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1、.TO by P. B. Shelley One word is too often profaned For me to profane it,One feeling too falsely distaind For thee to distain it;One hope is too like despair For prudence to smother,And pity from thee more dear Than that from another.I can not give what men call love: But wilt thou accept notThe wor

2、ship the heart lifts above And the heavens reject not,And the desire of the moth for the star, Of the nigth for the morrowThe devotion to something afar From the sphere of our sorrow.致有一个字经常被人亵渎 我不会再来亵渎有一种感情被人假意鄙薄你也不会再来鄙薄。有一种希望太似绝望; 何须再加提防!你的令悯之情无人能比, 温暖着我的心。我不能给你人们所称的爱情, 但不知你能否接受这颗心对你的仰慕之情, 连上天也不会拒

3、绝。犹如飞蛾扑向星星, 又如黑夜追求黎明。这种思慕之情, 早已跳出了人间的苦境!Loves Philosophy P.B.ShelleyThe fountains mingle with riverAnd the rivers with the ocean,The winds of Heaven mix for everWith a sweet emotion;Nothing in the world is single;All things by a law divineIn one spirit meet and mingle.Why not I with thine?See the mo

4、untains kiss high HeavenAnd the waves clasp one another;No sister-flower would be forgivenIf it disdained its brother;And the sunlight clasps the earthAnd the moonbeams kiss the sea:What is all this sweet work worthIf thou kiss not me? 1819爱的哲学 一 出山的泉水与江河汇流, 江河又与海洋相遇。 天空里风与风互相渗透, 融洽于甜蜜的深情。 万物遵循同一条神圣

5、法则, 在同一精神中会合; 世界上一切都无独有偶, 为什么我和你却否? 二 看高高的山峰亲吻蓝空, 波浪和波浪相抱相拥, 没有一朵姐妹花会被宽容, 如果竟轻视她的弟兄; 灿烂的阳光抚抱大地, 明丽的月华亲吻海波, 一切甜美的天工有何价值, 如果,你不吻我? Indian serenadeI arise from dreams of thee In the first sweet sleep of night,When the winds are breathing low,And the stars are shining bright.I arise from dreams of thee,

6、And a spirit in my feetHath led mewho knows how?To thy chamber window, Sweet!The wandering airs they faintOn the dark, the silent streamAnd the Champaks odoursLike sweet thoughts in a dream;The nightingales complaint,It dies upon her heart,As I must on thine,O belovd as thou art!O lift me from the g

7、rass!I die! I faint! I fail!Let thy love in kisses rainOn my lips and eyelids pale.My cheek is cold and white, alas!My heart beats loud and fast:O press it to thine own again,Where it will break at last!印度小夜曲 一夜晚第一度香甜的睡眠里,从梦你的梦中起身下了地,习习的夜风正轻轻地吹,灿烂的星星闪耀着光辉;从梦你的梦中起身下了地,有个精灵附在我的脚底,引导着我,哦,不可思议,来到你的纱窗下,亲

8、爱的! 二四处游荡的乐声已疲惫,隐没在幽暗静寂的清溪金香木的芳馨已经消逝,就像梦中那甜美的情思;夜莺一声声泣血的怨啼已在她的心底溘然死去我的生命也将在你心上熄灭,哦,我所热爱的只是你! 三哦,快把我从茵草地上扶起,我急促,我无力,我将昏迷,让你的爱在吻的密雨里降落,落在我苍白的嘴唇和眼皮;我的面颊冰凉,惨白无血!我的心音响沉重,跳动迅疾哦,再一次把它拥紧在心窝,它终将在你的心窝里碎裂。On A Faded Violet by Percy Bysshe ShelleyThe odor from the flower is gone,Which like thy kisses breathed o

9、n me;The color from the flower is flown,Which glowed of thee, and only thee!A shriveled, lifeless, vacant form,It lies on my abandoned breast,And mocks the heart, which yet is warm,With cold and silent rest.I weep my tears revive it not;I sigh it breathes no more on me;Its mute and uncomplaining lot

10、Is such as mine should be.一朵枯萎的紫罗兰 一这朵花的芬芳已经消隐, 像你的吻对我吐露过的气味;这朵花的颜色已经凋殒, 它曾使我想起你独有的光辉。 二一个萎缩、僵死、空虚的形体, 搁置在我被冷落的胸襟,以它冷漠、寂静、无声的安息 嘲弄我依旧热烈的痴心。 三我哭泣,泪水不能使它复生; 我叹息,你不再向我吐露气息;它静默无声无所怨尤的命运, 正和我所应得的那种无异。1818年To Yet look on me - take not thine eyes away,Which feed upon the love within mine own,Which is indee

11、d but the reflected rayOf thine own beauty from my spirit thrown.Yet speak to me - thy voice is as the toneOf my hearts echo, and I think I hearThat thou yet lovest me; yet thou aloneLike one before a mirror, without careOf aught but thine own features, imaged there;And yet I wear out life in watchi

12、ng thee;A toil so sweet at times, and thou indeedArt kind when I am sick, and pity me. 致依旧看着我别把眼睛移开, 让它们继续享宴我眼睛中的爱,这爱其实也不过是你自己的美在我的灵魂深处反射出的光辉;依旧对我说话你的声息似我心声的回音,我以为我听见 你说你仍爱我,而你却是自语,像面对镜子的人,只关心那里面你自己的容貌,并未对别人留意,而我依旧在消耗着生命注视着你, 这是一种苦役,有时却也甜蜜,我厌烦时你对我确实亲切而怜惜。To Mary By Percy Bysshe ShelleyO Mary dear, t

13、hat you were hereWith your brown eyes bright and clear.And your sweet voice, like a birdSinging love to its lone mateIn the ivy bower disconsolate;Voice the sweetest ever heard!And your brow more.Than the skyOf this azure Italy.Mary dear, come to me soon,I am not well whilst thou art far;As sunset t

14、o the sphered moon,As twilight to the western star,Thou, beloved, art to me.O Mary dear, that you were here;The Castle echo whispers Here! 给 玛 丽哦,玛丽,你能在这里多好,你和你明亮开朗的棕色眼睛,你那甜美的话语声,似小鸟向常春藤荫寂寞忧郁的伴侣倾吐爱情时的婉转嘤鸣,那天地间最甜美动听的乐音!还有你的秀额更胜过这蔚蓝色意大利的天空。亲爱的玛丽,快来到我的身旁,我失去了健康,当你远在他乡;你对于我,玛丽,亲爱的,就像黄昏对于西方的星辰,就像日落对于圆满的月

15、亮。哦,亲爱的玛丽,但愿你在这里,古堡的回声也低语:“在这里!”1818年ToMusic, when soft voices die,Vibrates in the memory - Odours, when sweet violets sicken,Live within the sense they quicken.Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,Are heaped for the beloveds bed;And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,Love itself shall slumber on. 当温

16、柔的声音消失时 - 波西.比西.雪莱当温柔的声音消失时,音乐,在记忆中颤动;当甜美的紫罗兰凋谢时,芳香,在嗅觉间萦绕。当玫瑰凋谢时,叶瓣,堆成爱人的床;当你飘然远去,爱情,将在我对你的思念中安眠致音乐,当袅袅的余音消灭之时,还在记忆之中震荡花香,当芬芳的紫罗兰凋谢时,还在心魂之中珍藏。玫瑰花,当她的花时尽了,用落红为她的所爱铺成锦床;对你的思念也如此,待你远行了,爱情就枕着思念进入梦乡。TO . When passions trance is overpast, If tenderness and truth could last, Or live, whilst all wild feeli

17、ngs keep Some mortal slumber, dark and deep, I should not weep, I should not weep! It were enough to feel, to see, Thy soft eyes gazing tenderly, And dream the restand burn and be The secret food of fires unseen, Couldst thou but be as thou hast been, After the slumber of the year The woodland viole

18、ts reappear; All things revive in field or grove, And sky and sea, but two, which move And form all others, life and love. 1821. 致当销魂荡魄的欢乐已成过去,如果,爱和真诚犹能够继续,尚有生命,尽管狂热的感受在作深沉黑暗死一般的安息,我就不会哭泣,就不会哭泣!能感觉、能看见:你在凝视,那温柔的双眸脉脉深含情意,而想象其余,燃烧并且成为无形烈火的燃料,也就足够,你若能始终如一,不变依旧。每当年岁又经历过一度休眠,紫罗兰花会在林地重新出现,天地和海洋,万物都会复苏,例外的

19、独有赋予万物以形态、给予万物以活力的生命和爱。 1821年ToI.I fear thy kisses, gentle maiden,Thou needest not fear mine;My spirit is too deeply ladenEver to burthen thine.II.I fear thy mien, thy tones, thy motion,Thou needest not fear mine;Innocent is the hearts devotionWith which I worship thine. 致温柔的少女,我怕你的吻, 你却无须害怕我的; 我的心已负载得够阴沉, 不致再给你以忧郁。 我怕你的风度、举止、声音, 你却无须害怕我的; 这颗心以真诚对你的心, 它只纯洁地膜拜你。 ;.


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