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1、,Index,Flashnote Nat Resources and higher-than-expected coal price.,China Resources Power (836 HK) Independent Power Producers 9 November 2012 Financials therefore, we reiterate our Overweight rating. Potential return equals the percentage difference between the current share price and the target pr

2、ice, including the forecast dividend yield when indicated. Downside risk includes lower-than-expected coal production, coal ASP, power generation; and higher- than-expected coal price. 6,China Resources Power (836 HK) Independent Power Producers,abc,9 November 2012 Disclosure appendix Analyst Certif

3、ication The following analyst(s), economist(s), and/or strategist(s) who is(are) primarily responsible for this report, certifies(y) that the opinion(s) on the subject security(ies) or issuer(s) and/or any other views or forecasts expressed herein accurately reflect their personal view(s) and that n

4、o part of their compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation(s) or views contained in this research report: Jenny Louise Cosgrove and Summer Huang Important disclosures Stock ratings and basis for financial analysis HSBC believes that investors utilis

5、e various disciplines and investment horizons when making investment decisions, which depend largely on individual circumstances such as the investors existing holdings, risk tolerance and other considerations. Given these differences, HSBC has two principal aims in its equity research: 1) to identi

6、fy long-term investment opportunities based on particular themes or ideas that may affect the future earnings or cash flows of companies on a 12 month time horizon; and 2) from time to time to identify short-term investment opportunities that are derived from fundamental, quantitative, technical or

7、event-driven techniques on a 0-3 month time horizon and which may differ from our long-term investment rating. HSBC has assigned ratings for its long-term investment opportunities as described below. This report addresses only the long-term investment opportunities of the companies referred to in th

8、e report. As and when HSBC publishes a short-term trading idea the stocks to which these relate are identified on the website at Details of these short-term investment opportunities can be found under the Reports section of this website. HSBC believes an investors decision to buy or sell a stock sho

9、uld depend on individual circumstances such as the investors existing holdings and other considerations. Different securities firms use a variety of ratings terms as well as different rating systems to describe their recommendations. Investors should carefully read the definitions of the ratings use

10、d in each research report. In addition, because research reports contain more complete information concerning the analysts views, investors should carefully read the entire research report and should not infer its contents from the rating. In any case, ratings should not be used or relied on in isol

11、ation as investment advice. Rating definitions for long-term investment opportunities Stock ratings HSBC assigns ratings to its stocks in this sector on the following basis: For each stock we set a required rate of return calculated from the cost of equity for that stocks domestic or, as appropriate

12、, regional market established by our strategy team. The price target for a stock represents the value the analyst expects the stock to reach over our performance horizon. The performance horizon is 12 months. For a stock to be classified as Overweight, the potential return, which equals the percenta

13、ge difference between the current share price and the target price, including the forecast dividend yield when indicated, must exceed the required return by at least 5 percentage points over the next 12 months (or 10 percentage points for a stock classified as Volatile*). For a stock to be classifie

14、d as Underweight, the stock must be expected to underperform its required return by at least 5 percentage points over the next 12 months (or 10 percentage points for a stock classified as Volatile*). Stocks between these bands are classified as Neutral. Our ratings are re-calibrated against these ba

15、nds at the time of any material change (initiation of coverage, change of volatility status or change in price target). Notwithstanding this, and although ratings are subject to ongoing management review, expected returns will be permitted to move outside the bands as a result of normal share price

16、fluctuations without necessarily triggering a rating change. 7,Nov-07,Nov-08,Nov-09,Nov-10,Nov-11,May-08,May-09,May-10,May-11,May-12,Nov-12,45%,17%,4,China Resources Power (836 HK) Independent Power Producers,abc,9 November 2012 *A stock will be classified as volatile if its historical volatility ha

17、s exceeded 40%, if the stock has been listed for less than 12 months (unless it is in an industry or sector where volatility is low) or if the analyst expects significant volatility. However, stocks which we do not consider volatile may in fact also behave in such a way. Historical volatility is def

18、ined as the past months average of the daily 365-day moving average volatilities. In order to avoid misleadingly frequent changes in rating, however, volatility has to move 2.5 percentage points past the 40% benchmark in either direction for a stocks status to change. Rating distribution for long-te

19、rm investment opportunities As of 08 November 2012, the distribution of all ratings published is as follows:,Overweight (Buy),(28% of these provided with Investment Banking Services),Neutral (Hold) Underweight (Sell),38%,(26% of these provided with Investment Banking Services) (20% of these provided

20、 with Investment Banking Services),Share price and rating changes for long-term investment opportunities,China Resources Power (0836.HK) Share Price performance HKD Vs HSBC,Recommendation HK The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Hong Kong; TW HSBC Securities (Taiwan) Corporation Lim

21、ited; CA HSBC Bank Canada, Toronto; HSBC Bank, Paris Branch; HSBC France; DE HSBC Trinkaus HSBC,abc Issuer of report The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Level 19, 1 Queens Road Central Hong Kong SAR Telephone: +852 2843 9111 Telex: 75100 CAPEL HX Fax: +852 2596 0200 Website: ,Mxico

22、, SA, Institucin de Banca Mltiple, Grupo Financiero HSBC; HSBC Bank Brasil SA Banco Mltiplo; HSBC Bank Australia Limited; HSBC Bank Argentina SA; HSBC Saudi Arabia Limited; The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, New Zealand Branch incorporated in Hong Kong SAR This document has been

23、issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (“HSBC”) in the conduct of its Hong Kong regulated business for the information of its institutional and professional investor (as defined by Securities and Future Ordinance (Chapter 571) customers; it is not intended for and should not

24、 be distributed to retail customers in Hong Kong. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited is regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. All enquires by recipients in Hong Kong must be directed to your HSBC contact in Hong Kong. If it is received by a customer of an affiliate of HSB

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26、nformation obtained from sources it believes to be reliable but which it has not independently verified; HSBC makes no guarantee, representation or warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability as to its accuracy or completeness. Expressions of opinion are those of the Research Division of HSB

27、C only and are subject to change without notice. HSBC and its affiliates and/or their officers, directors and employees may have positions in any securities mentioned in this document (or in any related investment) and may from time to time add to or dispose of any such securities (or investment). H

28、SBC and its affiliates may act as market maker or have assumed an underwriting commitment in the securities of companies discussed in this document (or in related investments), may sell them to or buy them from customers on a principal basis and may also perform or seek to perform investment banking

29、 or underwriting services for or relating to those companies. HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. accepts responsibility for the content of this research report prepared by its non-US foreign affiliate. All U.S. persons receiving and/or accessing this report and wishing to effect transactions in any security

30、 discussed herein should do so with HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. in the United States and not with its non-US foreign affiliate, the issuer of this report. In the UK this report may only be distributed to persons of a kind described in Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Fina

31、ncial Promotion) Order 2001. The protections afforded by the UK regulatory regime are available only to those dealing with a representative of HSBC Bank plc in the UK. In Singapore, this publication is distributed by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Singapore Branch for the gen

32、eral information of institutional investors or other persons specified in Sections 274 and 304 of the Securities and Futures Act (Chapter 289) (“SFA”) and accredited investors and other persons in accordance with the conditions specified in Sections 275 and 305 of the SFA. This publication is not a

33、prospectus as defined in the SFA. It may not be further distributed in whole or in part for any purpose. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Singapore Branch is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Recipients in Singapore should contact a Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

34、Corporation Limited, Singapore Branch representative in respect of any matters arising from, or in connection with this report. In Australia, this publication has been distributed by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (ABN 65 117 925 970, AFSL 301737) for the general information o

35、f its “wholesale” customers (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001). Where distributed to retail customers, this research is distributed by HSBC Bank Australia Limited (AFSL No. 232595). These respective entities make no representations that the products or services mentioned in this document are

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37、ew Zealand by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, New Zealand Branch incorporated in Hong Kong SAR. In Japan, this publication has been distributed by HSBC Securities (Japan) Limited. It may not be further distributed in whole or in part for any purpose. In Korea, this publication

38、 is distributed by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Seoul Securities Branch (HBAP SLS) for the general information of professional investors specified in Article 9 of the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act (“FSCMA”). This publication is not a prospectus as de

39、fined in the FSCMA. It may not be further distributed in whole or in part for any purpose. HBAP SLS is regulated by the Financial Services Commission and the Financial Supervisory Service of Korea. In Canada, this document has been distributed by HSBC Bank Canada and/or its affiliates. Where this do

40、cument contains market updates/overviews, or similar materials (collectively deemed “Commentary” in Canada although other affiliate jurisdictions may term “Commentary” as either “macro-research” or “research”), the Commentary is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to sell or subscrib

41、e for, any financial product or instrument (including, without limitation, any currencies, securities, commodities or other financial instruments). Copyright 2012, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, on any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. MICA (P) 038/04/2012, MICA (P) 063/04/2012 and MICA (P) 206/01/2012 10,


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