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1、准备工作中确保食品安全,It is your responsibility to handle food safely during 你的工作是在以下程序中 确保食品安全,Preparation 准备工作 Cooking 烹调 Cooling 冷却 Reheating 再加热,食品安全,Temperature abuse is a major cause of foodborne outbreaks. 不正确的温度是爆发由食物中毒疾病的主要原因,不正确的温度,细菌生存和生长,细菌快速繁殖,Four-Hour Rule 4小时原则 Never let food remain in the tem

2、perature danger zone for more than four hours 决不能将食品放置在危险温度区域超过4 小时 Exposure Time 暴露时间 Accumulates from receiving through cooking 从收货到烹调的累积时间 Begins again when food is held, cooled, and reheated 从食品被装容器重新开始到冷却, 和再加热,4小时原则,Methods for Preventing Cross-Contamination During Preparation 准备工作期间预防交叉感染的方法,

3、Prepare raw meat separately from cooked/ready-to eat foods 生的肉类必须和熟的/即食的食品分开 Assign specific equipment for each food 每一种食品用专门的用具 Use specific containers for each food 每一种食品用专门的容器 Clean and sanitize food-contact surfaces after each task 每完成一项工作,清洁和消毒食品接触表面,交叉感染,Methods for Preventing Cross-Contaminat

4、ion During Preparation 准备工作期间预防交叉感染的方法,Use disposable or color-coded cleaning cloths 使用一次性或有颜色作标记的清洁布 Consider using gloves for food preparation and service 准备食品和上菜时可以使用手套 Practice good personal hygiene 保持良好的个人卫生,交叉感染,Foods should be thawed 按以下方式解冻 Under refrigeration at 41F (5C) or less 在41F (5C) 或

5、更低温度的冰箱中 During submersion in running potable water at 70F (21C) or below 浸没在 70F (21C) 或更低温度的流动 饮用水中 In the microwave, if cooked immediately 如需要立即烹调,用微波炉 As part of the cooking process; ensure minimum internal temperature 作为烹调的一个步骤;确保最低内部温度,微波炉,饮用水,烹调,冰箱,正确地解冻食品,Prepare food in small batches 小批量地准备

6、食品 Store prepared foods quickly 迅速储藏好准备好的食品 Chill ingredients prior to use 事先冷却好配料 Use properly cooked/cooled leftover meats 使用烹调好的/冷却好的肉类 Keep shell eggs at 41F (5C) or below until use 将带壳的蛋保存于 41F (5C)或以下 Wash fruits/vegetables before cutting, combining, and cooking 切削,混合,烹调水果/蔬菜前须彻底清洗,准备工作中的关键问题,

7、Cooking food to required minimum internal temperatures kills microorganisms 烹调食品达到规定最低内部温度来杀死微生物 Cooking will not destroy spores or toxins 烹调不会杀死孢子和毒素 Using a thermometer will determine that food has been cooked properly 使用温度计可以知道烹调温度是否正确 Cooking is a critical control point for most foods 对大多数食品来说,烹

8、调是临界控制点,烹调食品,Minimum Safe Internal Cooking Temps 最低安全内部烹调温度,家禽,馅,肉馅, 意大利馅饼,炖锅, 野味,产品,温度,猪肉,火腿,熏肉,碎肉,碎火腿,肉片,鱼片,野味,香肠,15 秒,3分钟,烹调后放置2分钟,烤牛肉,烤猪肉,牛排,小牛肉,羊肉,家养野味,鱼,即用有壳蛋,有可能变质的食品在微波炉里烹调,烹调食品,One-Stage (Four-Hour) Method 一步法 (4小时) Cool food from 140F to 41F (60C to 5C) or lower within four hours 在4小时内将食品的

9、温度从 140F 冷却至 41F或更低 (60C 至 5C或更低) Two-Stage Method 二步法 Cool food from 140F to 70F (60C to 21C) within two hours, and to 41F (5C) or lower in an additional four hours 在2小时内将食品从 140F 冷却至 70F (60C 至 21C) , 在以后4小时内冷却至 41F (5C) 或更低温度,冷却食品,安全的冷却方法,鼓风冷却,冰水,平底锅,分散至小容器,Reheating Potentially Hazardous Foods f

10、or Hot holding 重新加热潜在危险食品,Reheat food to an internal temperature of 165F (74C) for fifteen seconds within two hours 在2小时内重新加热食品,内部温度达到 165F (74C)约15 秒,重新加热,Frozen turkeys have been delivered for Thanksgiving dinner. Describe the proper thawing method and discuss necessary planning to ensure that the

11、 turkeys will be ready to cook 感恩节需用的冻火鸡. 说出正确的解冻方法和必要的工作,确保此火鸡准备完毕,即能烹调。,运用你的知识,Challenge participants to cite three examples of cross-contamination that can occur after food has been cooked 请学员们举出三个例子,关于食品烹调以后发生交叉感染的情况 Have participants describe a procedure for preparing chicken salad, noting prec

12、autions to minimize foodborne illness. 请学员们说出一种制作鸡肉色拉的方法,并说出预防食物中毒疾病的注意事项。 Create a list of six foods (meats, protein-based salad, stew, soup, stock, fruit salad, etc.). Ask students to describe the method they would use to properly cool the foods before storage. 做一份有六种食品的清单(肉, 以蛋白质为主的色拉, 炖菜, 汤, 家畜, 水果色拉, 等等.). 请学员们说出,在储藏这些食品前,用什幺方法来冷却。,教学方法,


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