PEP小学英语五年级下册My Favourite Seasonppt.ppt

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1、,人教小学英语 (PEP ) 五年级(下册) Unit 2 My Favourite Season,Part A 本单元Part A 部分的教学重难点有两个: 1.重点是能听、说、读、写四会词汇season, spring, summer, fall, winter,学说Whats your favourite season? 并能在实际情境中运用。 创设与生活相关的教学情景,通过seasonweather colour的思路来整合新旧关联词汇,同时进行句型 Whats your favourite season?的教学和滚动操练。,高段年级的词汇教学要联系生活实际,以旧引新, 并作适度拓展。

2、在教学新词spring, fall, summer时呈 现和归纳字母及字母组合的语音规律,帮助学生了 解读音和拼写之间的密切关系,掌握相关的学习策 略和方法。通过sp辅音连缀字母组合的读音指导教学,把Lets learn和Pronunciation教学融合在一起。,2.难点是对话中新内容的理解和渗透。 Part A的新句型的理解是重点,如I like best.教 师借用简笔画笑脸和递增笑脸的方式来帮助学生明 晰I like best.的意思。同时always, with, because 等单词的教学要求示范到位,准确发音。,意思相似的句型之间积累越来越多。教师利用板 书“”的方式以旧引新,

3、用意译的形式来帮助 学生理解、对比、记忆,提升语言的丰富性, 如:Whats your favourite season? = Which season do you like best? My favourite season is winter. = I like winter best. = Winter is my favourite season. 问句与答句之间的联系和配对比较容易混淆,我 们就设计了一个扩展性配对的练习来巩固和加深 印象,提示、帮助记忆。,My Favourite Season,spring,spring,spring,summer,summer,summer,f

4、all / autumn,fall / autumn,winter,fall / autumn,winter,spring,Spring is green. Its _.,windy and warm,summer,sunny and hot,Summer is red. Its .,fall,windy and cool,Fall is golden. Its _.,winter,snowy and cold,Winter is white. Its .,spring,summer,fall,winter,Spring is green. Its windy and warm.,Fall i

5、s golden. Its windy and cool.,Lets chant,Summer is red. Its sunny and hot.,Winter is white. Its snowy and cold.,Part B 本单元Part B部分的教学重难点主要有三个: 1.重点是读写部分的教学要在设计中体现不同层次的读写要求。 一般在对话教学时,可以只回答出关键词,如Which season does Mike like best? Fall.但在Read and write部分,要求用完整句式来表述和书写。 在回答问题Why ?时,回答的句子要求用Because .开始。同时

6、要提醒学生注意人称的变化,回答有关Zoom和Zip的问题,要用he / she。,2.难点是: 泛读理解为精读精写作铺垫和渗透。 本单元C部分Task time: Make a season book.既可以 作为一个表现不同层次教学要求的回家作业,也可以 用作下节读写课的交流材料。为了便于展示,教师在 布置作业时可把make a book改为make a poster。 重难点新词句的趣味性操练。 反复操练有点乏味。我们设计了一个“点读机”的游 戏来完成这一练习。,Read and write,A,B,C,D,seasons of the year,swim in the lake happ

7、y why because,go hiking eat a lot,comes not skate sleep,comes wake up fly kites why because,1. what is Zips favourite season? Why?,2. Which season does Zoom like best? Why?,3. What do Zip and Zoom do in spring?,4. What do Zip and Zoom do in fall?,You are Zoom / Zip. Which season do you like? Why?,Zoom is a bear. Zip is a squirrel.,Homework,Write a short passage to find out the best time to visit Harbin, Qingdao,Hangzhou and Sanya.,


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