Creative Problem Solving.ppt

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《Creative Problem Solving.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Creative Problem Solving.ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Creative Problem Solving,Creative,Creative is the thought process which goes beyond existing structures, patterns, ideas and realities and results in the production of ideas that are new and challenging and inevitably disruptive to the pre-eminence of existing ideas. Professor Judith Robinson Valdez

2、 The Study and Development of Creative Thinking 1987,Key Mechanisms,Opening up Divergent thinking Closing downConvergent thinking,Defer judgment Think of as many ideas as you can Be receptive to all ideas Look for ways to modify or otherwise combine ideas All ideas to incubate Be systematic Clarify

3、and make known your evaluation criteria Avoid premature closure on data Be realistic about your problem Avoid killer instruct in evaluating data Dont lose sight of where you are going,FocusChallengeSearchHarvestEvaluate SolutionforFront AlternativesRunners,?,Patterning,The system pushes uswe must br

4、eak the patterns The right answer-The second and the third right answer Thats not logical-it doesnt have to be Follow the rules-Challenge the rules Be practical-be a magician Avoid ambiguity-use ambiguity as a development tool To err is wrong-failure creates opportunities Play is frivolous-play is e

5、ssential Thats not my area-what can I learn by analogy Dont be foolish-challenge group think Im not creative-Im creative if I think I am,Where do People Find Most of Their Ideas,Sitting on toilet Showering or shaving Traveling to work During a boring meeting During leisure reading While exercising O

6、n waking in middle of night While in church While performing manual labor,Type of Solution,“Previous Problems”,What We Need To Know,What We Can Only Guess,What We Know Now,What We Could Know Now,“New Problem”,More of the same,More and Better,More and Better,Something Different,Moving The Window of O

7、ur Experience,“Previous Problems”,What We Need To Know,What We Can Only Guess,What We Know Now,What We Could Know Now,“New Problem”,Types of Problems,Opportunity: A chance to do think better or differently. You Know where you want to be. it is now a question of working out how to get there. An oppor

8、tunity is also called a clear brief. Difficulty: You know what needs to be done but the execution is demanding, exacting or intricate. Usually involves the chance of upsetting people, including yourself.,Dilemma: You seem to have to choose either one way or another, neither of which is likely to get

9、 you to where you really want to be Mess: A series of interconnected problems that you dont fully understand. There are probably many right answers but you need to unravel complexities and uncertainties Mystery: Unexplained and often ambiguous deviations from what you expected. you dont know why,Wha

10、t Is The Problem?,Have we come across the same problem before?,What are the success criteria for the solution,Have we come across a similar problem before?,What are the constraints?,What data do we have and where are the gaps?,How Are We Going to Approach The Solution?,What sort of blockbusting help

11、 do we need?,How many alternative solutions are we going to look for?,Who blocks are we likely to hit?,How long will we allow for incubation?,Can we redefine the problem?,Is This A Potential Solution?,How can we improve it?,does it meet the success criteria?,What parts of the problem does it solve a

12、nd not yet solve?,Does it meet the constraints?,Does it hold together?,Which Is The Right Solution?,Can it be implemented easily?,Can it be measured easily?,Is it effective?,Is it efficient?,Does it give us an edge?,Better Questions,The greater the degree of turbulence and change, the more we need t

13、o rely on a process of better questions and less on experience available for the answers. If we did not do this already, would we go into it now knowing what we now know? If no then what do we do now? Is there anything you might expect me to know already and which therefore you havent told me,Refram

14、ing,Stating a problem in a different way by using terms that are more convenient for your own understanding Reframe 1Rephrasing the problem in your own words so you can get it organized in your mind Reframe 2putting the problem in words you can work with Reframe 3Making the problem come to you Refra

15、me 4Making the strange familiar,Reframing,I want to persuade my client to accept our proposals How to persuade my client to accept our proposal How to win her confidence How to show her what is better about the new approach How to arouse her enthusiasm How to find the right bait to hook her interest

16、 How to reduce her fears of change how to break down her resistance ETC. ETC Some feel that “How to (H2)”as an approach points too much at one right answer and prefer to reframe with “In what ways might we”(IWWMW),Wishing,Is important as the first step Allows for expansive thinking Avoids the needs

17、to defend, by passing the self censor Allows bits & pieces of ideas to be voiced Help guard against evaluation Increases level of speculation Invites further thinking,Why Chaining at Toyota,Broken down machine,1. Why has the machine stopped/ A fuse blew because of an overload. 2. Why was there an ov

18、erload? There wasnt enough lubrication for the bearings 3. Why wasnt there enough lubrication? The pump wasnt pumping enough 4. Why wasnt enough lubrication being pumped? The pump shaft was vibrating as a result of abrasion 5. Why was there abrasion? There was no filter, which allowed chips of mater

19、ial to get into the pump,Install a filter,Why Chaining at Ogilvy & Mather,1. Why? There are too many “got a minute”s in my day 2. Why? I have an open door policy 3. Why? I want my people to have my input when there is a crisis 4. Why? We work as a team and Im the most experienced 5. Why? Teamwork an

20、d sharing make O&M productive,Never enough time to complete to do list,Plan for interruptions in your to do list and time management and feel good when your people ask for your opinion,Think of Ways to Improve A portable Radio,Think of waysThink of ways to to improveimprove something somethingportab

21、le,Make it larger Put wheels on it Polish it Make it easy to pick up Add more features Remove features of parts Use more expensive parts Have lots of pockets for accessories Make it smaller Simplify its operation Make it more flexible Make it easy to store,Stainless Steel,Add spotlight,A rubber radi

22、o that bends,Add storage compartments for extra batteries,Attribute Assocation Chains,List all major problem components and their subcomponents Read one of the subcomponents and write down the first word that pops into your mind Use this work association as a stimulus - 4 chain associations Use word

23、 associations as stimuli and generate ideas,Two Word Method,List alternative word meanings for 2 key words in problem statement Examine combinations of two words, one word from each list use combinations to suggest ideas,Fish Bones,Building The Brand,IdeasConcepts DirectionsFocus * Meter the water*

24、Increased efficiency of use * Charge for water us* Less wastage * Raise charge for use* Discourage use * Water only at certain times * Education * Put a harmless bad small in it * Restrict use for gardens * Publish names of heavy users * Threaten to ration etc.etc. * New sources * Recycling * Less w

25、astage from sources * Stop water using process * Substitute other substances * Avoid need to use water,Reduce consumption,Increase supply,Do without,Coping with a water shortage,Building The Brand,IdeasConcepts DirectionsFocus,More frequent purchase,Buy more per purchase occasion,Take from competiti

26、ve brands,Recruit new user to market,Increase usage,Increase users,Increase Brand sales,IWWMW improve a refrigerator Write Down All MajorReverse Each Problem AssumptionsAssumption Keeps food cold* Heats food Build in a small microwave oven Opening door lets out* Opening door helps Opening door trigg

27、ers a cold air retain cold air inside boost cold air until door closed Requires electricity* Requires no electricity Make it battery powered Capable of freezing most* Frozen food always Install a timedautomatic foods melts in a freezer defroster,Assumption Reversal,Six Thinking Masks,WhiteNeutral, i

28、nformation, facts & figures without comment BlackNegative, logical, why it wont work why it cant be done, why it does not fit patterns of experience YellowPositive, speculative, why it might work, what is hoped for, what the benefits might be,RedPure emotion without any need to explain or justify. A plain surfacing of current feeling on the matter GreenFertile, generative and creative, playful, new ideas, suggestions & provocations BlueOverview, to control the use of other colors and to act as an organiser of the thinking itself. process.,


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