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1、Part II: Agency Service Recommendation,The successful marketing/communication campaigns of Grey Global Group Beijing that targets on the “Young & Hip” segments,1, Portfolio of Communication Programs to Youth Market,Case #1, Kangshifu Ice Tea,Background An average ice tea product, a line extension fr

2、om the leading instant noodle brand “Kangshifu” (Marster Kon), much lagging behind key competitor President Communication Strategy Leverage the power of youth culture and popular idol to “break” from the conservative and average brand image Communication Idea “Cool Power”, represented by pop music s

3、tar Ren Xianqi Execution Consistent thematic advertising by Ren, froom 2001-2003 Event marketing: concerts, roadshow, fan gathering, campus competition, etc. Retail marketing: POSM, lucky draws Interactive program: minisite, online games, email marketing, etc. Results In 2001 Kangshifu Ice Tea quick

4、ly rose to market leadership Continuous sales growth in 2002 and 2003,Case #1, Kangshifu Ice Tea,Case #2: M Launch,Background M, a South Africa funded internet company, was launched in China as general portal in April 2000, but without success In early 2001, Grey was assigned the task of relaunch M

5、as the “online service provider”, to the new internet users who are looking for value and aid in internet access Communication Strategy Focus on the differentiation in 24 hours door-to-door service, to establish the positioning of “Best Service Provider of Exciting Internet Experience” Communication

6、 Idea Door-to-door service, anytime, anywhere Execution Repackage of product and comm. packages Thematic ad. campaign (TV, Print, Outdoor) “Haircut” On-premise promotion program: sampling of Starter Kit, lucky draw, etc. Results MBW brand awareness quickly rose to 60% within target audience in one m

7、onth Registration and enquiry kicked off at the ad campaign, increasing by 200%,Case #2: M Launch,Full set of product package and communication materials that delivers the dynamic impact of the brand,Case #2: M Launch,Thematic advertising delivers brand differentiation in a humorous & authentic way,TVC,Print,


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