi)98 Cf 锎 (251) (ki)99 Es 锿 (252) (i)100 Fm 镄 (257) (fi)101 Md 钔 (258) (mn)102 No 锘 (259) (nu)103 Lr 铹 (262) (lo)104 Rf 钅卢 (257) (l)105 Db 钅杜 (261) (d)106 Sg 钅喜 (262) (x)107 Bh 钅波 (263) (b)108 Hs 钅黑 (262) (hi)109 Mt 钅麦 (265) (mi)110 Uun (281)111 Uuu (272)112 Uub (285)

8、114 Uuq (289) steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy,

9、and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall

10、 top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall str

11、ucture 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not . Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should


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