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1、1,Human Resource Management人力資源管理,Personnel Planning and Recruiting Page: 115120 指導教授: 陳 心 懿 教授 系 級: 夜企管.三 組 員: 洪秀枝 39346016 黃雅雪 39346033 蕭 諺 39346041 謝佩怜 39346047 李嘉慧 39346049,2,內容大綱,Recruitment in 1. China 2. Hong Kong 3. Malaysia 4. Philippines 5. Thailand 6. Singapore 7. South Korea 8. Vietnam R

2、ecruitment Methods In Asia Country,3,Recruitment in China , Hong Kong,1. Recruitment in China (1.1) before and after the economic reforms 經濟改革前後 (1.2) foreign Representative office 外商辦事處 (1.3) Joint Ventures and WFOE 合資企業、完全外資企業 (1.4) recruiting Managers for China Operations 招募經理人 2. Recruitment in

3、Hong Kong (2.1) attracting Skilled Workers 吸引技術人員 (2.2) anti-discrimination Laws 反歧視法,4,1. Recruitment in China,(1.1) 經濟改革前後 Before the introduction of economic reforms, employment and recruitment were carried out strictly according government plans at all levels in the economy. Recruitment fairs ar

4、e organized by employment service centers in the cities. 在中國經濟改革前,雇用及招募員工是需嚴格地依據政府各項經濟計 劃實行。 由各省市就業服務中心舉辦人力招募博覽會。,5,1. Recruitment in China,(1.2) 外商辦事處 The monopoly held by Foreign Enterprise Services Corporation (FESCO) ended when other government sponsored service providers were set up to compete

5、with FESCO. 當中國政府成立提供相同服務的單位與FESCO 競爭時,原由FESCO獨佔此服務的情況才得以結束。,6,1. Recruitment in China,(1.3) 合資企業、完全外資企業 Joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) have legal person status. In terms of employment, they have more autonomy than foreign representative office. 合資企業和完全外資的企業(WFOEs) 有法人身份

6、。在雇用員工方面,他們擁有比外資辦事處更多的自主權。,7,1. Recruitment in China,(1.4) 招募經理人 McEllister suggests several methods for foreign companies to recruit and retain managers in China. Identify students from China studying abroad.國外留學歸國的 Recruit from Chinese management ranks. 中國的管理階層 McEllister也觀察有些公司意識到,由同種族的中國人較能管理中國人

7、.,8,2. Recruitment in Hong Kong,(2.1) 吸引技術人員 Under the Talents Scheme announced in December 1999, working visas are issued to skilled persons who are difficult to recruit in Hong Kong. 1999年12月宣佈人才引進計劃前,在香港要招募到有工作簽証的技術人員是困難的。,9,2. Recruitment in Hong Kong,(2.2) 反歧視法 The Hong Kong government has intr

8、oduced several anti-discrimination laws. These include the Sex Discrimination Ordinance , the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, and the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance. 香港政府已制定數個反歧視的法令。包括反性別歧視條例、反殘障歧視條例和家庭崗位歧視條例.,10,個案匹X匹工业股份有限公司,1. 人员需求的申请、批准程序: 各部门须在控制范围制定人员需求计划,经内部调整、确认后提出人 员需求,填写人员增补申请

9、表 ,并得到总经理或公司指定项 目负责人批准。 2. 聘用标准: (1) 作业员:初中毕业以上学历 (2) 管理、工程技术、业务类:中专毕业以上学历 (3) 符合下列情况并经总经理或公司指定项目负责人批准,可不受上述 条件限制: a. 在同类型企业有管理经验 b. 具有特殊技能或具体工作经验为本厂所需,11,3. 招聘方式:人员增补申请表批准人可批注招聘作业方式;或由人事部单项或 多项选择如下方式:,(1) 公榜招聘: 工厂门口贴招工广告 (2) 人才市场招聘: 主要是去私营企业的固定的场所 “智通人才市场”和”汇安人才市场” . 提前预定場地,如果有場地的话,到現場才交費用。求職者進入要 付

10、約RMB10的入場券。大专以上学历毕业一年以后就可以免费办 理VIP,免费入场。 智通人才市场总部周三300、周六450、周日450 智通人才市场长安分部周三300、周六350、周日400 汇安人才市场 周三200、周六、周日350,個案匹X匹工业股份有限公司,12,(3) 网上招聘: 智通人才网,RMB 4000/年 (4) 其它方式: a. 熟人介绍 b. 劳务中介 c. 学校,個案匹X匹工业股份有限公司,13,3. Recruitment in Malaysia,In Malaysia, when recruitment staff, employers have to comply w

11、ith the governments bumiputra policy of proportionate racial mix. For sales positions, it is more convenient to have employees who are from the same ethnic group as the clients. 在馬來西亞,當招募職員時,雇主必須依從政府的bumiputra 政策按一定種族混合比例。 對銷售位置而言,有來自和客戶相同族群的雇員是更方便的。,14,3. Recruitment in Malaysia,(3.1) Recruitment M

12、ethods For newspaper advertisement, employers usually used both English and Bahasa Malaysia. 招募方法為報紙廣告,雇主通常使用英語和馬來語。,15,3. Recruitment in Malaysia,(3.2) Recruiting Foreign Skilled Workers In Malaysia, there are guidelines for employing foreigners. There are two main categories: expatriate personnel

13、(mainly white-collar workers and resident representatives of foreign companies) and unskilled workers. 在馬來西亞,有雇用外國人的指導方針。 有二個主要類別:移居國外的人員(主要白領工人和外國公司的常駐代表) 和非技術工人。,16,3. Recruitment in Malaysia,(3.3) Preferential Treatment for MSC Companies Companies with the MSC status are given preferential treatm

14、ent such as removal of limit on employment of foreigners. MSC多媒體高級通道被給予的優惠待遇,如撤除對外國人就業限制 。,17,4. Recruitment in the Philippines,Overseas Filipino Workers The number of overseas Filipino workers (OFW) is estimated to be two million. The overseas labour placement program was set up in the 1970s as a“t

15、emporary”measure to ease unemployment. 菲律賓在海外的工作者估計是兩百萬。1970年代,一個稱作“temporary”的海外勞動計畫被執行來緩和失業率。 temporary-暫時 短暫的,18,5. Recruitment in Thailand,(5.1) The Labor Market In Thailand, there is a shortage of high level skilled manpower. 在泰國,有高度的技術人力短缺。,19,5. Recruitment in Thailand,(5.2) Recruitment Throu

16、gh newspaper ads Through notices at factory gates Through friends and relatives Inform schools and universities Large local companies and MNCs,20,5. Recruitment in Thailand,(5.3) Recruiting Thai Workers for Overseas Jobs Thailands Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare Through radio ads The recruitmen

17、t agents Thai farmers have mortgaged their land and other assets,21,泰國勞工市場-缺乏高技能人才, 亞太地區高級IT人才嚴重短缺 -到2009年,亞太地區的高級網路技術人才短缺率將高達26% -經濟發展中國家:印、馬、菲、泰、越 泰國技術工人將嚴重不足 -策略性產業所需的技術工人將面臨嚴重短缺 -泰國現下教育與實際就業市場脫節,22,泰籍勞工在台人數,23,台閩地區外籍勞工人數,24,6. Recruitment in Singapore,Helping Retrenched Employees & Attracting Ov

18、erseas Talents During the recession, some companies had to retrench workers to cut business costs. With the cooperation of trade unions and the government department, these employers helped their retrenchedworkers to find another jobs. In 1987, Singapores Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew noted the impor

19、tance of attracting talented people to Singapore had to compete with developed countries. 在經濟蕭條期間,一些新加坡公司必須辭退員工以削減企業成本。透過工會和政府部門的協助, 這些雇主幫助員工找到另一份工作。 1987年,當時的新加坡總理李光耀注意到吸引有才能者到新加坡的重要性,且必須和已發展國家競爭。,25,6. Recruitment in Singapore,Helping Retrenched Employees & Attracting Overseas Talents One of the s

20、olutions was to improve the quality of life in Singapore. Since then, the Singapore government has been encouraging employers to recruit skilled manpower from other countries to become permanent residents. 提出解決方案之一是改進新加坡的生活品質,如提高生活水準,提供更好的休閒和教育設施以及更多的文化活動。 從那以後,新加坡政府鼓勵雇主從國外吸收有技能的人力到新加坡變成永久居民。,26,新加坡

21、的成功之道: “人才立國”“精英治國”,李光耀強調:發展人才,尊重人才,一靠人才,是我們的第一要務。 重視基礎教育和繼續教育,培養高素質的勞動力。 重視”菁英教育”,培養高層次菁英人才。 重視將科技成果轉化成生產力,培養本地科技企業家。 提倡”學而優則仕”,公務員必須是優秀人員。,27,新加坡的成功之道: “人才立國”“精英治國”,積極引進外國人才,提高國家的國際競爭力 用優惠政策&較高待遇:企業招募人才的支出可減稅;加強培訓 詳盡的移民計畫:六種永久居民核准計畫(適合專業人士、大學生其他擁有專門技能人士) 制訂附有吸引力的留學政策:提供優渥獎學金;簽訂工作合同,28,7. Recruitme

22、nt in South Korea,29,8. Recruitment in Vietnam,Basic Introduction(基本介紹) 社會主義國家 人力資源及天然資源豐富 新鑽11國之一 母性社會 綿密的社會網絡,30,8. Recruitment in Vietnam,Creed(核心信念): The selection process placed much emphasis on long-term commitment to establish a trusting relationship. Intermediary(中間人) To serve as guarantor(作

23、保),31,Recruitment In Asia Country,Testing and selection practices vary from country to country. 因國家的不同,選材及訓練方式也十分不同。 Western companies have to modify their practices to suit local conditions. 外商公司也必須適應不同地方當地情況。,32, Affect Factors 1. Culture(文化) 2. The Stage of Economic(經濟狀況) 3. Population(人口) 4. The structure of the industry (產業結構) 5. Education(教育),Recruitment In Asia Country,33,Recruitment In Asia Country,:較常使用;:較不常使用;:特殊情況,34,謝謝聆聽,


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