新目标初中英语课件八年级上册《Review of Units 712》Period 2.ppt

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《新目标初中英语课件八年级上册《Review of Units 712》Period 2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标初中英语课件八年级上册《Review of Units 712》Period 2.ppt(17页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Review of units 7-12 Period 2(3a-3c) 芷江县第二中学 杨美荣,Who is he?,1.When was he born?,2.Whats he going to be when he grow up?,3.Where was he last year?,4.Whats his favorite food, noodles,curry or soup?,Can you say something about him?,S1:He is Wu Yi, he was born in,Im going to be,Los Angeles 洛杉矶 central

2、中心的,中央的 diner 路边小餐馆,小饭店 curry 咖喱饭 deli 熟食店 leader 领导,指挥 band 乐队 easy 容易的,new words,1,3,2,4,Listen to the tape and write the correct number in the box.,cook the onions, the carrots, and the butter in some water for 3 minutes.,add the cabbage and cook for a few more minutes.,add a little salt and pepp

3、er.,Listen again fill in the chart.,All over the world,Put an advertisement in the newspaper.,Next month,First, practice the four conversations above. Then act them out with your partners.,Pairwork,Then make your own conversations with your partners.,How do you make noodles? First, Then, Next, Final

4、ly,(1),(2),A is er than B. A is the est of the three.,Lets listen and answer the folling questions.,Q1: Where did the Whites go last Saturday?,They went to the farm.,Q2:Was it early when they got home?,Q3:What did Mrs White hear when she got into the house?,She heard someone talking in the bedroom.,

5、No, it was late.,Q4:Were there any thieves in their house?,No, there werent.,Q5:What happened to them?,Mr White forgot to turn off the radio.,Do some exercises.,1.Which do you like_(well), apples, pears or bananas? 2.Let me _ (help) you _ (make) fruit salad. 3.Could you please _ (make) a kite for me

6、. 4.Do you have _(many)books than Tom? 5._(be)your mother in Beijing last week? 6._ (final), I work out the problem. 7.Here _ (be) a recipe for soup. 8.What _ you _ (be) when you grow up? Im going to be a _ (teach).,best,help,make,make,more,Was,Finally,is,are,going to be,teacher,一 单句改错。 ( )1 This is

7、 his the best book. (A) (B) (C) (D) ( )2. . Mary is the youngest in the three girls. (A) (B) (C) (D),( )3. Which do you like best, this one or that one? (A) (B) (C) (D) ( )4. Mike is very cleverer than Jack. (A) (B) (C) (D) ( )5. Kate draws best of her class. (A ) (B ) (C ) (D),B,C,of,C,better,B,muc

8、h,C,in,Homework: Do some exercise in your exercise book.,1.Im glad our meeting is a great _ ( 成功)。 2. Its a long _(距离)from Beijing to Fujian. 3. The computer is too expensive. I dont have _ _ (足够)money to buy it. 4He is one of _(最滑稽) actors. 5. Doing chores at home all day is very _.(单调).,单词拼写:根据中文提示,补全单词,6. Jaspers has the most friendly (最友好的)service. 7. Hotels usually _ (降低它们的价格) in winter. 8. I think Cride Theatre has _ (最舒适的)seats. 9. The Art Festival _ (持续了大约10天). 10Who _(赢)the prize for the best performer last night?,Thanks for listening!,


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