Problem solving skills to get a job.ppt

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《Problem solving skills to get a job.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Problem solving skills to get a job.ppt(65页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Using Problem Solving Skills To Get A Job.,Changing Your Mindset and Thinking Differently.,Unemployed Professional Group Portland, Maine September 15, 2009,Purpose,Provide an overview of a number of methods for solving problems. Create an understanding on how to use these methods during the job hunt

2、ing process, when you are back to work, and for personal growth. Get you to think about thinking differently.,Agenda,Thought Processes Critical versus Creative Thinking System and Statistical Thinking Problem Solving Thinking Differently Intuition The Human Connection,Open Your Mind To New Ideas,Int

3、ellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them. - Albert Einstein,I dont want to make the wrong mistake. - Yogi Berra,Portraits of A Problem Solver?,Overview,Like it or not, we are judged by how we think. In school, tests generally give credit for problem-solving which produces the right answer, b

4、ut under-estimates creativity and unconventional approaches to problems.,Action,Data,Vision,Analysis,Questions,Problem,Critical (Convergent) Versus Creative (Divergent) Thinking,Critical Thinking,Structured, systematic processes are used to focus a persons thinking skills in a particular situation,

5、problem, decision or opportunity. Employs not only logic, but broad intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, significance. Thinking is often casual or routine, whereas critical thinking deliberately evaluates the quality of thinking. Highly

6、analytical and critical.,Convergent Thinking,Follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one correct solution. Involves combining or joining different ideas together based on elements these ideas have in common. Putting the different pieces of a topic back together in some organized, stru

7、ctured and understandable fashion. Convergent thinking, then, is an essential part of the outlining and organizing process. Does not connote Criticism.,Creative (Divergent) Thinking,Thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. Involves breaking a to

8、pic down into its various component parts in order to gain insight about the various aspects of the topic. Typically occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing manner, such that many ideas are generated in a random, unorganized fashion. Many possible solutions are explored in a short amount of time, and

9、unexpected connections are drawn. Following divergent thinking, ideas and information are organized and structured using convergent thinking.,Something To Think About: Being A Creative Person,Psychologists have found that a high IQ alone does not guarantee creativity. Instead, personality traits tha

10、t promote divergent thinking are more important. Divergent thinking is found among people with personalities, which have traits such as nonconformity, curiosity, willingness to take risks, and persistence.,Creative Thinking Tools,Creating lists of questions Setting aside time for thinking and medita

11、tion Brainstorming Keeping a journal Creating artwork Free writing. In free writing, a person will focus on one particular topic and write non-stop about it for a short period of time, in a stream of consciousness fashion.,Quick Tips to Thinking Creatively,Little Details Matter: Pay attention to wor

12、ds like may, can, and will. Never accept anything at face value. Question the Authorities: Ask probing questions. What qualifies the individual to give advice? What credentials does the person have to make claims? Why is he or she an authority on the subject? Sweeping Away Statements: Knock down sen

13、tences that use words like all and everyone. Not all people do, and not everyone knows. More careful wording such as most and some pass muster more easily.,Quick Tips to Thinking Creatively,Watch Out For Fallacies: Fallacies are the tricky smoke and mirrors that divert attention from true critical t

14、hinking; all built to deflect, detract, divert and discredit arguments without really doing so. Let Down Your Guard: Eliminate bias. Your values, emotions, desires and experiences influence your beliefs and your ability to have an open mind. Set them aside and take the time to ponder information you

15、 receive wholeheartedly. Think of creativity as a muscle: The more you use it, the stronger it gets. To increase your creativity, you simply need to “act” like a creative person. Not surprisingly, people recognized as creative tend to share common traits.,System or in a science fiction story where a

16、 time traveler creates a small change that alters the course of the future.,Statistical Thinking,Statistical Thinking,Statistical thinking provides the means to view processes holistically. Things to understand Variation exists in all processes. Understanding and reducing variation are the keys to s

17、uccess. Types of variation: Common Cause: Occurs naturally; part of the process and random (noise in the system). Special Cause: Unexpected, but assignable to known factors. Methodologies: Total Quality Management. 6 Sigma / Lean Manufacturing.,Control Charting,Improvement Methods,Statistical Proces

18、s Control (SPC) Goal is Continuous Improvement Define the process capability Exams the variability in process characteristics. Is the process capable of producing products which conforms to specifications? Plan, Do, Check Act (PDCA) Establish Objectives Implement New Processes Measure the Results an

19、d Compare against expectations Analyze Differences to Determine Cause. Determine where to apply changes that will include improvement.,Improvement Methods(Continued),7 Step Process 1. Define and Identify the Problem 2. Analyze the Problem 3. Identifying Possible Solutions 4. Selecting the Best Solut

20、ions 5. Evaluating Solutions 6. Develop an Action Plan 7. Implement the Solution DMAIC Define the project goals and deliverables for both internal and external customers Measure the process to determine current performance Analyze and determine the root cause(s) of the defects Improve the process by

21、 eliminating defects Control future process performance,Problem Solving,Problem Solving,The problem-solving process comprises many different elements that can be used in varying degrees depending on the problem / opportunity to be solved. Typical elements are: Problem definition (part of understandi

22、ng the problem) Situation analysis (part of understanding the problem) Idea generation Analysis of ideas Decision making Determining the next steps to be taken to introduce the solution,Problem Solving Tools:Kepner-Tregoe (KT) Analysis,Situation Appraisal Process of ensuring that priority and order

23、are established for multiple concerns associated with a specific issue. Example Youre out of work or under employed. Problem Analysis Create Problem Description Identify Possible Causes Determine True Cause Example You cant get a job similar to what you did or want to do. Decision Analysis Create Ob

24、jectives Develop Alternatives Uncover Adverse Consequences Example - What is the best alternative for getting a job that will fit your needs? Potential Problem Analysis Evaluate What Could Go Wrong and the Likely Causes Would Be. Develop Prevention you must change pre conceived ideas especially when

25、 you have been successful using your favorite methods. Courses in lateral thinking try to teach you how to identify and set aside the obstacles in your own head (biases and preconceptions, inability to concentrate or imagine, entrenched ways of thinking, fear, conservatism, ignorance) that prevent y

26、ou from thinking in truly novel ways. Practice and exercise is needed to reinforce learning.,12 Techniques for Thinking Differently*,* From Dave Pollards business innovation Internet bias thing Psychoactive and Other Drugs: They work for some people, and have for thousands of years. Nope, dont have

27、any on me.,12 Techniques for Thinking Differently,Learning Something Outside Your Comfort Zone: Do Impulsive and Serendipitous Things: Any activity that wont let you plan or anticipate, but which instead forces you to perceive and learn quickly and pay attention and react and live in the moment, wil

28、l get you outside the centre of your own universe and help you see and think differently. Collaboration: Not just coordination or cooperation, true collaboration. When you have produced a truly collective work-product, you have in many ways got inside the heads of your fellow collaborators, and that

29、 will change you forever.,The Eternal Question,Control Chart ?,So, What is the Answer?,Using Triggers To Think Differently,Triggers to help with change,On Waking up: Decide what positive change you want in your life. Create the trigger: Pick a specific, every-day routine chore. Do it differently, bu

30、t the same way everyday; this will be the trigger. Examples: Shave the other side of your face first, put bread in the toaster upside down, put on the other shoe, first. During the day: Become more aware of yourself and surroundings. When you notice something “unusual”, remind yourself of your morni

31、ng thought. Take the time to write it out 15 times a day.,Intuition,Intuition,Experience and expertise are not the same; intuition comes from data clues prompting investigation. Intuition is the voice of experience using it effectively is expertise. Two type of responses from data clues: it fits a p

32、atterns and makes sense or it doesnt Intuition is not accidental, but reflects experience;,Intuitive Ability,The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.- Albert Einstein When analytical

33、 and intuitive abilities are combined, the result is holistic.,Thinking Intuitively Versus Analytically,Analytical Thinking,Is powerful. It is focused, sharp, linear, deals with one thing at a time, contains time, is deconstructive, contains no perspective, is subject to disorientation, is brain cen

34、tered, and tends to the abstract. Analytical thinking is efficient in the following conditions sufficient time, relatively static conditions, a clear differentiation between the observer and the observed. It is best suited for dealing with complexities, and works best where there are established cri

35、teria for the analysis (for example, rules of law). It is necessary when an explanation is required, seeks the best option, and can be taught in the classroom to beginners.,Intuitive Thinking,Intuitive thinking has contrasting qualities: it is unfocused, nonlinear, contains no time, sees many things

36、 at once, views the big picture, contains perspective, is heart centered, oriented in space and time, and tends to the real or concrete. Intuition comes into its own where analytical thinking is inadequate: under time pressure, where conditions are dynamic, where the differentiation between observer

37、 and observed is unclear. It works best where the observer has experience in the particular situation, is difficult to teach in the classroom, eschews seeking the best option in favor of the workable, and is prepared to act on feelings or hunches where explanations are either not required or there i

38、s no time for them. Intuition is experience translated by expertise to produce rapid action.,OODA Loop,Decision-making occurs in a recurring cycle of observe-orient-decide-act. An entity (whether an individual or an organization) that can process this cycle quickly, observing and reacting to unfoldi

39、ng events more rapidly than an opponent, can thereby get inside the opponents decision cycle and gain the advantage.,The Human Connection,Myers Briggs Personality Indicator,Jungian based test designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. 4 pairs o

40、f personality traits. Extrovert / Introvert (attitude) Sensing / Intuitive (information gathering) Thinking / Feeling (decision making) Judging / Perceiving (preference) One is not better than another; it indicates one preference over another.,Human Dynamics,Explores the interaction in people of thr

41、ee universal principles - the mental, the emotional (or relational) and the physical (or practical). Mental: related to the mind - to thinking values, structure, focus, objectivity, perspective. Emotional: more subjective. It is concerned with relationships - with feelings, communication, organizati

42、on, and synthesis. Physical: pragmatic. It is the making, doing, operationalizing part of us.,The wRap Up,Where to Get More Information,Books: Out of the Crisis by Edward Deming (Statistical Thinking) 5th Discipline Field Manual by Peter Senge et al. (Systems Thinking) Boyd: Fighter Pilot Who Change

43、d The Art of War by Robert Coram (Intuitive Thinking) Please Understand Me by Keirsey http:/,Final Thoughts,Your Are What You Think. Become more positive and deliberate in your thoughts. Open your mind to the possibility of thinking differently; it will be life changing. Read about alternative ideas

44、; its ok to be skeptical. Practice, apply and do it repeatedly through out the day!,Maintain Focus. Try To Stay Relaxed. Become more observant and aware. Be a good listener. Find An Advisor Or A Mentor. Do worry about the age or gender of the person. Become one. A Closed Mind Is Like A Clenched Fist. Its full of tension. Indicates emotional turmoil. You cant accept a handshake or receive a gift. People (employers) notice.,


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