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1、高考英语做宾语的成分,Object 1.They keep deer and sheep on this farm. 2.We can invite them to our party . 3.How many sheep have you got on your farm ? _ Weve got 20 ,000 this year . 4.We shall have to separate the young from the old . 5.I am learning to ride ,so I am not good at it yet . 6.I like sailing best

2、of all . 7.How many dollars do you need ? 8.Do you think that the study tour is very important ?,(n),(pron),(number),(the +adj ),(to do ),(-ing ),(phrase),(clause),1.I prefer to do it well now . 2.He pretended to fall asleep when I came into the room. 3.They decided to go to Britain to study English

3、 . 4.We expect to get someone to take care of our pets when we are out . 5.I promise to give you as much help as I can .,归纳:还有哪些动词可以加上to do 做宾语?,romise (答应)demand(要求) mean (打算) pretend (假装) wish (希望) hope (希望) expect (期望) desire (期望) manage (设法) apply (申请) undertake (负责) care (愿意) offer (提出) arrange

4、 (安排) agree (同意) learn (学习) prepare (准备) dare (敢) determine (决定) decide (决定) refuse (拒绝) beg (恳求) seek (企图)attempt (试图),1.Prefer_ (walk ) to the office ,I would rather _(not drive) my car. 2.I asked him to lend me some money , but he refused _(help) me . 3.我不是故意伤害你的。,to walk,not drive,to help,I didn

5、t mean to hurt you .,当妈妈回来的时候,他装作正在看书。 当妈妈回来的时候,他正在看电视,装作已经做好作业了。 当妈妈回来的时候,他打开书本,装作做作业。,When Mother came home,he pretended to be reading .,When Mother came home ,he was watching TV,pretending to have finished his homework .,hen Mother came home ,he opened his books and pretended to do his homework .

6、,1.She always enjoys walking in the street after supper . 2.I cant imagine living in such a small house ! 3.You should obey the rules and cannot escape being punished when you break them. 4.He admitted having stolen that car!,Conclude:哪些动词后面只能接doing做宾语?,allow(允许) permit (允许) admit (承认) dislike (不喜欢)

7、 imagine(想象) involve (牵涉) advise (建议) suggest (建议) excuse (原谅) forgive (原谅) escape (逃脱) consider (考虑) avoid (避免) mind (介意) enjoy (欣赏) practise (练习) delay (推迟) forbid (禁止) miss (错过) finish (完成) Keep(连续不断) risk(冒风险) apprciate(感激),那只鸟逃脱了,免遭猎人的杀手 我不介意没有被邀请参加聚会,The boy escaped being killed by the hunter

8、.,I dont mind not having been invited to the party .,I.I look forward to hearing from you . 2.You should pay attention to these phrases and expressions . 3.Let us get down to these work . 4.Having been here for so many years ,I have been used to living in this small city .,Conclude:以介词to结尾的常用短语:,dev

9、otededicatecontribute to look forward to stick to be used to object to get down to pay attention to leadto the key to ,我期望能尽快收到你的来信。 我母亲强烈反对我玩电子游戏。 一切就绪,他们着手修建大坝。 Much attention should be paid to _ (improve ) your oral English .,I look forward to hearing from you soon .,My mother strongly objected t

10、o my playing computer games.,Well prepared,they got down to building the big Dam .,improving,a.We regret to inform you that you are fired . b.I regret having said to you in the rude way . a.I forgot sending the letter and looked it for everywhere . b.I forgot to send the letter and had to go to the

11、post office another day . a.Do remember to lock the door . b.Why is the door open ?I remembe locking it when I left . a.I am sorry ,I didnt mean to hurt you . b.Failure means trying again .,Conclude: regret to do sth _ regret doing sth _ forget to do sth_ forget doing sth_ remember to do _ remember

12、doing sth _ mean to do sth _ mean doing sth _ stop to do sth _ stop doing sth _,遗憾要做某事,后悔做了某事,忘记要做某事,忘记做了某事,记得要做某事,记得做了某事,打算做某事,意味着做某事,停下来做某事,停止做某事,In this city ,missing a bus means _ (wait) for another hour . The bus stooped _(run) and stopped _(pick up ) some passengers . The student who failed in

13、 the exam regret _(waste) so much time In playing computer games . I forget _ (take) the key with me .And when I broke my door ,I found that the key was in my pocket .,waiting,running,to pick up,wasting,taking,Object Clause 1.He said (that) he was going to study in Australia . 2.He asked his sister

14、whether she had been appointed as Chairwoman . 3.He asked whose handwriting was the best . 4.I dont know why he didnt come here yesterday . 5.I will you give you whatever you like ,if you can go with me .,Conclusion:1):在宾语从句中,要使用_语序;,陈述,1.Someone is ringing the doorbell .Go and see _ . A.who is he B

15、.who he is C.who is it D.who it is 2.The teacher asked me _ and I told her that I had got a cold . A.what was the matter B.what the matter was C.that was the matter D.that the matter was 3.老师问我们为什么没有计算出这次旅行的花费,The teacher asked us why we didnt calculate the expense of the trip .,引导词的分类:,that:,If whe

16、ther,疑问词等:,连接代词:,连接副词:,Who whom whose what which how many whoever Whatever whichever whomever,When where why how whenever wherever however,1.I dont know _ book is better ,Luxuns or liang shiqius. 2.The teacher askes us _ we can succeed in the next competition . 3.I have no doubt _ he can win the top

17、 prize in the contest . 4.Everyone would like to know _ made Jack become so crazy . 5._ comes will be welcome . 6.I cant understand _ that disabled man managed to save his children in the big fire . 7.He realised _ all the things were done by his son . 8.I dont know _ is the “Father of Classificatio

18、n”. 9.You should be sorry for _ you have done . 10.Never talk with _ is rude .,Whosewhich,whether,that,what,Whoever,how,that,who,whatwhatever,whoever,引导词的分类:,that:,If whether,疑问词等:,连接代词:,连接副词:,Who whom whose what which how many Whatever whichever whoever whomever,When where why how whenever wherever

19、 however,充当主语、宾语、表语,状语,不充当成分,“是否”,思考:这里所总结的关于成分与引导词的对应知识 对于其它的名词性从句是否同样适用? 1.That is what I want you do . 2.Whatever I want is the best. 3.My question is who will be the best people to climb up the mountain . 4.The village is not what it used to be . 5.My opinion is that we should obey every rule .

20、6.Whether we will buy that depends on the price . 7.When he will come is unknown .,结论:以上关于成分及引导词的对应关系适用于所有的名词性从句,但:表“是否”时,if只能够用于宾语从句,而且不与ornot连用,1._ comes here should obey the rules . 2.It is unwise to give children _ they like . A.whatever B.whenever C.who D.that *3._ you go ,I will find you . A.w

21、hatever B.wherever C.that D.what 4.I doubt _ he could go to work or not . A.what B.that C.where D.whether 5.Many people think _ chatting with strangers on the internet is meaningless . 6.他所给予的任何东西,我们都必须拒绝。 7.我们是否出去旅行取决于天气。,Whoever,A,B,D,that,We should refuse whatever he gives .,Whether we willgo out

22、 for a trip depends on the weather .,That The teacher tells me (that) talking in class is a bad habit . The people in the hometown think (that) spending money on education is worthy . Many people found (that) spending too much time is not effctive . The doctor told me (that) I was badly ill and that

23、 I should have a rest . He said (that) he had finished reading this novel and that he would borrow another one .,宾语从句中的that一般情况下都可以省略,但是如果一个句子带有两个宾语从句时,第二个宾语从句的引导词不可以省略。,他说明天的天气很好,我们可以出去野餐。 我妈妈说爸爸在下周庆祝生日,到时会有一个晚会。,He said (that) the weather tomorrow is fine and that we can go our for a walk .,My mot

24、her said (that) my father will celebrate his birthday next week and that there will be a party .,You may not depend on that she will help you .(x) You may not depend on it that she will help you .(Right) The people stood still except that his lips moves slightly .,1.介词后不能加that引导的宾语从句(except、but、besi

25、des、in除外) 2.如果要在介词后加上由that引导的宾语从 句,可以先在前面加上it做形式宾语,再加上 that从句,1.He ordered that the door _ (lock ) before dark . 2.He insisted that we _ (start) off immediately . 3.What he did suggested that he _ (receive) little education. 4.John insisted that Bob _ (take) his wallet and that he _(returne) it to h

26、im .,be locked,should start,had received,had taken,return,在某些动词后面的宾语从句中,需要使用(should) +v 的虚拟语气形式。这些动词有: 一坚持: 二命令: 三建议: 四要求:,insist,command order,suggest advise propose,require request demand desire,Notice: suggest who B.every ;whoever C.whichever;whoever D.either ;whoever 2.(01上海 31) Little Tommy was

27、 reluctant to tell the schoolmaster _ he had done the day before . A.that B.how C.where D.what 3.(02上海春)When you answer questions in a job interview ,please remember the golden rule :Always give the monkey exactly _ he wants . A.what B.which C.when D.that 4.(03 春)People have heard what the President

28、 has said ;they are waiting to see _ he will do . A.how B.what C.when D.that 5.(04湖南24) I think Father would like to know _ Ive been up to so far ,so I decide to send him a quick note . A.which B.why C.what D.how,C,D,A,B,C,6.(全国I ) Mary wrote an article on _ the team had failed to win the game . A.w

29、hy B.what C.who D.that 7.(全国II.)The poor young man is ready to accept _ help he can get . A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whenever 8.(北京,29)As soon as he comes back ,I will tell him when _ and see him . A.you will come B.will you come C.you come D.do you come 9. (重庆34)The old ladys hand shook fre

30、quently .She explained to her doctor _this shaking had begun half a year before ,and _ ,only because of this ,she had been forced to give up her job . A.when ;how B.how ;when C.how ;how D.why;why 10. (福建 26)Mum is coming .What present_ for your birthday ? A.you expect she has got B.you expect has sh

31、e got C.do you expect she has got D.do you expect has she got 11.(江西 33) The way he did it different _ we were used to . A.in which B .in what C.from what D.from which,A,C,A,C,C,C,12.(北京2004) We cannot fingure out _ quite a number of insects ,birds ,and animals are dying out . A.that B.as C.why D.wh

32、en 13.Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interests. A.anyone B.whomever C.whoever D.no matter who 14.In some parts of London ,missing a bus means _for another hour . A.waiting B.to wait C.wait D.to be waiting 15.(海淀期中)_ Do you know _ ? _ Yes ,he works in a hospital . A.where does Tom work B.where Tom works C.what does Tom do D.what Tom does 16.(潍坊统考)Id appreciate _ if you would turn the radio down . A.that B.it C.this D.you,C,C,A,B,B,


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