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《5. SPEECH ON HITLER'S INVASION OF THE USSRPPT英语课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《5. SPEECH ON HITLER'S INVASION OF THE USSRPPT英语课件.ppt(71页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、人教版高中英语 系列优秀课件,2,Lesson 5,Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R.,3,Questions about the text,1.When and how did the Germans attack the Soviet Union? 2.What was Churchills reaction to the news of Hitlers invasion of Russia? 3. What policy did Churchill declare Britain would pursue? 4. What, accord

2、ing to Churchill, was Hitlers motive in invading Russia?,4,U.S.S.R. the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics World War II: (1937 / 1939 -1945) The conflict resulted from the rise of totalitarian, fascism in German, Japan and Italy,5,Aryans Superiority Nazi: National sozialist the National Socialist G

3、erman Workers Party Elite Corps, black guards 党卫军、黑衫党 GESTAPO: secret state police Swastika,6,The Schutzstaffel , translated to Protection Squadron or defence corps, abbreviated SSor with stylized Armanen Sig runeswas a major paramilitary organisation under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Built upo

4、n the Nazi ideology, the SS under Heinrich Himmlers command was responsible for many of the crimes against humanity during World War II (19391945). After 1945, the SS was banned in Germany, along with the Nazi Party, as a criminal organization. The SS was formed in 1925 under the then name Saal-Schu

5、tz (Assembly-Hall-Protection), intended for providing security for Nazi party meetings and as a personal protection squad for Adolf Hitler. Under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler between 1929 and 1945, the SS was renamed to Schutz-Staffel and grew from a small paramilitary formation to one of the

6、largest and most powerful organizations in the Third Reich.,7,8,9,General Dill,10,Sir Stafford Cripps,11,The War Cabinet,On 10 May 1940, Churchill formed a national government (coalition同盟 government) with him as the Prime Minister and Attlee from the Labor Party as the Deputy Prime Minister.,12,Che

7、quers,13,Chequers, or Chequers Court, is a historic Tudor mansion in Buckinghamshire, 35 miles northwest of London, at the foot of the Chiltern Hills. It was presented to the government by Lord and Lady Lee of Fareham 1917. country residence of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.,14,Croquet,15

8、,16,17,Croquet is a lawn game, played both as a recreational pastime and as a competitive sport. It involves hitting plastic or wooden balls with a mallet(木槌) through hoops(铁环) (often called wickets in the US) embedded into the grass playing court.,18,bow down in the House of Rimmon,outward conformi

9、ty with conventional religion or custom, practised with mental reservation for political purposes; Rimmon, deity worshipped by Syrians of Damascus (Bible, II Kings, v. 18),19,Rimmon,House of Rimmon,20,(para 7) It excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious agg

10、ression.,How to translation this sentence into Chinese? The Nazi regime is very cruel and it invades other countries in a most savage way. It can carry out its cruel invasions so effectively that it beats (surpasses) any action of this kind in human history. 纳粹政权在残酷镇压和疯狂侵略方面,极为拿手,人类过去这方面的一切卑劣行径都望尘莫及

11、。,21,efficiency The Nazi ran the war like a successful big business; e.g. they kept full records and documentation of all their atrocities(暴行). Gas chambers are excellent examples of efficient and inexpensive mass killing.,22,gas chamber in Auschiwitz,23,Founded in the spring of 1933, it was to be a

12、 new, special body guard unit, formed from hand picked SS men, to act as the special body guard of Hitler, and to be responsible only to his wishes. May 1, 1936 Lustgarten BerlinSS men take their loyalty oath.,24,Structural Analysis,Part I: a piece of narration Background of the speech Part II. the

13、speech proper an argument or persuasion Section 1: The Nazi regime horrors upon mankind Scenario on both sides of the border. To arouse emotion.,25,Structural Analysis,Section 2: I have to declare thein determination and in resources. What we should do. Section 3: This is no timelife and power remai

14、n. Further persuasion, to convince the audience of the justification of the decision.,26,Type of literature,a piece of argumentation The purpose of a piece of argumentation: - to persuade, that is, to defend what is true and to attack what is false by the use of reason Ways of developing a piece of

15、argumentation: - by deduction - by induction,27,Effective Writing Skills,1. using a lot of repetitions and parallel structures to achieve emphasis 2. using periodic sentences, rhetorical questions, and inverted sentences to make his speech vivid and forceful.,28,Rhetorical Devices,The following are

16、some of the rhetorical devices Churchill employed to make his speech vivid and forceful: Periodic sentence (圆周句) Periodic sentences achieve forcefulness by suspense. The essential elements in the sentence are withheld until the end. a) The past, with its crimes, its follies, and its tragedies, flash

17、es away.,29,b) Any man or state who fights on against Nazidom will have our aid. c) If Hitler imagines that his attack on Soviet Russia he is woefully mistaken.,30,2) Rhetorical question (or interrogation)修辞性疑问句(反问),Interrogation asks a question not in order to obtain an answer, but for the purpose

18、of making an assertion in a striking and lively way. e.g. but can you doubt what our policy will be?,31,3) Parallel structure (平行结构,排比),We will never parley We will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang b) we shall fight him by land we shall fight him by sea we shall fight him in the air,32

19、,c) behind all this glare behind all this storm I see d) I see the Russian soldiers standing I see them guarding I see the ten thousand villages I see advancing upon I see also the dull I see the German bombers I see that small group ,33,e) that is our policy and that is our declaration We shall be

20、fortified and encouraged in our efforts. We shall be strengthened and not weakened in determination and resources. Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience. Let us redouble our exertions ,34,4) Inversion (倒装),From this nothing will turn us nothing But this I will say,35,5) Re

21、petition (重复),the repeated use of the same synonymous words, to add force, clearness or balance to a sentence, e.g. We have but one aim and one single, irrevocable purpose. He has so long thrived and prospered. We will never parley, we will never negotiate ,36,speech, address, oration, lecture, talk

22、,speech: a public speech irrespective (without regard) to its quality or its degree of preparation or of the quality of its speaker or audience or of its aim (as to influence, instruct, or entertain) address: It implies formality and usually careful preparation, and often connotes distinction in the

23、 speaker or gives emphasis to the importance of the speech. The president is scheduled to deliver three addresses on his trip.,37,oration: formal and solemn public speech. It suggests eloquence, rhetorical style, and usu. a dignified but sometimes high-flown or long-winded appeal to the emotions of

24、a large audience or assembly. lecture: It often implies reading. It commonly designates a carefully prepared speech on a special topic intended to give information and instruction to a group of students. talk: It stresses informality. It may be used to designate either a lecture or an address when t

25、he speaker wishes to emphasize his desire to speak directly and simply to his audience as individuals.,38,awake, awaken, wake, waken,awaken (awakened, awakened) awake (awoke, awoke; awaked, awaked) wake (waked, waked; woke, woken) waken (wakened, wakened) The four words are very similar in usage. Al

26、l can be used as vt, and vi.,39,I woke (up) / wakened / awoke / awakened at 7 this morning. Please wake / waken me (up) at seven. The noise awoke me. A knock on the door awakened her. a. The most common and the least formal is WAKE. b. It may be better to use WAKEN, AWAKEN as transitive verbs. There

27、fore they are most likely to be used in the passive voice. I was wakened by their shouts. I was awakened by the song of the birds.,40,c. AWAKE and AWAKEN are used somewhat more frequently in a figurative sense. This at once awakened suspicion. The national spirit awoke / was awakened. d. AWAKE can b

28、e used as an adj. meaning not asleep. Is he awake yet? I lay awake for about ten minutes.,41,conviction: a very firm and sincere belief certainty: clearly established fact Conviction usu. implies previous doubt or uncertainty. It stresses ones objective reaction to evidence rather than the objective

29、 validity of evidence itself. Therefore it commonly applied to the state of mind of one who has been in the process of being convinced.,42,I speak in the full conviction that our cause is just. Its my conviction that you didnt try hard enough. His political convictions are radical. Its a certainty t

30、hat this horse will win in the race. After three days, our victory became a certainty.,43,doubt,1) to be uncertain 2) to mistrust doubt + noun (pron.) I doubt the truth of it. (1)我怀疑这事是真还是假。 I doubt his honesty. (2)我不相信他是诚实的。 I am sorry that I doubted you before. (2),44,doubt + clause a. neg. / inte

31、rrog. + that / what clause Can you doubt what our policy will be? (1) Can you doubt that he will win? (2) I never doubt that you are honest. (1) b. affirm. + if / whether clause I doubt whether it is true / the truth of it. (1) I doubt if he will come. (1) 3) to consider unlikely affirm. + that (3)

32、I doubt that he will come. (3),45,suspect,1)to feel doubtful about the truth or value of, be uncertain 2)to believe to be true 3)to believe to be guilt 4)to guess, suppose,46,But: I doubt that he is honest. (consider unlikely) I suspect thats true / you may be right. (guess, suppose) I am sorry that

33、 I doubted you before. (mistrust) The police dont know who committed the crime, but they suspect Jones. (believe to be guilty),47,suspicious,suspicious: a. not trusting b. causing suspect c. likely to suspect,48,She is always suspicious of us / our intention. The policeman became suspicious of the m

34、an. He shot a suspicious look at me. He is a suspicious character. If you see anything suspicious, call the police at once. be suspicious of sb.: The dog is suspicious of strangers.,49,doubtful: not trusting b. questionable c. uncertain She was doubtful of his good intentions. He seems to me a doubt

35、ful fellow. She has a doubtful look on her face.,50,doubtful + clause: I am doubtful whether he is still alive. If you are suspicious of sb. you feel or show that you do not trust them. If sth. is suspicious, it causes people to feel that sth. is wrong in some way. If you are doubtful about sth., yo

36、u are unsure or uncertain about it.,51,cf: hurry (慌忙): confused, panic Hasten implies urgent quickness while Hurry implies haste that causes confusion or prevents concentrated attention. Hurry implies a strong implication of confusion, agitation. Whoever is in a hurry, shows that the thing he is doi

37、ng is too big for him. You must hasten and publish your result. She hastened to explain the situation which now confronted her.,52,Exercises,p. 84 Paraphrase 1) Hitler was hoping that his attack on Russia would help to win in Britain and the U. S. the support of those who were enemies of Communism.

38、2) Winant said the United State would adopt the same attitude. 3) In this way, it will be much easier for me to decide on my attitude towards various events. 4) I will not take back what I have said about Communism.,53,5) I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, who, severely beaten and sho

39、cked by British air force, now feel happy because they think they can easily beat the Russian air force. 6) We shall be more determined and shall make better and fuller use of our resources. (resources: pl. available money or property; wealth; sth that a country, state, etc. has and can use to its a

40、dvantage) 7) Let us strengthen our unity and take greater efforts to fight against Nazi Germany when we have not yet been overwhelmed and when we are still powerful.,54,. 85 Translation 1)我只有一个目标:摧毁希特勒。这样一来,我对各种事物的态度就容易决定得多。如果希特勒入侵地狱,我至少要在下院替魔鬼说几句好话。 2)如果希特勒幻想他对苏俄的进攻会使决心消灭他的民主阵营各国稍稍转移目标或松懈斗志,那他就大错特错

41、了,并将为此付出代价。,55,3)他所以要摧毁俄国的力量是因为他希望如果得手,他就能把陆、空军主力从东线调回来,全力进攻英伦三岛。他知道他必须征服英国,否则他将因其犯下的罪行而受到惩罚。 4)他希望他能以空前的规模,再次重复他一直得心应手、屡获成功的伎俩:将敌人各个击破。一旦这一伎俩再获得成功,他就可以上演最后一幕,将西半球置于其意志和制度的统治之下。不征服西半球,他的全部侵略成果都将化为泡影。,56,IV. anti-Communist 反共产主义的(人) antichrist 反对基督(教)的(人) anti = against, hostile to, opposed to more e

42、xamples: anti-Japanese anti-colonial anti-party anti-imperialist anti-fascist anti-apartheid(种族隔离) anti-slavery antidraft (反征兵),57,2) antibacterial 抗细菌的,抗菌物 antifreeze 防冻剂 anti = preventing, curing, neutralizing, reducing more examples: antiknock 抗震剂 antitoxin抗毒素 anti-pollution anti-malarial 抗疟疾药 an

43、tifriction 抗摩 anti-icer 防冻装置,58,3) antiaircraft 防空的 anti-ballistic missile 反弹道导弹 anti = counteracting, operating against, resisting more examples: antitank antipersecution antitrust 反托拉斯的,反垄断的 antigas antisubmarine 对抗潜艇的 antidote 解药,解毒剂;对抗手段,矫正方法;除害物 antimagnetic,59,4 ) antithesis (修辞学中的)对句,对话,偶句; a

44、ntihero (小说,戏剧中)不按传统性主角品格塑 造的主角 anti = opposite, reverse more examples : antimatter antipole相反的极,正相反之物 antiparticle 反粒子 antineutron 反中子 antiphrasis 反用法 antipode 正好相反的事物,恰恰相对事物 antinovel 非正统派小说;非传统小说,60,V. 1)He was almost at the end of his powers when 2)-his reputation is uncertain. 3)He completely i

45、gnored 4)People who are in a vulnerable position should not attack others. 5)This may teach the young man not to take foolish risks. 6)brought him great success. 7)The pupils took the teacher as their example. 8).an enormous pile of letters.,61,. 1)Whether for him, the arch anti-Communist, this was

46、riot bowing down in the House of Rimmon :whether he was not renouncing his previous attitude towards Communism; whether he was not changing his position since he had all along been opposed to Communism. 2)I suppose they will be rounded up in hordes: I think the Red armymen will be surrounded and cap

47、tured in surprisingly large numbers. 3)The Nazi regime is devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination: Here appetite is used metaphorically, meaning strong German desire for conquest.,62,4)Still smarting from many a British whipping: Here whipping is used metaphorically,

48、meaning counterattack. 5)rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its peoples from his y* both shadow and yoke are used metaphorically, the former meaning the very strong power or influence (of Hitler) and the latter meaning control.,63,. 1)as cool as cucumber 2)fact and fantasy 3)He came back soun

49、d and safe. 4)She sang a song. 5) Next to health, heart and home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile.,64,. Parallel structure : 1)We will never parley We will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang 2)We shall fight him by land We shall fight him by sea We shall fight

50、him in the air 3)behind all this glare behind all this storm I see,65,4)1 see the Russian soldiers standing I see them guarding. I see the ten thousand villages. I see advancing upon. I see also the dull I see the German bombers I see that small group 5)that is our policy and that is our declaration


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